- 1 - Notification No. 21/2017-Customs (N.T./CAA/DRI) DATE 29/12/2017
Tariff Notification in respect of Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority by DGRI
- Notification No. 20/2017-Customs (N.T./CAA/DRI) DATE 29/12/2017
Tariff Notification in respect of Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority by DGRI
- 3 - CUS NTF NO. 120/2017 (NT) DATE 29/12/2017
Tariff Notification in respect of Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Poppy Seeds, Areca Nut, Gold and Sliver- Reg
- 4 - CUS NTF NO. 119/2017 (NT) DATE 28/12/2017
Amendments in the notification regarding jurisdiction of customs officers
- 5 - CUS NTF NO. 118/2017 (NT) DATE 21/12/2017
Exchange Rates with effect from 22/12/2017
- 6 - CUS NTF NO. 117/2017 (NT) DATE 19/12/2017
South African Rand currency rate amended with effect from 20th December, 2017
- 7 - CUS NTF NO. 116/2017 (NT) DATE 15/12/2017
Tariff Notification in respect of Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Poppy Seeds, Areca Nut, Gold and Sliver- Reg
- 8 - CUS NTF NO. 115/2017 (NT) DATE 14/12/2017
Common Adjudicating Authority
- 9 - CUS NTF NO. 114/2017 (NT) DATE 14/12/2017
Customs (Furnishing of Information) Rules, 2017
- 10 - CUS NTF NO. 113/2017 (NT) DATE 07/12/2017
Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency with effect from 8th December, 2017
- 11 - CUS NTF NO. 112/2017 (NT) DATE 30/11/2017
Tariff Notification in respect of Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Poppy Seeds, Areca Nut, Gold and Sliver
- 12 - CUS NTF NO. 111/2017 (NT) DATE 28/11/2017
Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority
- 19/2017-Cus (NT/CAA/DRI),dt. 24-11-2017
Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority by DGRI
- 14 - Notification No. 18/2017-Customs (N.T./CAA/DRI) DATE 24/11/2017
Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority by DGRI
- 15 - Notification No. 17/2017-Customs (N.T./CAA/DRI) DATE 24/11/2017
Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority by DGRI
- 16 - Notification No. 16/2017-Customs (N.T./CAA/DRI) DATE 24/11/2017
Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority by DGRI
- 17 - Notification No. 15/2017-Customs (N.T./CAA/DRI) DATE 24/11/2017
Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority by DGRI
- 18 - CUS NTF NO. 110/2017 (NT) DATE 16/11/2017
Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency with effect from 17th November, 2017
- 19 - CUS NTF NO. 109/2017 (NT) DATE 15/11/2017
Tariff Notification in respect of Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Poppy Seeds, Areca Nut, Gold and Sliver
- 20 - CUS NTF NO. 108/2017 (NT) DATE 14/11/2017
Qatari Riyal currency rate amended with effect from 15th November, 2017
- 21 - CUS NTF NO. 107/2017 (NT) DATE 09/11/2017
Qatari Riyal currency rate amended with effect from 10th November, 2017
- 22 - CUS NTF NO. 106/2017 (NT) DATE 08/11/2017
Qatari Riyal currency rate amended with effect from 9th November, 2017
- 23 - CUS NTF NO. 105/2017 (NT) DATE 07/11/2017
Qatari Riyal currency rate amended with effect from 8th November, 2017
- 24 - CUS NTF NO. 104/2017 (NT) DATE 06/11/2017
Qatari Riyal currency rate amended with effect from 7th November, 2017
- 25 - CUS NTF NO. 103/2017 (NT) DATE 02/11/2017
Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency with effect from 3rd November, 2017
- 26 - CUS NTF NO. 102/2017 (NT) DATE 01/11/2017
Qatari Riyal currency rate amended with effect from 2nd November, 2017
- 27 - CUS NTF NO. 101/2017 (NT) DATE 31/10/2017
Tariff Notification in respect of Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Poppy Seeds, Areca Nut, Gold and Sliver
- 28 - CUS NTF NO. 100/2017 (NT) DATE 27/10/2017
Kapashera in Delhi as Air Freight Station
- 29 - CUS NTF NO. 99/2017 (NT) DATE 27/10/2017
Amendments in the notification regarding jurisdiction of customs officers
- 30 - CUS NTF NO. 98/2017 (NT) DATE 27/10/2017
Exchange Rates with effect from 28th October, 2017
- 31 - CUS NTF NO. 97/2017 (NT) DATE 24/10/2017
Qatari Riyal currency rate amended with effect from 25th October, 2017
- 32 - Notification No. 14/2017-Customs (N.T./CAA/DRI) DATE 24/10/2017
Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority by DGRI
- 33 - Notification No. 13/2017-Customs (N.T./CAA/DRI) DATE 24/10/2017
Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority by DGRI
- 12/2017-Cus (NT/CAA/DRI),dt. 24-10-2017
Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority by DGRI
- 35 - CUS NTF NO. 96/2017 (NT) DATE 18/10/2017
Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency with effect from 19th October, 2017
- 36 - CUS NTF NO. 95/2017 (NT) DATE 13/10/2017
Tariff Notification in respect of Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Poppy Seeds, Areca Nut, Gold and Sliver
- 11/2017-Cus (NT/CAA/DRI),dt. 13-10-2017
Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority by DGRI
- 38 - CUS NTF NO. 94/2017 (NT) DATE 05/10/2017
Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency with effect from 6th October, 2017
- 39 - CUS NTF NO. 93/2017 (NT) DATE 29/09/2017
Tariff Notification in respect of Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Poppy Seeds, Areca Nut, Gold and Sliver
- 40 - CUS NTF NO. 92/2017 (NT) DATE 28/09/2017
Defining jurisdiction of customs officers for the purpose of appeals.
- 10/2017-Cus (NT/CAA/DRI),dt. 29-09-2017
Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority by DGRI.
- 42 - CUS NTF NO. 91/2017 (NT) DATE 26/09/2017
Amendments in the Customs Valuation (Determination of Value of Imported Goods) Rules 2007
- 43 - CUS NTF NO. 90/2017 (NT) DATE 21/09/2017
Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency with effect from 22nd September, 2017
- 44 - CUS NTF NO. 89/2017 (NT) DATE 21/09/2017
All Industry Rates of Duty Drawback Schedule
- 45 - CUS NTF NO. 88/2017 (NT) DATE 21/09/2017
The Customs and Central Excise Duties Drawback Rules, 2017
- 46 - CUS NTF NO. 87/2017 (NT) DATE 15/09/2017
Tariff Notification in respect of Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Poppy Seeds, Areca Nut, Gold and Sliver
- 47 - CUS NTF NO. 86/2017 (NT) DATE 14/09/2017
Amendment to notification no 82/2017-Cus (N.T.) dt 24.08.2017 and notification no 85/2017-Cus (N.T.) dt 07.09.2017
- 48 - CUS NTF NO. 85/2017 (NT) DATE 07/09/2017
Defining jurisdiction of customs officers for the purpose of audit
- 49 - CUS NTF NO. 84/2017 (NT) DATE 07/09/2017
Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency with effect from 8th September, 2017
- 50 - CUS NTF NO. 83/2017 (NT) DATE 31/08/2017
Tariff Notification in respect of Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Poppy Seeds, Areca Nut, Gold and Sliver
- 51 - CUS NTF NO. 82/2017 (NT) DATE 24/08/2017
Appointment of Commissioners, Additional or Joint Commissioners and Deputy or Assistant Commissioners of Customs
- 52 - CUS NTF NO. 81/2017 (NT) DATE 17/08/2017
Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency with effect from 18th August, 2017
- 53 - CUS NTF NO. 79/2017 (NT) DATE 17/08/2017
Relating to AIRs of Duty Drawback on Gold Jewellery, Silver Jewellery and Silver Articles
- 54 - CUS NTF NO. 78/2017 (NT) DATE 14/08/2017
Tariff Notification in respect of Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Poppy Seeds, Areca Nut, Gold and Sliver
- 09/2017-Cus (CAA/DRI),dt. 11-08-2017
Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority by DGRI
- 08/2017-Cus (CAA/DRI),dt. 11-08-2017
Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority by DGRI
- 57 - CUS NTF NO. 77/2017 (NT) DATE 04/08/2017
Seeks to notify the India - Korea Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (Bilateral Safeguard Measures) Rules, 2017
- 58 - CUS NTF NO. 76/2017 (NT) DATE 04/08/2017
Appointment Shri Sandeep Mohan Bhatnagar as the Director General (Safeguard) for the purposes of the Customs Tariff (Identification and Assessment of Safeguard Duty) Rules, 1997
- 59 - CUS NTF NO. 75/2017 (NT) DATE 03/08/2017
Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency with effect from 4th August, 2017
- 07/2017-Cus (CAA/DRI),dt. 31-07-2017
Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority by DGR
- 06/2017-Cus (CAA/DRI),dt. 31-07-2017
Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority by DGR
- 62 - CUS NTF NO. 74/2017 (NT) DATE 31/07/2017
Tariff Notification in respect of Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Poppy Seeds, Areca Nut, Gold and Sliver
- 63 - CUS NTF NO. 73/2017 (NT) DATE 26/07/2017
Regarding amendment in Notification relating to AIRs of duty drawback
- 64 - CUS NTF NO. 72/2017 (NT) DATE 20/07/2017
Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency with effect from 21st July, 2017
- 65 - CUS NTF NO. 71/2017 (NT) DATE 14/07/2017
Tariff Notification in respect of Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Poppy Seeds, Areca Nut, Gold and Sliver
- 66 - CUS NTF NO. 70/2017 (NT) DATE 06/07/2017
Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency with effect from 7th July, 2017
- 67 - CUS NTF NO. 69/2017 (NT) DATE 01/07/2017
Notification for further amendment in CBEC Tariff Value Notification No. 62/2017-Customs (N.T.) dated 30.06.2017
- 68 - CUS NTF NO. 68/2017 (NT) DATE 30/06/2017
Customs(Import of Goods at concessional Rate of Duty) Rules, 2017
- 69 - CUS NTF NO. 67/2017 (NT) DATE 30/06/2017
Courier Imports and Exports(Electronic Declaration and Processing)(Amendment) Regulations, 2017
- 70 - CUS NTF NO. 66/2017 (NT) DATE 30/06/2017
Related to the Courier Imports and Exports(Clearance)(Amendment) Regulations
- 71 - CUS NTF NO. 65/2017 (NT) DATE 30/06/2017
Bill of entry(Forms)(Amendment) Regulations, 2017
- 72 - CUS NTF NO. 64/2017 (NT) DATE 30/06/2017
Further amendment to Principal Notification No. 12/97-Cus (N.T.)
- 73 - CUS NTF NO. 63/2017 (NT) DATE 30/06/2017
Amendment to notification No.93/2016-Customs(NT) dated 1st July, 2016
- 74 - CUS NTF NO. 62/2017 (NT) DATE 30/06/2017
Tariff Notification in respect of Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Poppy Seeds, Areca Nut, Gold and Sliver- Reg
- 75 - CUS NTF NO. 61/2017 (NT) DATE 29/06/2017
Shipping Bill (Electronic Declaration)(Amendment) Regulations, 2017.
- 76 - CUS NTF NO. 60/2017 (NT) DATE 29/06/2017
Shipping Bill & Bill of Export(Forms) Regulations,2017
- 77 - CUS NTF NO. 59/2017 (NT) DATE 29/06/2017
Regarding amendment in Notification no. 131/2016-Customs (N.T.) dated 31.10.2016 relating to AIRs of duty drawback
- 78 - CUS NTF NO. 58/2017 (NT) DATE 29/06/2017
Amendment in the Customs, Central Excise Duties and Service Tax Drawback Rules, 1995
- 79 - CUS NTF NO. 57/2017 (NT) DATE 29/06/2017
Regarding amendment in Re-export of Imported Goods (Drawback of Customs Duties) Rules, 1995
- 80 - CUS NTF NO. 56/2017 (NT) DATE 23/06/2017
Seeks to amend Notification No. 61/94(NT) - Customs, dated the 21st November, 1994 to declare Kannur International Airport as Customs Airport under sub-section (2) of section 7 of the Customs Act, 1962
- 81 - CUS NTF NO. 55/2017 (NT) DATE 21/06/2017
Seeks to notify the India - Malaysia Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (Bilateral Safeguard Measures) Rules, 2017
- 82 - CUS NTF NO. 54/2017 (NT) DATE 15/06/2017
Tariff Notification in respect of Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Poppy Seeds, Areca Nut, Gold and Sliver
- 83 - CUS NTF NO. 53/2017 (NT) DATE 15/06/2017
Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency with effect from 16th June, 2017
- 84 - CUS NTF NO. 52/2017 (NT) DATE 01/06/2017
Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency with effect from 2nd June, 2017
- 85 - CUS NTF NO. 51/2017 (NT) DATE 31/05/2017
Tariff Notification in respect of Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Poppy Seeds, Areca Nut, Gold and Sliver
- 86 - CUS NTF NO. 50/2017 (NT) DATE 24/05/2017
Notify Valmikinagar in West Champaran District, Bihar as a Land Customs Station.
- 87 - CUS NTF NO. 49/2017 (NT) DATE 18/05/2017
Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency with effect from 19th May, 2017
- 88 - CUS NTF NO. 48/2017 (NT) DATE 16/05/2017
Seeks to amend the Customs notification No. 84/2007-Customs (N.T.) dated 17th August, 2007 to give effect to the amendments to Rules of Origin of India-Chile PTA
- 89 - CUS NTF NO. 47/2017 (NT) DATE 15/05/2017
Tariff Notification in respect of Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Poppy Seeds, Areca Nut, Gold and Sliver
- 90 - CUS NTF NO. 46/2017 (NT) DATE 11/05/2017
Appointment of common adjudication Authority in case of M/s Beanstalk Brand Consultancy, New Delhi
- 91 - CUS NTF NO. 45/2017 (NT) DATE 11/05/2017
Amends notification regarding courier Imports and Exports (Clearance) Amendment Regulations, 2016
- 92 - CUS NTF NO. 44/2017 (NT) DATE 11/05/2017
Amendment to notification so as to allow unloading of imported goods and loading of export goods or any class of such goods at Dharma Port, Odisha
- 93 - CUS NTF NO. 43/2017 (NT) DATE 04/05/2017
Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency with effect from 05th May, 2017
- 94 - CUS NTF NO. 42/2017 (NT) DATE 28/04/2017
Tariff Notification in respect of Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Poppy Seeds, Areca Nut, Gold and Sliver
- 95 - CUS NTF NO. 41/2017 (NT) DATE 26/04/2017
Regarding amendment in Notification relating to AIR of duty drawback with respect to Guar and its products
- 96 - CUS NTF NO. 40/2017 (NT) DATE 20/04/2017
Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency with effect from 21st April, 2017
- 97 - CUS NTF NO. 39/2017 (NT) DATE 13/04/2017
Tariff Notification in respect of Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Poppy Seeds, Areca Nut, Gold and Sliver
- 98 - CUS NTF NO. 38/2017 (NT) DATE 13/04/2017
Regarding appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority
- 99 - CUS NTF NO. 37/2017 (NT) DATE 12/04/2017
Customs (Settlement of Cases) Amendment Rules, 2017
- 100 - CUS NTF NO. 36/2017 (NT) DATE 11/04/2017
Amendments in the Levy of Fees (Customs Documents) Regulations, 1970
- 101 - CUS NTF NO. 35/2017 (NT) DATE 11/04/2017
Regarding amendment to Notification No. 40/2012-Customs (N.T.), dated the 2nd May, 2012
- 102 - CUS NTF NO. 34/2017 (NT) DATE 10/04/2017
Common Adjudicating Authority
- 103 - CUS NTF NO. 33/2017 (NT) DATE 06/04/2017
Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency with effect from 7th April, 2017
- 104 - CUS NTF NO. 32/2017 (NT) DATE 05/04/2017
Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency South African Rand with effect from 06th April, 2017
- 105 - CUS NTF NO. 31/2017 (NT) DATE 31/03/2017
Seeks to notify Foreign Post Offices
- 106 - CUS NTF NO. 30/2017 (NT) DATE 31/03/2017
Seeks to further amend notification No. 63/94-Customs (N.T), dated the 21st November, 1994
- 107 - CUS NTF NO. 29/2017 (NT) DATE 03/03/2017
Customs (Advance Rulings) Amendment, Rules 2017
- 108 - CUS NTF NO. 28/2017 (NT) DATE 31/03/2017
Regarding the Deferred Payment of Import Duty (Amendment) Rules, 2017
- 109 - CUS NTF NO. 27/2017 (NT) DATE 31/03/2017
Regarding the Bill of Entry (Forms) Amendment Regulations, 2017
- 110 - CUS NTF NO. 26/2017 (NT) DATE 31/03/2017
Regarding the Bill of Entry (Electronic Integrated Declaration) Amendment Regulations, 2017
- 111 - CUS NTF NO. 25/2017 (NT) DATE 31/03/2017
Regarding amendment to Notification No. 40/2012-Customs (N.T.), dated the 2nd May, 2012
- 112 - CUS NTF NO. 24/2017 (NT) DATE 31/03/2017
Regarding the Handling of Cargo in Customs Areas (Amendment) Regulations, 2017
- 113 - CUS NTF NO. 23/2017 (NT) DATE 31/03/2017
Tariff Notification in respect of Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Poppy Seeds, Areca Nut, Gold and Sliver
- 114 - CUS NTF NO. 22/2017 (NT) DATE 16/03/2017
Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency with effect from 17th March, 2017
- 115 - CUS NTF NO. 21/2017 (NT) DATE 15/03/2017
Tariff Notification in respect of Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Poppy Seeds, Areca Nut, Gold and Sliver
- 116 - CUS NTF NO. 20/2017 (NT) DATE 03/03/2017
Purpose of adjudication of show cause notice
- 117 - CUS NTF NO. 19/2017 (NT) DATE 03/03/2017
All Additional Directors/Joint Directors
- 118 - CUS NTF NO. 18/2017 (NT) DATE 03/03/2017
All Assistant Directors of the Central Economic Intelligence Bureau
- 119 - CUS NTF NO. 17/2017 (NT) DATE 03/03/2017
Purpose of adjudication of show cause notice
- 120 - CUS NTF NO. 16/2017 (NT) DATE 03/03/2017
Amendments in the Courier Imports and Exports (Clearance) Regulations, 1998
- 121 - CUS NTF NO. 15/2017 (NT) DATE 02/03/2017
Revdanda Port in State of Maharashtra for the purpose of unloading of imported goods and loading of export goods or any class of such goods
- 122 - CUS NTF NO. 14/2017 (NT) DATE 02/03/2017
Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency with effect from 3rd March, 2017
- 123 - CUS NTF NO. 13/2017 (NT) DATE 28/02/2017
Tariff Notification in respect of Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Poppy Seeds, Areca Nut, Gold and Sliver
- 124 - CUS NTF NO. 12/2017 (NT) DATE 16/02/2017
Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency with effect from 17th February, 2017
- 125 - CUS NTF NO. 11/2017 (NT) DATE 15/02/2017
Tariff Notification in respect of Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Poppy Seeds, Areca Nut, Gold and Sliver
- 126 - CUS NTF NO. 10/2017 (NT) DATE 08/02/2017
Additional charge of Chief Commissioner
- 127 - CUS NTF NO. 09/2017 (NT) DATE 02/02/2017
Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency with effect from 03rd February, 2017
- 05/2017-Cus (CAA/DRI),dt. 31-01-2017
Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority
- 129 - CUS NTF NO. 08/2017 (NT) DATE 31/01/2017
Tariff Notification in respect of Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Poppy Seeds, Areca Nut, Gold and Sliver
- 04/2017-Cus (CAA/DRI),dt. 30-01-2017
Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority by DGRI
- 131 - CUS NTF NO. 07/2017 (NT) DATE 24/01/2017
Seeks to notify the India-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (Bilateral Safeguard Measures) Rules, 2017
- 132 - CUS NTF NO. 06/2017 (NT) DATE 23/01/2017
Regarding grant of Presidential Award of Appreciation Certificate to the officers of the Customs & Central Excise on the eve of Republic Day, 2017
- 133 - CUS NTF NO. 05/2017 (NT) DATE 19/01/2017
Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency with effect from 20th January, 2017
- 03/2017-Cus (CAA/DRI),dt. 13-01-2017
Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority by DGRI
- 02/2017-Cus (CAA/DRI),dt. 13-01-2017
Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority by DGRI
- 01/2017-Cus (CAA/DRI),dt. 13-01-2017
Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority by DGRI
- 137 - CUS NTF NO. 04/2017 (NT) DATE 13/01/2017
Tariff Notification in respect of Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Poppy Seeds, Areca Nut, Gold and Sliver
- 138 - CUS NTF NO. 03/2017 (NT) DATE 12/01/2017
Amendments in the duty drawback
- 139 - CUS NTF NO. 02/2017 (NT) DATE 06/01/2017
Amendments in the notification regarding Land Customs Station
- 140 - CUS NTF NO. 01/2017 (NT) DATE 05/01/2017
Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency with effect from 06th January, 2017