- 1 - CUS NTF NO. 142/1999 DATE 30/12/1999
Rescinding Ntf. No. 83/99-Cus. dated 30.6.1999 consequent to the imposition of final anti-dumping duty on PTFE originating in or exported from Russia vide Ntf. No. 141/99-Cus. dated 30.12.1999.
- 2 - Cus Ntf No. 141/1999 Dated 30-12-1999
Anti-dumping Duty on Polytetrafluoroethylene exported from Russia
- 3 - Cus Ntf No. 140/1999-Cus Dated 30-12-99
Vegetable Oil of edible grade - No Special Duty of Customs
- 4 - Cus Ntf No. 139/1999-Cus Dated 30-12-99
Refined Vegetable Oils of Edible Garde - 25% Basic Custom duty
- 5 - Cus Ntf No. 138/1999-Cus Dated 30-12-99
Exempts Gold & Silver Produced out of copper anode slime
- 6 - Cus Ntf No. 137/1999 Dated 29-12-1999
Anti-dumping Duty on seamless tubes exported form Austria, Czech Republic, Russia, Romania & Ukraine
- 7 - Cus Ntf No. 136/1999 Dated 29-12-1999
Anti-dumping Duty on Optical Fibre exported form Korea RP
- 8 - Ntf. No.135/1999-Cus Dated 27-12-99
Re-import of Exported Goods allowed under DEPB Scheme
- 9 - Ntf No.133/1999-Cus Dated 27-12-99
Films imported for Film Festival - Cus. Duty off
- 10 - Cus Ntf No. 132/1999 Dated 24-12-1999
Anti-dumping duty On Bisphenol-A Exported from USA
- 11 - Cus Ntf No. 131/1999 Dated 07-12-1999
Supply of goods to Rihand-Sasaram-Biharsharif HDVC
- 12 - CUS NTF NO. 130/1999 DATE 01/12/1999
Exempt all goods falling under heading No. 10.01 of the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act from the " 10% surcharge" of customs that was introduced in the last Budget.
- 13 - Ntf No. 129/1999-Cus Dated 01-12-1999
Wheat and Meslin Import - No Special Addl. Duty of Customs
- 14 - Ntf No. 128/1999-Cus Dated 01-12-1999
Spelt and Meslin Import - Nil Basic Duty of Custom
- 15 - Ntf No. 127/1999 Dated 01-12-1999
50 % Basic Duty of Custom levied in Wheat
- 16 - Cus Ntf No. 123/1999 Dated 8-11-1999
Import allowed Duty Free to Mfr. of Garments for Export
- 17 - CUS NTF NO. 122/1999 DATE 04/11/1999
Capital goods, components and spares thereof imported under EPCG Scheme
- 18 - CUS NTF NO. 121/1999 DATE 04/11/1999
Import against Advance/Value Based Advance Licence - Amendment to Notification Nos. 79/95-Cus, 80/95-Cus., 148/95-Cus., 149/95-Cus., 30/97-Cus., 31/97-Cus., 48/99-Cus., 34/97-Cus. and 77/98-Cus.
- 19 - CUS NTF NO. 119/1999 DATE 02/11/1999
Provide self certification by the international agencies like UNIP, UNICEF, ILO, WHO, FAO and UNFPA.
- 20 - CUS NTF NO. 118/1999 DATE 29/10/1999
Extend the validity of the exemption available to the import of machinery, and tools including their accessories required for the setting up of ammunition filling facilities in the Ordnance Factory, Badmal Distt. Bolangir, Orissa up to 31.7.2000.
- 21 - Cus Ntf No. 117/1999 Dated 28-10-1999
Anti-dumping Duty on Low Carbon Ferro Chrome (LCFC) exports from China PR, South Africa & Macedonia
- 22 - CUS NTF NO. 114/1999 DATE 08/10/1999
Deemed export benefit to MSEB - reg.
- 23 - CUS NTF NO. 113/1999 DATE 30/09/1999
Deemed export benefit to three OECF assisted projects - reg.
- 24 - Cus Ntf No. 112/1999 Dated 28-9-1999
Amendment for Codeine Phosphate or Narcotine
- 25 - CUS NTF NO. 111/1999 DATE 21/09/1999
Seeking to amend the list of specified goods mentioned in SL No. 16 of notification 39/96-Customs so as to include "high performance polyethylene plates".
- 26 - Cus Ntf No. 110/1999 Dated 17-9-1999
Anti-dumping duty on Iso -Butyl Benzene,exported from China PR
- 27 - Cus Ntf No. 109/1999 Dated 8-9-1999
Anti-dumping On Bisphenol-A Exported from Japan
- 28 - CUS NTF NO. 108/1999 DATE 24/08/1999
Rescind notification no. 39/99-Customs dated 26.4.99 by which provisional anti-dumping duty on Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR) was imposed as per the preliminary findings of the D.A.
- 29 - Cus Ntf No. 107/1999 Dated 24-8-1999
Anti-dumping Duty on Styrene Butadiene Rubber exported from Japan, Taiwan, Turkey, France, USA, Germany & Korea RP
- 30 - CUS NTF NO. 106/1999 DATE 10/08/1999
To provide that in the determination of the standard rate under the Global System of Trade Preferences, the preferential rate under SAPTA shall not be taken into account.
- 31 - Cus Ntf No. 105/1999 Dated 10-8-1999
Exemption in goods from SAARC Countries
- 32 - CUS NTF NO. 104/1999 DATE 06/08/1999
To rescind notification No. 54/99-Customs dated 4.5.99 by which provisional anti-dumping duty on the Hard Ferrite Ring Magnets was imposed as per the preliminary findings of the D.A.
- 33 - Cus Ntf No. 103/1999 Dated 6-8-1999
Anti-dumping duty on Hard Ferrite Ring Magnets exports form PR Of China
- 34 - Cus Ntf No. 102/1999 Dated 4-8-1999
Amendment under Petroleum exploration licences
- 35 - Cus Ntf No. 101/1999 Dated 29-7-1999
Supply of goods to Sasaram HDC East-North Interconnector Project
- 36 - Cus Ntf No. 100/1999 Dated 28-7-1999
To chang the benchmark of thermal power project of 1500 MW to 1000 MW and thus extends duty free concession to equipment for 7 more thermal power project.
- 37 - CUS NTF NO. 99/1999 DATE 23/07/1999
Rescinding notification no. 19/99-Customs which provided for provisional assessment of PTA imported from certain exporters pending the outcome of the investigation of the D.A. in term of rule 22 of Anti-dumping Rules.
- 38 - Ntf No. 98/1999 Cus Dated 23-07-1999
Identification and assessment of safeguard duty
- 39 - Ntf No. 97/1999-Cus Dated 21-7-99
Exempts standard gold bars.
- 40 - CUS NTF NO. 96/1999 DATE 19/07/1999
Rescind notification no. 38/99-customs dated 12.4.99 by which provisional anti-dumping duty on Ethylene-propylene-non-conjugated-diene rubber (EPDM) was imposed on the preliminary findings of D.A.
- 41 - CUS NTF NO. 95/1999 DATE 16/07/1999
Rescind notification no. 64/99-Customd dated 14.5.99 under which the provision duty was imposed or acrylic fibres.
- 42 - Ntf No. 94/1999-Cus Dated 16-7-1999
Anti-dumping on Acrylic fibre, Exports - Mexico
- 43 - CUS NTF NO. 93/1999 DATE 16/07/1999
Exempt mould vat made watermarked bank note paper imported by the six designated presses of G.O.I from the whole of the Basic Customs duty and Additional Duty of customs.
- 44 - CUS NTF NO. 92/1999 DATE 15/07/1999
Amend the notification No.29/97 dated 1.4.97 under zero duty EPCG Scheme.
- 45 - Ntf No. 91/1999-Cus Dated 13-7-1999
Anti-dumping on EPDM rubber. exports - Japan
- 46 - CUS NTF NO. 90/1999 DATE 06/07/1999
Amend the notification No.48/99-Cus dated 29.4.99 regarding Annual Advance Licensing Scheme.
- 47 - CUS NTF NO. 89/1999 DATE 06/07/1999
Amending notification No. 32/97-Cus dated 1.4.97 classification of export & Import items.
- 48 - CUS NTF NO. 88/1999 DATE 06/07/1999
Rescinding the seven notification Nos. 159/90-Cus, 160/90-Cus, 134/91-Cus, 18/92-Cus, 161/92-Cus, 260/92 and 103/93-Cus.
- 49 - CUS NTF NO. 87/1999 ATE 06/07/1999
Gold including ornaments imported by passengers - Amendment to Notification No. 171/93-Cus.
- 50 - CUS NTF NO. 86/1999 DATE 06/07/1999
Samples, price lists, commercial samples or prototypes imported as baggage — Amendment to Notification No. 154/94-Cus.
- 51 - Ntf No. 85/1999-Cus Dated 6-7-1999
Imports for Projects financed by UN - Duty Exexption conditions changed
- 52 - CUS NTF NO. 84/1999 DATE 02/07/1999
Imports of Goods Supplied to Talcher Project - Duty exemption
- 53 - Ntf No. 82/1999-Cus Dated 30-6-99
Safeguard Duty on Phenol Imposed
- 54 - Ntf No. 81/1999-Cus Dated 25-6-99
DEPB - Validity till last day of the month
- 55 - Ntf No. 80/1999-Cus Dated 25-6-99
EPCG (10%) Scheme ( Marine Industry covered for Duty Concession)
- 56 - Ntf No. 79/1999-Cus Dated 25-6-99
Bisphenol - A - Anti-dumping duty Notif. withdrawn
- 57 - Ntf No. 78/1999-Cus Dated 25-6-99
Anti-dumping on Bisophenol-A Imports - Brazil, Russia
- 58 - Ntf No. 77/1999-Cus Dated 25-6-99
Safe guard duty Notifications amended coverning - Acetylene Black, Flexible Slab stock Polyol, Propylene Glycol
- 59 - Ntf No. 76/1999 Dated 17-6-99
Anti-dumping duty on Bisphenol-A, exportes - Japan
- 60 - Ntf No. 75/1999, cus-Dated 11-6-1999
No Anti-Dumping duty on imports aganist Annual Advance Licence
- 61 - CUS NTF NO. 74/1999 DATE 11/06/1999
Machinery for woollen Textile Industries - Cus. Duty concession
- 62 - Ntf No. 73/1999-Cus Dated 8-6-99
Power grid corp.india-Setting HVDC Link
- 63 - Ntf No. 72/1999-Cus Dated 8-6-99
Edible Oils - Duty Exemption extended upto 31-3-200
- 64 - Ntf No. 71/1999-Cus Dated 2-6-99
Handicrafts Inputs - Duty Free Import
- 65 - Ntf No. 70/1999-Cus Dated 1-6-99
Mega Power Projects, Imports for - No Basic & Addl. Duty of Customs on Imports under Special Imprest Licence
- 66 - Ntf No. 69/1999-Cus Dated 26-5-99
Acrylonitrile - Butadiene Rubber (NBR) from Japan (Provisional Anti-Dumping Duty Notification withdrawn on levy of final duty)
- 67 - Ntf No. 68/1999-Cus Dated 26-5-99
Anti-dumping On Acylonitrile-butadiene rubber, exported from Japan
- 68 - Ntf No. 67/1999-Cus Dated 26-5-99
Mannitol Busulphan Preparations -- No Basic Duty of Customs
- 69 - Ntf No. 66/1999-Cus Dated 20-5-99
Anti-Dumping On Industrial Sewing Machine Needles, Exports - Japan, Korea RP and PR Of China.
- 70 - Ntf No. 65/1999-Cus Dated 19-5-99
EOUs/EPZs etc. Unit ( Duty Exemption Conditions Changed )
- 71 - Ntf No. 63/1999-Cus Dated 13-5-1999
Mega Power Projects -- Import of goods for such projects allowed duty free
- 72 - Ntf No. 62/1999-Cus Dated 13-5-1999
Safeguard Duty - Mexico included in list of developing countries
- 73 - Ntf No. 61/1999-Cus Dated 11-5-99
Customs Authorities - Deputy Commissioners, Assistant commissioners
- 74 - Ntf No. 60/1999 Cus dated 11-5-99 Cus
Customs Duty Exemption
- 75 - Ntf No. 59/1999-Cus Dated 11-5-1999
Additional Duty Of Custom to high speed diesel oil
- 76 - CUS NTF NO. 57/1999 DATE 11/05/1999
Rescinds the notifications No.21/99-Customs, No.23/99-Customs, No.24/99-Customs, dated the 28th February, 1999.
- 77 - CUS NTF NO. 56/1999 DATE 11/05/1999
Import under EPCG Scheme — Amendment to Notification Nos. 110/95-Cus., 111/95-Cus., 28/97-Cus. and 29/97-Cus.
- 78 - CUS NTF NO. 55/1999 DATE 07/05/1999
Terrestrial transmission equipment, Satellite communication equipment, Digital cross-connect system and Automatic data processing machine - Amendment to Notification No. 153/93-Cus.
- 79 - CUS NTF NO. 53/1999 DATE 04/05/1999
Acrylic fibre originating in or exported from Japan, Spain, Portugal and Italy - Amendment to Notification No. 8/99-Cus.
- 80 - Ntf No. 52/1999-Cus Dated 3-5-99
DEPB - Ports of Imports-Exports
- 81 - Ntf No. 51/1999-Cus Dated 29-4-99
Advance Licence - Exemption from CVD - Ports of Imports & Exports & DEEC (AU) - Ports of imports & exports
- 82 - Ntf No. 50/1999-Cus Dated 29-4-99
Imports for Jobbing - Prohibited Items Not Importable
- 83 - CUS NTF NO. 49/1999 DATE 29/04/1999
Import against Value Based Advance Licence - Amendment to Notification Nos. 79/95-Cus., 80/95-Cus. and 31/97-Cus.
- 84 - Ntf No. 48/1999-Cus Dated 29-4-99
Import against an Advance Licence with actual user condition
- 85 - Ntf No. 47/1999-Cus Dated 29-4-99
TMBA - Provisional anti-dumping duty withdrawn on the levy of final duty
- 86 - Ntf No. 46/1999-Cus Dated 29-4-99
TMBA - Anti-Dumping Duty levied
- 87 - Ntf No. 45/1999-Cus Dated 29-4-99
Citric Acid - Provisional anti-dumping duty withdrawn on the levy of final duty
- 88 - Ntf No. 44/1999-Cus Dated 29-4-99
Anti-Dumping On Citric acid Exports from PR Of China
- 89 - Ntf No. 43/1999-Cus Dated 28-4-99
Petroleum operation goods import against licences on or after 1/4/99 alone eliible for duty free import
- 90 - Ntf No. 42/1999-Cus Dated 28-4-99
Cut & Polished diamonds & gemstone imported by holders of diamond Imprest Licences
- 91 - Ntf No. 41/1999-Cus Dated 28-4-99
Gems and Jewellery - Replenishment Licenses
- 92 - CUS NTF NO. 40/1999 DATE 28/04/1999
Gem and Jewellery - Export by 100% EOUs - Amendment to Notification Nos. 3/88-Cus., 277/90-Cus. and 177/94-Cus.
- 93 - Ntf No. 37/1999-Cus Dated 9-4-99
Black Traveller cheques
- 94 - Cus Ntf No. 36/1999 Dated 22-3-99
Regulations of Bus Service
- 95 - Ntf No. 35/1999-Cus Dated 17-3-99
Anti-Dumping on Magnesia Originating Exports from PR Of China
- 96 - CUS NTF NO. 34/1999 DATE 11/03/1999
Effective rate of basic and additional duty for specified goods of Chapters 1 to 99
- 97 - CUS NTF NO. 33/1999 DATE 11/03/1999
Calcium Carbide originating in, or exported from, China and Romania - Notification No. 71/98-Cus., rescinded
- 98 - Ntf No. 32/1999-Cus Dated 11-3-99
Anti-dumping Duty on Calcium Carbide exported from China and Romania,
- 99 - CUS NTF NO. 31/1999 DATE 08/03/1999
Capital goods, components and spares thereof imported under EPCG Scheme — Amendment to Notification No. 29/97-Cus.
- 100 - CUS NTF NO. 30/1999 DATE 28/02/1999
Special customs duty abolished
- 101 - Ntf No. 29/1999-Cus. Dated 28-2-99
Notifies Cochin International Airport Project
- 102 - Ntf No. 28/1999-Cus Dated 28-2-99
Rescinds Customs Ntf No. 280/76, 321/76, 513/86, 12/97, 13/97,72/97,23/98,56/98,67/98
- 103 - CUS NTF NO. 27/1999 DATE 28/02/1999
Goods covered under Information Technology Agreement (W.T.O.) - Amendment to Notification Nos. 152/94-Cus., 26/95-Cus., 28/95-Cus., 39/96-Cus. and 25/98-Cus.
- 104 - Ntf No. 26/1999-Cus Dated 28-2-99
Exempts goods imported by a Manufacturer of linear alkyl benzene for the purpose of extracting N - Paraffin
- 105 - CUS NTF NO. 25/1999 DATE 28/02/1999
Concessional rate of duty on goods imported for the manufacture of excisable goods
- 106 - Ntf No. 19/1999-Cus Dated 11-2-99
Anti-Dumping duty on Purified Terepthalic acid exported from Korea, Thailand, and Indonesia,
- 107 - CUS NTF NO.18/1999 DATE 11/02/1999
Second-hand computers/computer peripherals including printer, plotter, scanner, monitor, key-board and storage unit received as donation by a school - Exemption
- 108 - CUS NTF NO. 17/1999 DATE 09/02/1999
Potassium Permanganate imported from China - Notification No. 137/95-Cus., rescinded
- 109 - Cus Ntf No. 16/1999 Dated 09-2-1999
Anti-Dumping Duty On Potassium Permanganate Exporteds from PR Of China
- 110 - CUS NTF NO. 15/1999 DATE 05/02/1999
Theophylline and Caffeine imported from People"s Republic of China - Notification No. 152/95-Cus., rescinded
- 111 - CUS NTF NO. 14/1999 DATE 05/02/1999
Anti-Dumping duty on Theophylline & Caffeine Exported from PR Of China
- 112 - Cus Ntf No. 13/1999 Dated 02-02-1999
Anti-Dumping Duty imposes on P-Tert Butyl Catechol Exported from France
- 113 - CUS NTF NO. 12/1999 DATE 01/02/1999
Imports made under pass book issued under Exim Policy - Amendment to Notification No. 104/95-Cus.
- 114 - Cus Ntf No. 11/1999 Dated 1-2-1999
Unwrought Nickel - Special duty of cutoms concession
- 115 - CUS NTF NO. 10/1999 DATE 29/01/1999
Lovastatin originating in, or exported from, the People"s Republic of China - Notification No. 93/98-Cus. rescinded
- 116 - Ntf No. 9/1999-Cus Dated 29-1-1999
Anti-Dumping On Lovastatin Exports - PR Of China
- 117 - Ntf No. 8/1999-Cus Dated 22-1-1999
Anti-Dumping On Acrylic fibre Exports - Japan, Spain, Portugal & Italy.
- 118 - Ntf No. 7/1999-Cus Dated 22-1-99
Provisional Anti-Dumping duty on Orthochloro Benzaldenyde withdrawn on levy of final duty
- 119 - Ntf No. 6/1999-Cus Dated 22-1-99
Anti-Dumping on Ortho Chloro Benzaldehyde exports - PR Of China.
- 120 - Ntf No. 5/1999-Cus Dated 14-1-99
Sugar - Duty hiked to 20%
- 121 - Ntf No. 4/1999-Cus Dated 8-1-99
Exemp.to passenger bus & spares,fuel imports - Pakistan or Bangladesh
- 122 - Ntf No. 3/1999-Cus Dated 6-1-1999
Unwrought Nickel for manuf. of Iron & Steel
- 123 - Ntf Nos. 2/1999, dated 4-1-99,
Gold - Custom Duty Hiked
- 124 - Cus Ntf No. 1/1999 Dated 1-1-1999
Amends Classification of goods falling under textiles etc.
- 125 - Cus Ntf No. 109/1998 Dated 24-12-1998
safeguard duty imposes on Propylene Glycol
- 126 - Cus Ntf No. 108/1998 Dated 24-12-1998
Safeguard duty on Import of Slabstock Polyol of molecular
- 127 - Cus Ntf No. 106/1998 Dated 24-12-1998
Anti-Dumping Duty on Ind.Sewing Machine Needles exported from Japan, Korea RP and RP of China
- 128 - Cus Ntf No. 105/1998 Dated 18-12-1998
Anti-Dumping Duty
- 129 - Ntf No. 104/1998 Dated 16-12-1998
Amendment for words
- 130 - CUS NTF NO.103/1998 DATE 14/12/1998
Safeguard duty - Developing countries notified for the purposes Section 8B of Customs
- 131 - Cus Ntf No. 102/1998 Dated 10-12-1998
Safeguard Duty imposes on Acetylene Black
- 132 - Cus Ntf No. 101/1998 Dated 10-12-1998
Amends for Iodine for the manufacture of Potassium Iodate
- 133 - Cus Ntf No. 100/1998 Dated 27-11-1998
Anti-Dumping On hot rolled coils,strips, sheets & plates exports from Russia, Kazakhstan, & Ukraine
- 134 - CUS NTF No. 99/1998 Dated 27-11-1998
Amendment for the word & figures
- 135 - Ntf No. 98/1998-Cus Dated 27-11-98
Microprocessors for automatic data processing machines
- 136 - Ntf No. 97/1998-Cus Dated 27-11-98
Microprocessors for automatic data processing machines,manufacture of telecommunication grade optical fibres or optical fibre cables
- 137 - Ntf No. 96/1998-Cus Dated 27-11-98
Manufacture of medical or industrial X-ray films and graphic art films
- 138 - Ntf No. 92/1998-Cus Dated 24-11-98
Amendment in No.23/38-Customs
- 139 - Ntf No. 91/1998-Cus Dated 20-11-98
List of goods for use in manufacture of steel
- 140 - Ntf No. 90/1998-Cus Dated 17-11-98
Anti-Dumping On Acrylic Fibre exportes - Japan, Spain, Portugal & Italy.
- 141 - Ntf No. 89/1998-Cus Dated 17-11-1998
Customs Tariff Act ,1975 read with rule 13 of customs tariff rules,1995
- 142 - Ntf No. 88/1998-Cus Dated 17-11-98
Notifications of Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (department of Revenue)
- 143 - Ntf No. 87/1998-Cus Dated 9-11-1998
Amendments in the notification No. 23/98, Customs, dated the 2nd June, 1998
- 144 - Ntf No. 85/1998-Cus Dated 5-11-1998
Exemption To Specified Goods Imports - Nepal
- 145 - Ntf No. 84/1998-Cus Dated 2-11-1998
No Duty on veg. oils of edible grade for vanaspati
- 146 - Ntf No. 83/1998-Cus Dated 2-11-1998
No duty pluses import
- 147 - Ntf No. 82/1998-Cus Dated 27-10-98
Provisional Anti-Dumping duty notification withdrawn on levy of final duty
- 148 - Ntf No. 81/1998-Cus Dated 27-10-98
Anti Dumping duty On Metallurgical Coke Exports - China PR
- 149 - Ntf No. 80/1998-Cus Dated 22-10-98
Magnesium (Anti-dumping duty on import levied)
- 150 - Ntf No. 79/1998-Cus Dated 22-10-98
Anti-Dumping On Magnesium Exports - China PR
- 151 - Ntf No. 78/1998-Cus Dated 16-10-98
Onions - No import Duty
- 152 - Ntf No. 77/1998-Cus dated, 16-10-98
Exemption To material import against Advance Licence.
- 153 - Ntf No. 76/1998-Cus Dated 13-10-98
Rough ophthalmic blanks, for manufacturer of optical lenses
- 154 - Ntf No. 75/1998-Cus Dated 9-10-98
EPCG Scheme ( Eligible items List for Import Changed)
- 155 - Ntf No. 74/1998-Cus Dated 9-10-98
EPCG - Zero Duty Scheme extended to engineering sector
- 156 - Ntf No. 73/1998-Cus Dated 9-10-98
Anti Dumping On Carbon black (10% Safeguard duty levied)
- 157 - Ntf No. 72/1998-Cus Dated 9-10-98
Sports Goods Sector ( Synthetic tracks and artificial surfaces - Customs Duty off)
- 158 - Ntf No. 70/1998-Cus Dated 25-9-98
Educational CD-ROMs - No Duty
- 159 - Ntf No. 69/1998-Cus Dated 15-9-98
Gem & Jewellery EP Scheme "F" (Duty free import of Platinum & Sliver for plain and studded jewellery for exports)
- 160 - Ntf No. 68/1998-Cus Dated 8-9-98
N-Paraffin -- 20% Customs Duty
- 161 - Ntf No. 66/1998-Cus Dated 26-8-98
EPCG Scheme -- Bio-tech also covered
- 162 - Ntf No. 65/1998-Cus Dated 25-8-98
DEPB Import & Export from Jodhpur airport allowed
- 163 - Ntf No. 64/1998-Cus Dated 14-8-98
Bisphenol - A -- Anti-dumping duty
- 164 - Ntf No. 62/1998-Cus Dated 11-8-98
Zero Duty EPCG Scheme - CG for Leather Garments, Textiles Garments, Hotel Industries, Agro-products etc., exempted from CVD
- 165 - Ntf No. 61/1998-Cus, 5-8-98.
EPZs & G & J Units in FTZs Scheme - Kayfoam Export Processing Zone, Mumbai covered
- 166 - Ntf No. 60/1998-Cus Dated 3-8-98
Zero duty EPCG Schem
- 167 - Ntf No. 59/1998-Cus dated,3-8-98
EPCG Scheme - 10% duty & Zero Duty exemption notification issued\amended
- 168 - Ntf No.57/1998-Cus Dated 1-8-98
Additional Duty To Motor Spirit
- 169 - Ntf No. 58/1998 Dated 1-8-98
Provisional Collection of Taxes
- 170 - Ntf No. 55/1998-Cus Dated 30-7-98
Fasteners & Polywadding materials import upto 2% of exports of textile garments allowed duty free
- 171 - Ntf No. 54/1998-Cus Dated 24-7-98
Anti Dumping duty on demand article for determination of injury
- 172 - Cus Ntf No. 53/1998 date 24-7-1998.
Anti-dumping duty on Vitamin-C originating in or exported from the People"s Republic of China and Japan.
- 173 - Ntf No. 52/1998-Cus Dated 18-7-98
Special Import Licence
- 174 - Ntf No. 51/1998-Cus Dated 18-7-98
Special Duty of Customs
- 175 - Ntf No. 50/1998-Cus Dated 18-7-98
Methanol - 25% Duty, Newsprint - Duty Off, Aluminium waste & scrap - 10% Duty, More life Saving Drugs included for duty exemption
- 176 - Ntf No. 49/1998-Cus. Dated 18-7-98
Transfer of Residence Rules Amended
- 177 - Ntf No. 48/1998-Cus Dated 17-7-98
Goods Imported aganist DEPB - No Special Additional Duty of customs
- 178 - Ntf Nos. 47/1998-Cus Dated 16-7-98
Computers etc. Donated to edu. Reserch, charitable insti. By EOU, STP, & EHT.`
- 179 - Ntf No. 46/1998-Cus Dated 16-7-98
Information Technology Software - Import Duty Off
- 180 - Ntf No. 45/1998-Cus Dated 10-7-98
Vegetable Oils (edible) - basic Duty Lowered
- 181 - Ntf No. 44/1998-Cus Dated 2-7-98
Warehouse Regulations
- 182 - Ntf No. 42/1998-Cus Dated 30-6-98
EPCG Scheme - Chartered Engineers Certificate about installation of machinery acceptable
- 183 - Ntf No. 41/1998-Cus Dated 29-6-98
Light weight coated paper weighing upto 70 g/m2 - No SADD
- 184 - Ntf No. 40/1998-Cus Dated 29-6-98
Weighing upto 70 g/m2
- 185 - Ntf No. 39/1998-Cus Dated 29-6-98
Weighing upto 70 g/m2
- 186 - Ntf No. 37/1998 Dated 26-6-98
Anti-dumping Duty on Dumped Articles and for Determination of Injury
- 187 - Ntf No.33/1998-Cus, 9-6-98
EPCG (Zero & 10%) Scheme - (Supplies to Fertilizer Plants not to be counted towards E.O.) - Zero Duty EPCG - ( 10% fall in minimum imports to be ignored)
- 188 - CUS NTF NO. 32/1998 DATE 04/06/1998
To provide the facility of sale or transfer of materials or the Advance Licence shall not be available for those imported materials on which the MODVAT Credit has been availed
- 189 - Ntf No.30/1998-Cus Dated 2-6-98
Rescinds Ntf No. 11/97-Cus Dated 1-3-1997
- 190 - CUS NTF NO. 29/1998 DATE 02/06/1998
Exempting specified goods falling under the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, from whole the special additional duty of customs leviable under clause 107 of the Finance (No.2) Bill, 1998.
- 191 - CUS NTF 28/1998 DATE 02/06/1998
Amendments in Customs Ntf Nos. 136/90, 171/93, 117/94, 152/94, 171/94, 26/95, 39/96, 49/96, 51/96, 80/97
- 192 - CUS NTF NO. 27/1998 DATE 02/06/1998
Special Customs duty - Continuation of existing Notification - Amendment to Notification No. 72/97-Cus
- 193 - CUS NTF NO. 26/1998 DATE 02/06/1998
To exempt specified goods, falling under the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, from whole of special duty of customs leviable under section 68 of the Finance (No.2) Act, 1996.
- 194 - CUS NTF NO. 25/1998 DATE 02/06/1998
Prescribing effective rate of 10 per cent ad valorem customs duty on specified goods falling under the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act and covered under the Information Technology Agreement (WTO).
- 195 - Ntf No. 21/1998-Cus Dated 5-5-98
Rescinds the notification No.77/97-cus., dated the 21st October,1997
- 196 - Ntf No. 20/1998Cus Dated 5-5-98
Anti-Dumping Duty on Graphite electrodes Exported from USA, Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Spain, Belgium, China PR
- 197 - Ntf No. 18/1998-Cus Dated 1-5-98
Plain gold/studded gold jewellary
- 198 - Ntf No. 17/1998-Cus Dated 1-5-1998
Amendment (Edible Oil)
- 199 - Ntf No. 16/1998-Cus Dated 28-4-98
Refined Sugar Import - Special Duty Off
- 200 - Ntf No. 15/1998-Cus Dated 28-4-98
Refined Sugar including white crystal sugar and raw sugar
- 201 - Cus Ntf No. 13/1998 Dated 28-4-1998
Anti-Dumping Duty On Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA) Exported from Korea RP, Thailand and Indonesia
- 202 - Cus Ntf No. 12/1998 Dated 27-4-1998
Duty free import
- 203 - Cus Ntf No. 11/1998 Dated 27-4-1998
Jhandewalan Jewellary Units - DTA Sale allowed - Wastage norms changed
- 204 - Cus Ntf No. 10/1998 Dated 23-4-1998
Advance Licence Additional Duty Exemption
- 205 - CUS NTF NO. 08/1998 DATE 23/04/1998
Jigs, Fixtures, Dies import permitted
- 206 - Ntf No. 9/1998-Cus Dated 23-4-98
Zero-Duty EPCG Scheme - Condition for import by specified sectors changes
- 207 - CUS NTF NO. 06/1998 DATE 02/04/1998
Fuel Injection Equipment Parts - Duty Concession
- 208 - CUS NTF NO. 05/1998 DATE 10/03/1998
Goods for Petro Operation - Duty off
- 209 - CUS NTF NO. 04/1998 DATE 24/02/1998
Extend similar benefit to imports of gold/silver to be made by the Projects and Equipment Corporation of India (PEC) Limited, for sale in the domestic market.
- 210 - Ntf No. 2/1998-Cus Dated 2-2-98
Anti-Dumping on Catalysts originating Imports - Denmark
- 211 - Cus Ntf No. 1/1998 Dated 21-1-1998
Transport by National Highway
- 212 - Ntf No. 95/1997-Cus Dated 19-12-97
Export & import ar undertaken through sea at Bombay
- 213 - Ntf No. 94/1997-Cus Dated 19-12-97
Import & exports are undertaken through sea at bombay
- 214 - Ntf No. 93/1997-Cus Dated 19-12-97
Imports and exports are undertaken through sea at Bombay
- 215 - Ntf No. 92/1997-Cus Dated 19-12-97
Imports and exports are undertaken through sea at Bombay
- 216 - Ntf No. 91/1997-Cus Dated 19-12-97
Imports and exports are undertaken through sea at Bombay
- 217 - Ntf No. 90/1997-Cus Dated 19-12-97
Imports & exports are undertaken through sea ports at Bombay,etc,
- 218 - Ntf No. 89/97-Cus Dated 12-12-1997
Products of horticulture, floriculture & poultry
- 219 - Ntf No. 87/1997-Cus Dated 27-11-1997
Notifications of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance,Department of Revenue No. 34/1997
- 220 - Ntf Nos. 86/1997-Cus Dated 24-11-1997
EPZ Units - Duty free import of goods for re-engineering
- 221 - CUS NTF NO. 84/1997 DATE 11/11/1997
United Nations - Projects
- 222 - CUS NTF NO. 83/1997 DATE 27/10/1997
Gem & Jewellery Units in Visakhapatnam EPZ Cover by - Duty Free Import Allowed
- 223 - Ntf No. 82/1997-Cus Dated 27-10-97
Gold & Silver - Special Duty of Customs waived
- 224 - CUS NTF NO. 80/1997 DATE 21/10/1997
Gold and silver - imported by MMTC, HHEC, STC, etc.
- 225 - CUS NTF NO. 78/1997 DATE 21/10/1997
Imports of Parts & Consumables of Leather Industry at Concessional rate of Duty - List of items Modified/Added
- 226 - CUS NTF NO. 79/1997 DATE 21/10/1997
Gold/Silver in any form - Condition of Duty in Foreign Exchange Dropped
- 227 - CUS NTF NO. 76/1997 DATE 14/10/1997
EOUs/EPZ Jewellery Units - Futhur Relaxations
- 228 - CUS NTF NO. 75/1997 DATE 14/10/1997
Samples import as personal baggage (value raised to Rs.36,000/- from Rs.10,000/-)
- 229 - CUS NTF NO. 74/1997 DATE 08/10/1997
Import of Navigational/communication/Air Traffic Control Equipment,etc,.by AAI - Condition for Exemption Changed
- 230 - CUS NTF NO. 73/1997 DATE 03/10/1997
Specific Goods required for constructions of National Highways - Basic & Additional Duty Nil
- 231 - Ntf No. 71/1997-Cus Dated 16-9-97
EPCG Scheme [Zero Duty Scheme] - 1997-2002 CVD @ 10% levied
- 232 - Ntf No. 70/1997-Cus Dated 16-9-97
EPCG Scheme [Zero Duty Scheme] 1992-97 CVD @ 10% levied
- 233 - CUS NTF NO. 69/1997 DATE 15/09/1997
Exemption under Ntf. 39/96 to imports by defence, extended upto July "98
- 234 - CUS NTF NO. 68/1997 DATE 10/09/1997
Electronic Components - Raw materials & parts eligible for duty convession modified/added
- 235 - CUS NTF NO. 66/1997 DATE 03/09/1997
DEPB - Imports aganist Provisional Credits can also be used in factory of supporting manufacturer of DEPB holder
- 236 - CUS NTF NO. 65/1997 DATE 02/09/1997
Plant, Machinery & Equipment etc. for currency Note Printing -- Imports by Bhartiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran exempted from duty
- 237 - CUS NTF NO. 64/1997 DATE 20/08/1997
Description of casein resin etc. corrected
- 238 - CUS NTF NO. 63/1997 DATE 06/08/1997
Opthalmic Blanks for manufacture of optical lenses - Condition for Duty concession withdrawn
- 239 - Ntf No. 62/1997-Cus Dated 30-7-97
Anti-Dumping Duty On Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Rubber(NBR) From Germany & Republic Of Korea
- 240 - CUS NTF NO. 60/1997 DATE 08/07/1997
20% Duty on Devices , Apparatus, etc. for Semi-conductor wafers/boules
- 241 - CUS NTF NO. 59/1997 DATE 08/07/1997
Textile Machinery & Equipment - Duty Concession Extended to More Items
- 242 - CUS NTF NO. 58/1997 DATE 07/07/1997
Life Saving Drugs/Medicines, etc.
- 243 - CUS NTF NO. 57/1997 DATE 03/07/1997
Gem & Jewellery EP Complex Schemes
- 244 - Ntf No. 56/1997-Cus Dated 20-6-97
Anti-Dumping Duty On Catalysts Of Chapter 38 OR 98 Imported From Denmark
- 245 - CUS NTF NO. 55/1997 DATE 13/06/1997
Goods for setting up to Crude Petroleum Refinery - Duty Exemption Withdrawn - 10% Duty Levied - List of Goods Revised
- 246 - CUS NTF NO. 54/1997 DATE 05/06/1997
Amend the Project Imports Regulations, 1986
- 247 - CUS NTF NO. 53/1997 DATE 03/06/1997
Exempts the goods imported for the purpose of manufacture of articles for export or for use in a 100% EOU
- 248 - CUS NTF NO. 52/1997 DATE 03/06/1997
External silicone breast prosthesis - Duty concession
- 249 - CUS NTF NO. 51/1997 DATE 02/06/1997
20% Duty on telecom specified goods imports upto march "99
- 250 - CUS NTF NO. 50/1997 DATE 26/05/1997
Exemption of Additional duty on petroleum crude
- 251 - CUS NTF NO. 49/1997 DATE 23/05/1997
Exempts gold, platinum, silver and gold findings, mountings or solders of specified fineness when imported under re-planishment scheme
- 252 - CUS NTF NO. 48/1997 DATE 21/05/1997
Recomblnant Bovine Somatotropin - Duty Concession
- 253 - CUS NTF NO. 47/1997 DATE 14/05/1997
20/97-Cus Rescinded
- 254 - CUS NTF NO. 46/1997 DATE 14/05/1997
Special Duty of Customs - Furthur Concession
- 255 - CUS NTF NO. 45/1997 DATE 14/05/1997
Project Imports (Urban Distribution Development Projects of APSEB is eligible for concessional rate of duty)
- 256 - CUS NTF NO. 44/1997 DATE 12/05/1997
DEPB Scheme - Exemption from duty by person other than Passbook holder
- 257 - CUS NTF NO. 43/1997 DATE 07/05/1997
Duty Concession extended to several items
- 258 - CUS NTF NO. 42/1997 DATE 07/05/1997
Duty concession extended to several items including ( Carbon black feed stock, Catalytic converters and parts Ferro nickel, Epicholorhy drin etc.,
- 259 - Ntf No. 41/1997-Cus Dated 30-4-97
Exemption from Anti-dumping duty to Imports against advance licence.
- 260 - Ntf No. 40/1997-Cus Dated 29-4-97
Anti-Dumping Duty on Bisphenol - A From USA
- 261 - CUS NTF NO. 39/1997 DATE 29/04/1997
Kits for conversion of motor-spirit vehicles into propane driven vehicles - Duty at 5%
- 262 - CUS NTF NO. 38/1997 DATE 25/04/1997
Anti-dumping duty on Acrylic Fibre under chapter 55 imported from USA, Thailand and Republic of Korea
- 263 - CUS NTF NO. 37/1997 DATE 11/04/1997
Petroleum Refinery Goods - No dut on omports coin blanks imports by Govt. Mint - No Duty
- 264 - CUS NTF NO. 36/1997 DATE 11/04/1997
Imports - special imprest licence
- 265 - CUS NTF NO. 34/1997 DATE 07/04/1997
Exempts goods imported against DEPB scheme
- 266 - CUS NTF NO. 32/1997 DATE 01/04/1997
This notification exempts specified goods imported under EPCG scheme
- 267 - CUS NTF NO. 31/1997 DATE 01/04/1997
Exempts material imported covered by DEEC against Advance Licence
- 268 - CUS NTF NO. 30/1997 DATE 01/04/1997
Exempts materials against Advance Licence with Actual User Condition
- 269 - CUS NTF NO. 29/1997 DATE 01/04/1997
Exemption to capital goods, components and spares thereof etc. imported under EPCG
- 270 - CUS NTF NO. 28/1997 DATE 01/04/1997
EPCG Licence - Condition for Concession
- 271 - Ntf No. 27/1997-Cus Dated 1-4-97
Import of 8 Hydroxyquinoline falling under sub-heading No. 2933.40
- 272 - CUS NTF NO. 26/1997 DATE 01/04/1997
Edible Oil etc. - Duty Free Import extended
- 273 - CUS NTF NO. 25/1997 DATE 14/03/1997
Cupro nickel coin blanks import for Govt. Mint NOIDA Permitted
- 274 - CUS NTF NO. 24/1997 DATE 06/03/1997
Passbook Scheme - Method for determination of value of impoprted inputs changed
- 275 - CUS NTF NO. 23/1997 DATE 04/03/1997
Baggage Imports - Items and Conditions for Duty Cocession Changed
- 276 - CUS NTF NO. 15/1997 DATE 01/03/1997
Exempts goods imported from SAARC Countries
- 277 - Ntf No. 9/1997-Cus Dated 31-1-97
Anti-Dumping Duty On Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR) Originating from GERMANY AND REPUBLIC OF KOREA
- 278 - Ntf No. 8/1997-Cus Dated 24-1-97
Anti-Dumping Duty On Low Carbon Ferro Chrome Originating In Or Exported From KAZAKHISTAN
- 279 - Ntf No. 7/1997-Cus Dated 24-1-97
Anti-Dumping Duty On Low Carbon Ferro Chrome Originating From Russia
- 280 - CUS NTF NO. 04/1997 DATE 17/01/1997
Exempts printed Indian bank notes falling under heading No. 49.07
- 281 - CUS NTF NO. 03/1997 DATE 16/01/1997
Exemption to goods imports from NEPAL
- 282 - CUS NTF NO. 02/1997 DATE 15/01/1997
Exemption to imported goods donated to people affected by cyclone in Andhra Pradesh
- 283 - CUS NTF NO. 98/1996 DATE 20/12/1996
Anti-dumping duty on Dead Burnt Magnesite (DBM)
- 284 - CUS NTF NO. 94/1996 DATE 16/12/1996
Exemption To Re-Import Of Goods Exported Under Duty Drawback Rebate Of Duty Or Under Bond
- 285 - CUS NTF NO. 92/1996 DATE 27/11/1996
Anti-Dumping duty on Bisphenol-A
- 286 - CUS NTF NO. 80/1996 DATE 16/10/1996
Anti-Dumping Duty On 8-Hydroxyquinoline 8- HQ
- 287 - CUS NTF NO. 68/1996 DATE 04/09/1996
Anti-dumping duty on Sodium Ferrocyanide
- 288 - CUS NTF NO. 66/1996 DATE 02/09/1996
Exemption to imports by ford foundation
- 289 - Ntf No. 58/1996-Cus Dated 9-8-96
Anti-Dumping duty on low carbon ferro chrome originating from kazakhstan
- 290 - CUS NTF NO. 57/1996 DATE 09/08/1996
Anti-Dumping Duty On Low Carbon Ferro Chrome
- 291 - CUS NTF NO. 52/1996 DATE 23/07/1996
Exempts the goods falling under heading No. 98.03
- 292 - CUS NTF NO. 51/1996 DATE 23/07/1996
Exemption to research equipment imported by public funded and non-commercial research institutions and I.I.T. etc.
- 293 - CUS NTF NO. 50/1996 DATE 23/07/1996
Exemption to specified equipment, instruments, raw materials, components, pilot plant and computer software when imported for R & D projects
- 294 - CUS NTF NO. 49/1996 DATE 23/07/1996
Concessional rate of duty for specified goods imported by a passenger as baggage
- 295 - CUS NTF NO. 43/1996 DATE 23/07/1996
Exemption to specified goods exported from India and re-imported after being subjected to specified processes
- 296 - CUS NTF NO. 42/1996 DATE 23/07/1996
This notification notifies projects for assessment under heading 9801
- 297 - CUS NTF NO. 39/1996 DATE 23/07/1996
Exemption to imports relating to Defence and internal security forces.
- 298 - CUS NTF NO. 38/1996 DATE 23/07/1996
Exemption to imports from Bhutan and Nepal
- 299 - CUS NTF NO. 37/1996 DATE 23/07/1996
Effective rate of duty for inputs from Nepal
- 300 - CUS NTF NO. 34/1996 DATE 08/07/1996
Anti Dumping Duty on Dead Burnt Magnesite (DBM)
- 301 - Cus Ntf No. 12/1996 Dated 24-1-1996
Exempts goods (Paper impregnated or coated with diagnostic 20% ad valorem)
- 302 - Cus Ntf No. 11/1996 Dated 24-1-1996
Exemption goods related to Food preparations
- 303 - Cus Ntf No. 1/1996 Dated 2-1-1996
CEGAT Procedure Rules, 1996
- 304 - CUS NTF NO. 174/1995 DATE 29/12/1995
Exempts waste and Scrap of Primary cells, primary batteries and electric accumulators
- 305 - CUS NTF NO. 159/1995 DATE 14/11/1995
Anti-dumping duty on Acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR) when exported from Japan to India.
- 306 - CUS NTF NO. 158/1995 DATE 14/11/1995
Reimported Indian goods and parts thereof (whether of Indian or foreign manufacture) when imported for repairs, reconditioning, reprocessing, remaking or similar other process examples.
- 307 - CUS NTF NO.149/1995 DATE 19/09/1995
Exemption to materials imported against advance licence issued on or after 19-9-1995
- 308 - CUS NTF NO. 148/1995 DATE 19/09/1995
Exempts Materials under Value Based Advance Licence
- 309 - CUS NTF NO. 130/1995 DATE 25/08/1995
EPCG Scheme - Components imported for manufacture of capital goods -exemption.
- 310 - CUS NTF NO. 111/1995 DATE 05/06/1995
Exempts goods required for leather garments, Textile garments etc.(Exemption Under EPCG Scheme)
- 311 - CUS NTF NO. 110/1995 DATE 05/06/1995
Concessional Rate of Duty for Imports under EPCG Scheme
- 312 - CUS NTF NO. 107/1995 DATE 02/06/1995
Special Value Based Advance Licence - for export of readymade garments under Scheme B - Imports
- 313 - CUS NTF NO. 106/1995 DATE 02/06/1995
Imports against Special Value Based Advance Licence for export of readymade garments under Scheme A
- 314 - CUS NTF NO. 104/1995 DATE 30/05/1995
Exemption to impotrs made under Pass Book issued under Exim Policy
- 315 - CUS NTF NO. 80/1995 DATE 31/03/1995
Exempt basic customs duty on goods imported into India against advance licences
- 316 - CUS NTF NO. 79/1995 DATE 31/03/1995
Exempts materials imported into India, against a Value Based Advance Licence
- 317 - CUS NTF NO. 75/1995 DATE 20/03/1995
Trimethoxy Benzaldehyde (TMBA) falling under sub-heading No. 2912.49
- 318 - CUS NTF NO. 74/1995 DATE 20/03/1995
Collection of duty or additional duty on dumped articles Theophylline and Caffeine
- 319 - CUS NTF NO. 56/1995 DATE 16/05/1995
Exempts goods under computer items or parts etc.
- 320 - CUS NTF NO. 45/1995 DATE 16/03/1995
Exemption of Custom Duty in excess of 10% ad valorem
- 321 - CUS NTF NO. 28/1995 DATE 16/03/1995
Preferential rates of duty for specified goods imported from Mauritius, Seychelles or Tonga
- 322 - CUS NTF NO. 27/1995 DATE 16/03/1995
Exemption from additional duty of hand-woven Jamdani sarees imported from Bangladesh
- 323 - CUS NTF NO. 26/1995 DATE 16/03/1995
Preferential rates of duty of specified goods imported from Bangladesh, Korea or Sri Lanka under Bangkok Agreement.
- 324 - CUS NTF NO. 10/1995 DATE 07/03/1995
Exempts input required for the manufacture of iron and steel intermediates
- 325 - CUS NTF NO. 19/1995 DATE 06/03/1995
Exempts Chemical goods e.g. iodine, Ammonia etc.
- 326 - CUS NTF NO. 09/1995 DATE 06/03/1995
Exemption to specified goods when imported into India from union of Myanmar
- 327 - CUS NTF NO. 196/1994 DATE 08/12/1994
Exemption to import of specified goods for use in acquaculture farm and export of acuaculture products
- 328 - CUS NTF NO. 177/1994 DATE 21/10/1994
Exemption to specified goods imported by the gem and jewellery units set up in an EPZ or in a FTZ.
- 329 - CUS NTF NO. 172/1994 DATE 30/09/1994
Silver when imported by a passenger
- 330 - CUS NTF NO. 171/1994 DATE 30/09/1994
Gold imported by passengers
- 331 - Cus Ntf No. 169/1994 Dated 20-09-1994
Anti-dumping duty on Isobutyl Benzene of Chinese origin
- 332 - CUS NTF NO. 167/1994 DATE 07/09/1994
Exempts Goods used in readymade garment or hosiery industry
- 333 - CUS NTF NO. 154/1994 DATE 13/07/1994
Exemption to Samples, Price Lists, Commercial Samples or Protoypes Imported as Baggage or by post, air or courier sercvice and protoypes of engineering goods imported as samples for executing or securing export orders.
- 334 - CUS NTF NO. 153/1994 DATE 13/07/1994
Exempts goods Imported for repairs and return
- 335 - CUS NTF NO. 152/1994 DATE 13/07/1994
Exempts good imports for Handicapped Persones, Charitable or Social Welfare Purposes
- 336 - CUS NTF NO. 151/1994 DATE 13/07/1994
Exempts Goods (AirCraft Fuel)
- 337 - CUS NTF NO. 148/1994 DATE 13/07/1994
Exemption to Specified free Gifts, Donations, Relief and Rehabilitations materials
- 338 - CUS NTF NO. 147/1994 DATE 13/07/1994
Exemption to Golf Equipment, Adventure Sports Equipment, Firearms and Ammunition
- 339 - CUS NTF NO. 146/1994 DATE 13/07/1994
Exemption to Sports goods, Equipments and Requisties imported by National Sports Federation
- 340 - CUS NTF NO. 135/1994 DATE 24/06/1994
Exemption from export duty on finished wool-on leather when imported by EOU or by a unit in FTZ
- 341 - CUS NTF NO. 134/1994 DATE 22/06/1994
Exempts goods imported for carrying out for Repair, Reconditioning, reengineering
- 342 - CUS NTF NO. 133/1994 DATE 22/06/1994
Export articles by units in EPZ or FTZ - Consolidation of Exemption
- 343 - CUS NTF NO. 128/1994 DATE 10/06/1994
Exemption to materials imported for use in the goods to be supplied to UNO, UN aided programme, projects aided by multilateral/bilateral agencies/Funds, FPZ, EOU, FTZ and fertilizer plants.
- 344 - CUS NTF NO. 126/1994 DATE 03/06/1994
Exemption to import of specified goods for use in manufacture of export goods by 100% EOUs.
- 345 - CUS NTF NO. 117/1994 DATE 27/04/1994
Special Import Licence - Gold and Silver
- 346 - CUS NTF NO. 113/1994 DATE 19/04/1994
Exempts raw cotton falling under heading No. 52.01
- 347 - CUS NTF NO. 104/1994 DATE 16/03/1994
Exemption to containers of durable nature
- 348 - CUS NTF NO. 84/1994 DATE 01/03/1994
Exemption of Goods imported into India
- 349 - CUS NTF NO. 76/1994 DATE 01/03/1994
Duty of customs leviable on finished goods
- 350 - CUS NTF NO. 72/1994 DATE 01/03/1994
The notification provides effective rate of duty on the Air craft parts imported under standard exchange scheme.
- 351 - CUS NTF NO. 62/1994 DATE 01/03/1994
Exempts goods falling under heading of the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975
- 352 - CUS NTF NO. 52/1994 DATE 01/03/1994
Exempts Cutting knives in rolls for the manufacture of Clicking or Cutting Dies and falling within the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975
- 353 - CUS NTF NO. 05/1994 DATE 18/01/1994
Exempts all goods imported by a EOU working in free trade zone from the levy of Anti-dumping duty.
- 354 - CUS NTF NO. 04/1994 DATE 18/01/1994
Exemption to Polyvinyl Chloride Resin falling under sub-heading 3904.10 or 3904.21
- 355 - CUS NTF NO. 178/1993 DATE 26/10/1993
Exempts Closed circuit Television System used as a Low Vision Aid
- 356 - CUS NTF NO. 171/1993 DATE 16/09/1993
Exemption to bonafide Gifts imported by post or air freight
- 357 - CUS NTF NO.153/1993 DATE 13/08/1993
Exempts the Telematic infrastructural equipment under STP 100% EO Scheme
- 358 - CUS NTF NO.146/1993 DATE 28/06/1993
Exempts silver and gold imported under the scheme for export of gold / silver jewellery
- 359 - CUS NTF NO.144/1993 DATE 28/06/1993
Exempts Silver and Gold under heading no. 71.06 and 71.08
- 360 - CUS NTF NO. 122/1993 DATE 14/05/1993
Exemption to capital equipments and spare parts required for maintenance of such equipments imported under Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) Scheme.
- 361 - CUS NTF NO. 104/1993 DATE 16/03/1993
Exemption to materials imported against Special Value Based Advance Licence.
- 362 - CUS NTF NO. 101/1993 DATE 16/03/1993
Exempts material for supply to a 100% EOU within a Free Trade Zones
- 363 - CUS NTF NO. 96/1993 DATE 02/03/1993
The notification exempts specified goods imported for the manufacture and the development of electronics hardware etc. in an integrated manner by EHTP Units under the 100% EOU Scheme.
- 364 - CUS NTF NO. 95/1993 DATE 02/03/1993
Development of electronics hardware & software in an integrated manner, by units in the Electronics Hardware Technology
- 365 - CUS NTF NO. 86/1993 DATE 28/02/1993
Renovation or Modernisation of power plant of a power plant
- 366 - CUS NTF NO. 04/1993 DATE 08/02/1993
Silver - when imported by a passenger
- 367 - CUS NTF NO. 307/1992 DATE 28/12/1992
Exempts goods which are covered by a valid licence under EPCG Scheme
- 368 - CUS NTF NO.299/1992 DATE 30/11/1992
Exempts materials against Self Declared Pass Book
- 369 - CUS NTF NO. 294/1992 DATE 16/11/1992
Exempts the Component and equipment for manufacture of trawlers
- 370 - CUS NTF NO. 219/1992 DATE 19/06/1992
Exempts T.V. sets and combination thereof from the levy of Additional duty leviable under 5Th schedule to Finance Act 1985
- 371 - CUS NTF NO. 205/1992 DATE 19/05/1992
Exempts goods imported against Advance Customs Clearance Permit
- 372 - CUS NTF NO. 204/1992 DATE 19/05/1992
Exempts materials against an Advance Licence
- 373 - CUS NTF NO. 203/1992 DATE 19/05/1992
Exempts materials imported against Value Based Advance Licence
- 374 - CUS NTF NO. 182/1992 DATE 06/05/1992
Exempts gold not exceeding 0.995 purity and falling under heading No. 71.08
- 375 - CUS NTF NO. 160/1992 DATE 20/04/1992
Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) Scheme.
- 376 - CUS NTF NO. 99/1992 DATE 01/03/1992
Exempts equipments namely, navigational communication, air traffic control and landing equipments and spares
- 377 - CUS NTF NO.140/1991 DATE 22/10/1991
The notification exempts specified goods exported by 100% EOU operating in EHTP and STP.
- 378 - CUS NTF NO. 138/1991 DATE 22/10/1991
The notification exempts specified goods exported by 100% EOU operating in EHTP and STP.
- 379 - CUS NTF NO. 69/1991 DATE 25/07/1991
Quebracho extract and Chestnut extract
- 380 - CUS NTF NO.277/1990 DATE 12/12/1990
Exemption to specified goods imported for manufacture of jewellary for export by 100% EOU
- 381 - CUS NTF NO. 235/1990 DATE 23/08/1990
Exempts goods (Press agency )
- 382 - CUS NTF NO.157/1990 DATE 28/03/1990
The notification exempts specified goods imported for display or demonstration under an ATA Carnet.
- 383 - CUS NTF NO.137/1990 DATE 20/03/1990
This notification provides effective rates of duty on specified goods imported as baggage.
- 384 - CUS NTF NO. 136/1990 DATE 20/03/1990
This notification provides effective rates of duty on goods imported as baggage.
- 385 - CUS NTF NO. 281/1989 DATE 18/12/1989
Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Goods under the Agreement on Global System of Trade Preferences among Developing Countries) Rules, 1989.
- 386 - CUS NTF NO. 236/1989 DATE 01/09/1989
Preferential rate of duty for specified goods when imported from specified countries
- 387 - CUS NTF NO. 207/1989 DATE 17/07/1989
Exemption to Foodstuffs and provisions by foreign nationals
- 388 - CUS NTF NO. 100/1989 DATE 01/03/1989
Exemption from export duty of specified goods
- 389 - CUS NTF NO.72/1989 DATE 01/03/1989
Garment and hosiery industry
- 390 - CUS NTF NO. 03/1989 DATE 09/01/1989
Exempts the goods imported for display/demonstration in a trade/industrial fair/exhibition etc.
- 391 - CUS NTF NO. 03/1988 DATE 14/01/1988
Exempts specified goods imported by 100% EOU situated in the special Export Oriented Complex at Jhandewalan at New Delhi.
- 392 - CUS NTF NO. 230/1986 DATE 03/04/1986
Project Imports Regulations, 1986
- 393 - CUS NTF NO.183/1986 DATE 01/03/1986
- 394 - CUS NTF NO. 110/1986 DATE 17/02/1986
Projects for the pupose of assessment to the economic development of the country
- 395 - CUS NTF NO.72/1986 DATE 17/02/1986
Chapter 99 - Exemption from additional duty
- 396 - CUS NTF NO. 52/1985 DATE 04/03/1985
Exempt Cameras (Validity Extended)
- 397 - CUS NTF NO. 85/1984 DATE 19/03/1984
- 398 - CUS NTF NO. 326/1983 DATE 23/12/1983
- 399 - CUS NTF NO. 241/1982 DATE 04/11/1982
Conditional exemption to specified goods on their import into India and export out of India for execution of a contract
- 400 - CUS NTF NO. 151/1982 DATE 14/05/1982
Exemption from duty to Freight incurred on transhipment of containerised cargo.
- 401 - CUS NTF NO. 101/1982 DATE 01/04/1982
- 402 - CUS NTF NO. 89/1982 DATE 25/03/1982
Free trade zone or hundred percent export-oriented
- 403 - CUS NTF NO. 31/1986 DATE 05/02/1986
Seizure of Perishable or Hazardous Goods
- 404 - CUS NTF NO. 99/1981 DATE 01/04/1981
Exempts aeroplane spare parts
- 405 - CUS NTF NO.191/1978 DATE 22/09/1978
Transformer Oil Rules, 1978
- 406 - Cus Ntf No.227/1980 date 29/11/1980
Supersession of the notification No.118 Customs dated 4th May, 1963
- 407 - CUS NTF NO. 190/1978 DATE 22/09/1978
Transformer Oil (Additional Duty) Rules, 1978
- 408 - CUS NTF NO. 99/1977 DATE 01/07/1977
Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Other Preferential Areas) Rules, 1977
- 409 - CUS NTF NO. 430/1976 DATE 01/11/1976
Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Goods under the Bangkok Agreement) Rules, 1976
- 410 - CUS NTF NO. 426/1976 DATE 23/10/1976
- 411 - Cus Ntf No.424/1976 dated 23-10-1976
- 412 - Cus Ntf No. 423/1976 date 23-10-1976
- 413 - CUS NTF NO. 422/1976 DATE 23/10/1976
- 414 - Cus Ntf No. 420/1976 date 23-10-1976
- 415 - Cus Ntf No. 419/1976, date 23-10-1976.
- 416 - CUS NTF NO. 357/1976 DATE 02/08/1976
Additional Duty - Stainless steel
- 417 - CUS NTF NO. 396/1976 DATE 01/08/1976
- 418 - CUS NTF NO. 356/1976 DATE 02/08/1976
Additional Duty Rules, 1976
- 419 - CUS NTF NO. 353/1976 DATE 02/08/1976
Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of the United Arab Republic and Yugoslavia) Rules, 1976
- 420 - CUS NTF NO.326/1976 DATE 02/08/1976
This notification exempts gifts or free samples when exported by air
- 421 - CUS NTF NO.325/1976 DATE 02/08/1976
This notification exempts samples of mica etc. when exported by post
- 422 - CUS NTF NO.318/1976 DATE 02/08/1976
This notification exempts specified goods falling under heading 98.04 from the levy of Additional duty
- 423 - CUS NTF NO. 313/1976 DATE 02/08/1976
Exempts Requisites for games and sports
- 424 - CUS NTF NO. 312/1976 DATE 02/08/1976
Exempts articles
- 425 - CUS NTF NO. 302/1976 DATE 02/08/1976
Exempts Barges imported alongwith ships for unloading of imported goods and loading of exported goods
- 426 - CUS NTF NO. 296/1976 DATE 02/08/1976
This notification exempts vehicles and components parts covered under Customs Convention on the temporary importation of private road vehciles
- 427 - Cus Ntf No. 250/1976 Date 2-8-76
Exempts Foreign Currency Coin imported by a Schedule Bank
- 428 - CUS NTF NO. 248/1976 DATE 02/08/1976
This notification exempts specified goods imported by post on approval or return basis
- 429 - Cus Ntf No. 3/1976 date 19/01/1976.
- 430 - Cus Ntf No. 41/1975 date 24th May,1975.
- 431 - CUS NTF NO. 46/1974 DATE 25/05/1974
- 432 - Cus Notification No. 99/1972 dated 26th August, 1972.
- 433 - CUS NTF NO. 07/1972 DATE 08/01/1972
The Denaturing of Spirit Rules, 1972
- 434 - CUS NTF NO. 84/1971 DATE 11/09/1971
This notification exempts specified goods imported temporarily for the purposes of scientific research and education
- 435 - Cus Ntf No. 35/1971 date 17/04/1971
- 436 - CUS NTF NO. 106/1970 DATE 26/12/1970
- 437 - CUS NTF NO. 80/1970 DATE 29/08/1970
Replacement of defective articles
- 438 - CUS NTF NO. 10/1969 DATE 03/01/1969
- 439 - CUS NTF NO. 06/1969 DATE 03/01/1969
- 440 - CUS NTF NO. 61/1967 DATE 03/06/1967
- 441 - CUS NTF NO. 174/1966 DATE 24/09/1966
Private personal property-re-import
- 442 - CUS NTF NO. 155/1966 DATE 30/07/1966
- 443 - CUS NTF NO. 111/1966 DATE 08/06/1966
- 444 - CUS NTF NO. 115/1965 DATE 28/08/1965
- 445 - CUS NTF NO. 112/1965 DATE 21/08/1965
- 446 - CUS NTF NO. 19/1965 DATE 06/02/1965
Drawback rates-goods taken into use- after importation.
- 447 - CUS NTF NO. 16/1965 DATE 23/01/1965
Exempts goods exported for display in the showroom or in the exhibitions or fairs
- 448 - CUS NTF NO. 182/1963 DATE 13/07/1963
- 449 - CUS NTF NO. 92/1963 DATE 09/03/1963
Air India - Customs Duty Exemptions
- 450 - CUS NTF NO. 59/1963 DATE 01/02/1963
- 451 - CUS NTF NO. 57/1963 DATE 01/02/1963
- 452 - CUS NTF NO. 56/1963 DATE 01/02/1963
- 453 - CUS NTF NO. 18/1963 DATE 23/01/1963
- 454 - CUS NTF NO. 26/1962 DATE 19/02/1962
Exempts catering cabin equipments and food and drink
- 455 - CUS NTF NO. 04/1962 DATE 08/01/1962
Pondicherry state - Customs Duty Exemptions
- 456 - CUS NTF NO. 117/1961 DATE 13/10/1961
Customs Duty Exemption to Re-import of Engines and Parts of Aircraft in Pondicherry state
- 457 - CUS NTF No. 273/1958 DATE 25/10/1958
Exempts the contents of postal articles
- 458 - CUS NTF NO. 271/1958 DATE 25/10/1958
Exempts articles imported into India or the State of Pondichery
- 459 - CUS NTF NO. 259/1958 DATE 11/10/1958
Exempts Challange Cups or Trophies when imported into India or State of Pondicherry
- 460 - Cus Ntf No. 106/1958 Dated 29-3-1958
State of Pondichery exempts from payment of customs duty
- 461 - CUS NTF NO. 113/1957 DATE 16/05/1957
Samples are allowed duty free import for promotion of tourism equipment and ancillary goods.
- 462 - CUS NTF NO. 04/1957 DATE 08/01/1957
- 463 - CUS NTF NO. 03/1957 DATE 08/01/1957
Exempts goods subject to conditons and limitations
- 464 - CUS NTF NO. 33/1935 DATE 22/06/1935
Exemption to tourise publicity material
- 465 - CUS NTF NO. 01/1964 DATE 18/01/1964
Prohibiting import of counterfeit trademark goods
- 466 - CUS NTF NO. 421/1976 DATE 23/10/1976