- 1 - NOTIFICATION NO. 33/2004-09, DT. 07/04/2005
Amendments in Foreign Trade Policy,2004-09 (Target Plus scheme)
- 2 - NOTIFICATION NO. 32/2004-09, DT. 07/04/2005
Amendments in the ITC(HS) Classification of Export and Import Items 2004-2009. (81052030 - Free)
- 3 - NOTIFICATION NO. 31/2004-09, DT. 02/04/2005
Amendments in the Chapter I A (General Notes to Import Policy) - Tea
- 4 - NOTIFICATION NO. 30/2004-09, DT. 17/03/2005
Revised quantities of Stone Aggregate and River Sand stand (NTF. NO. 21/2004, DT. 10/02/2005)
- 5 - NOTIFICATION NO. 29/2004-09, DT. 09/03/2005
Announcement of All Industrial Rate of Duty Drawback of Rs. 1300/- per MT for furnace oil
- 6 - NOTIFICATION NO. 28/2004-09, DT. 07/03/2005
Allow export of Shavings of Shed Antlers of Chital and Sambhar and Manufactured Articles of Shavings of Shed Antlers of Chital and Sambhar
- 7 - NOTIFICATION NO. 27/2004-09, DT. 23/02/2005
Gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals in any form, including plain and studded jewellery
- 8 - NOTIFICATION NO. 26/2004-09, DT. 22/02/2005
Amended Condition No. 11 of Chapter 1A : General Conditions of Import Policy
- 9 - NOTIFICATION NO. 25/2004-09, DT. 22/02/2005
Condition 1c. added in Chapter 1-A : General notes regarding import policy
- 10 - NOTIFICATION NO. 24/2004-09, DT. 21/02/2005
Amendments in the Notification No. 12/(2004-09) dated 21.12.2005.
- 11 - NOTIFICATION NO. 23/2004-09, DT. 15/02/2005
Announcement of All Industry Rate of Duty Drawback for furnace oil supplied by domestic oil companies.
- 12 - NOTIFICATION NO. 22/2004-09, DT. 10/02/2005
Extend period of six months for condition Sl. No. 16 at Chapter I A (General Notes to Import Policy)
- 13 - NOTIFICATION NO. 21/2004-09, DT. 10/02/2005
Amendments in the NTF. NO. 20/2004, DT. 28/01/2005 (Revised quantities of Stone Aggregate and River Sand stand)
- 14 - NOTIFICATION NO. 20/2004-09, Dt. 28/01/2005
Amendments in the Schedule 2 of ITC(HS) Classification (Quantities of Stone Aggregate and River Sand stand revised )
- 15 - NOTIFICATION NO. 19/2004-09, Dt. 19/01/2005
Amendments in Foreign Trade Policy,2004-09 (Replenishment scheme )
- 16 - NOTIFICATION NO. 18/2004-09, Dt. 18/01/2005
DFRC - SEZs & DTA supplier - Drawback, DEPB, DFRC, Advance Licence
- 17 - NOTIFICATION NO. 17/2004-09, Dt. 06/01/2005
Incorporation of sub-Para of Para of Foreign Trade Policy,2004-09
- 18 - NOTIFICATION NO. 16/2004-09, Dt. 04/01/2005
Amendment in Para 3.7.6 of Foreign Trade Policy,2004-09
- 19 - NOTIFICATION NO. 15/2004-09, Dt. 04/01/2005
Addition after existing Para 3.8.2 of Foreign Trade Policy, 2004-09
- 20 - NOTIFICATION NO. 14/2004-09, Dt. 04/01/2005
Amendments in the ITC(HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items, 2004-09 (97060000)
- 21 - NOTIFICATION NO. 13/2004-09, Dt. 31/12/2004
Amendments in the Table A of Schedule 2 of ITC(HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items, 2004-09
- 22 - NOTIFICATION NO. 12/2004-09, Dt. 21/12/2004
Amendments in the Table B of Schedule 2 of ITC(HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items, 2004-09
- 23 - NOTIFICATION NO. 11/2004-09, Dt. 16/12/2004
Amendments in App. 3 to Schedule 2 (Export Policy) of the ITC(HS) Classification of Export and Import Items, 2004-09 notified under Ntf. No. 2 Dt. 31/08/2004
- 24 - NOTIFICATION NO. 10/2004-09, Dt. 10/12/2004
Amendments in the ITC(HS) of Export and Import Items, 2004-09 notified under NTF.NO. 2 DT. 31/8/04 and amended vide NTF. NO. 4 DT.17/9/04
- 25 - NOTIFICATION NO. 09/2004-09, Dt. 10/12/2004
Amendments in Schedule 2 of the ITC(HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items, 2004-09 (Chapter 29 )
- 26 - NOTIFICATION NO. 08/2004-09, Dt. 10/11/2004
Additions to Chap. 74 & Chap. 85 of the ITC(HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items, 2004-09
- 27 - NOTIFICATION NO. 07/2004-09, Dt. 27/10/2004
Restriction on import of worn clothing and other worn articles (63090000)
- 28 - NOTIFICATION NO. 06/2004-09, Dt. 15/10/2004
ITC(HS) Classification of Exports and Imports Items 2004-2009– Export of Handicrafts
- 29 - NOTIFICATION NO. 05/2004-09, Dt. 14/10/2004
Import Licencing Note of Chapter 29 in ITC (HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items, 2004-2009
- 30 - NOTIFICATION NO. 04/2004-09, Dt. 17/09/2004
Temporary removal on export restrictions for 6 months on handicraft items made out of sea shells
- 31 - NOTIFICATION NO. 03/2004-09, Dt. 31/08/2004
ITC(HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items
- 32 - NOTIFICATION NO. 02/2004-09, Dt. 31/08/2004
ITC (HS) Classification of Export and Import Items
- 33 - NOTIFICATION NO. 01/2004-09, DT.31/08/2004
Foreign Trade Policy 2004-09