- 1 - NTF NO 51/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 14-03-2001
Onions -All varieties other than Bangalore Rose onion and Krishnapuram onions
- 2 - Exim Ntf No 50/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 13-02-2001
Implementation of Bar-Code Postponed indefinitely
- 3 - NOTIFICATION NO. 49 (RE-2000)/ 1997-2002, DATE 07/02/2001
Allows import of articles (Free) - Donation for the relief and rehabilitation of the people affected by the Earth Quake, State of Gujarat
- 4 - Ntf No. 48/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 05-02-2001
50,000 Metric Tonnes of onions is allowed for export through NAFED, MSAMB, GAIC, STCL, AP State Trading Corporation, KSCMF & NCCF agencies
- 5 - Ntf No. 47/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 21-12-2000
Last date for shipment of 1.5 Lakh M. Tonnes of Onions extended from 15.12.2000 to 15th January, 2001
- 6 - Exim Ntf No. 46/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 08/12/2000
Amendment in paragraph 3.10 - Capital Goods
- 7 - NTF. NO. 45(RE-2000), DT. 04/12/2000
Export of Onion
- 8 - Exim Ntf No. 44/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 24-11-2000
New Import Restrictions - 131 Items for Retail Sale Subject to Weights and Measures Regulations
- 9 - Exim Ntf No. 43/(RE-2000)/97-02 Dated 22-11-2000
Bar Coding - Date of Implementation postpone to 1st April, 2001
- 10 - Exim Ntf No. 42/(RE-00)/1997-2000 Dated 15-11-2000
Alabaster Imports put on OGL
- 11 - Exim Ntf No. 41/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 31-10-2000
Export of Onions (All varieties other than Bangalore rose Onions and Krishnapuram Rose Onions), the last date for shipment of quantity of Onions is extended to 30/11/2000
- 12 - Ntf No. 40/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 20-10-2000
Export of Raw Hides & Skins - Items Description Changed
- 13 - Ntf No. 39/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 19-10-2000
EOUs, EPZ, SEZ etc. Units
- 14 - NTF. NO. 38(RE-2000), DT. 16/10/2000
Import Policy - Brass Dross on Restricted/ Free List - Copper Oxide/ Reverts on Restricted/ Free List
- 15 - NTF. NO. 37(RE-2000), DT. 11/10/2000
Public/Private Bonded Warehouses
- 16 - NTF. NO. 36(RE-2000), DT. 29/09/2000
EPCG licence - May source the capital goods from a domestic manufacturer
- 17 - NTF. NO. 35(RE-2000), DT. 25/09/2000
Onion Export - 50000 tonne Addl. Qty. Released for Export
- 18 - NTF. NO. 34(RE-2000), DT. 11/09/2000
ITC(HS) Code made Compulsory in Shipping Bill w.e.f. 1/10/2000
- 19 - NTF. NO. 33(RE-2000), DT. 01/09/2000
EDI -Transactions to be Cleared in 24 hrs.
- 20 - NTF. NO. 32(RE-2000), DT. 01/09/2000
Bar Coding Made Mandatory on all Exports from 1.12.2000
- 21 - NTF. NO. 31(RE-2000), DT. 24/08/2000
Onions Export -Additional One Lakh M. T. Allowed upto Oct 2000
- 22 - Ntf No. 30/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 07-08-2000
Onions - Export Allowed upto 31/08/2000
- 23 - Ntf No. 29/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 07-08-2000
Amendments-Import of Beef
- 24 - NTF. NO. 28(RE-2000), DT. 03/08/2000
Russian Exports in rupee payments are eligible for DFRC
- 25 - Ntf No. 27/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 01-08-2000
Conditions - Import of Poppy Seeds (Exim Code No. 12079100)
- 26 - Ntf No. 26/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 01-08-2000
Amendments to ITC(HS) Classification
- 27 - Ntf No. 25/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 24-07-2000
ITC(HS) Classifications of Export & Import Items
- 28 - NTF. NO. 24(RE-2000), DT. 20/07/2000
EOUs/EPZ Units - Sale of Tea to DTA Units by EOUs
- 29 - NTF. NO. 23(RE-2000), DT. 14/07/2000
Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation )Act.
- 30 - Ntf No. 22/(RE-2000)/1997-2000 Dated 03-07-2000
Onions Export -Export Allowed upto July 2000 against NOCs in May 2009
- 31 - Ntf No. 21(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 26-06-2000
Onions Export Policy Modified
- 32 - Ntf No. 20/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 14-06-2000
ITC(HS) Classification For Export-Import Items
- 33 - NTF. NO. 19(RE-2000), DT. 05/06/2000
- 34 - Ntf No. 18/(RE-00)/1997-2002 Dtd 01-06-2000
Third Party Exports, No DFRC for Import under AU condition & EOUs/EPZ/SEZ Units - Performance Monitoring
- 35 - Ntf No. 17/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 26-05-2000
Onions Export Allowed Upto 7/6/2000
- 36 - Ntf No. 16/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 17-05-2000
- 37 - Ntf No. 15/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 10-05-2000
Licensing note no.2, at the end of chapters 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96 and 98 is deleted
- 38 - Ntf No. 14/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 08-05-2000
- 39 - Ntf No. 13/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 01-05-2000
Trade Fairs/Sales Teams - EPCs not required to obtain MOC's approval
- 40 - Ntf No. 12/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 28-04-2000
- 41 - Exim Ntf No. 11/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 26/04/2000
Onions - Export Allowed upto 31/8/2000
- 42 - Ntf No. 10/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 11-04-2000
- 43 - Ntf No. 09/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 07-04-2000
Chemicals other than ozone depleting substances are on Import OGL & Ballasts for discharge lamps on OGL for Import
- 44 - Ntf No. 08/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 03-04-2000
SIL - Cassia, Cinnamon, Cloves & Tejpat Import Permitted
- 45 - Ntf No. 07/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 31-03-2000
Raw Hide & Skins Export Restricted - Fish Hide & Skins Export on OGL
- 46 - Ntf No. 06/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 31-03-2000
ITC (HS) Classification of Export-Import Items-Export of Military Stores- Conditions Notified
- 47 - Ntf No. 05/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 31-03-2000
Table A Schedule 2-Export Policy in ITC(HS) Classifications
- 48 - Ntf No. 04/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dtd 31-03-2000
- 49 - Ntf No. 03/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 31-03-2000
A new chapter - 1 A: General notes regarding import policy, shall be inserted
- 50 - Ntf No. 02/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dated 31-03-2000
Amendments in the ITC(HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items, 1997-2002
- 51 - Ntf No. 01/(RE-2000)/1997-2002 Dtd 31-03-2000
Revised Edition: March, 2000 - Export and Import Policy, 1997-2002