Search in Policy Circulars Issued w.e.f 18/04/2013
- 1 - POLICY CIR NO. 17/2013, DT. 30/01/2015
Guidelines for processing of online IEC applications and IEC check list
- 2 - POLICY CIR NO. 16/2013, DT. 19/01/2015
Operationalisation of provisions of Para 5.11.2 of Hand Book of Procedure Vol.-1 (2009-14) [RE: 2013]
- 3 - POLICY CIR NO. 15/2013, DT. 31/12/2014
Guidelines for Regional Authorities (RAs) to process Online IEC Applications
- 4 - POLICY CIR NO. 14/2013, DT. 10/12/2014
Keeping in abeyance the Notification No. 93 dated 29.09.2014 in respect of item at EXIM Code 1005 Maize (Corn)
- 5 - POLICY CIR NO. 13/2013, DT. 24/02/2014
Applicability of Actual User Condition for import of Maize (Corn) under TRQ.
- 6 - POLICY CIR NO. 12/2013, DT. 15/01/2014
Type Approval Certificate issuing agencies under Policy Condition number 7 and 9 of Chapter 87 of ITC(HS) 2012
- 7 - POLICY CIR NO. 11/2013, DT. 30/12/2013
Application for grant of authorization for export of various chemicals in terms of Notification No. 56 dated 12.12.2013
- 8 - POLICY CIR NO. 10/2013, DT. 12/11/2013
Enhancement in registered quantity for export of sugar.
- 9 - POLICY CIR NO. 09/2013, DT. 30/10/2013
Clarification on requirement of CENVAT declaration as per PN 35 dated 01.03.2011
- 10 - POLICY CIR NO. 08/2013, DT. 25/10/2013
Procedure for closure of cases of default in Export Obligation under Public Notice No.22 dated 12.08.13
- 11 - POLICY CIR NO. 07/2013, DT. 23/10/2013
Operationalisation of provisions of Para 5.11.2 of Hand Book of Procedure Vol.-1 (2009-14) [RE: 2013]
- 12 - POLICY CIR NO. 06/2013, DT. 16/09/2013
Use of Importer-exporter Code Number allotted to them by the importers/exporters
- 13 - POLICY CIR NO. 05/2013, DT. 14/08/2013
Norms for Spices under Advance Authorization
- 14 - POLICY CIR NO. 04/2013, DT. 08/08/2013
Procedures relating to filing of application to obtain Status Recognition Certificate / Nominated Agency Certificate
- 15 - POLICY CIR NO. 03/2013, DT. 02/08/2013
Withdrawal of Policy Circular No.30 dated 10.10.2005 on Importability of Alternative inputs allowed as per SION
- 16 - POLICY CIR NO. 02/2013, DT. 26/07/2013
Validity of IEC for Export Oriented Unit (EOU) or units in Special Economic Zone/Electronics Hardware Technology Park(EHTP)/Software Technology Park(STP)/Bio-Technology Park(BTP) after de-bonding: Review of Policy Circular 26/ dated 11.8.2008
- 17 - POLICY CIR NO. 01/2013, DT. 29/05/2013
Clarification on admissibility of deemed export benefits under Para 8.2F of FTP