Customs Series Form No. 53A
[See Regulation 20)
Provisional Identity-cum-Authority Card
Shri.................of......................................having been registered in the books of this office, provisionally as Clerk/agent of Shri/Sarvashri.........................of..................... having been authorised by him/them to transact business at the...................... Customs Station or his/their behalf, is hereby permitted to do so for a period from....................... to........................ The renewal of this identity card or issue of a permanent identity card is subject to his passing the examination specified under Regulation 20 and the card shall terminate on the cancellation of the licence issued to his principal.
Designation changed vide s. 50 of the Finance Act, 1995 (22 of 1995).
Specimen Signature of clerks
Agent Customs Station
(Photo to be Supplied by the agent)