Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy
Circular No.79/2000-Cus. dt.22nd September, 2000

Duty Free Clearance of Inputs by exporters
from Bonded Warehouses


Sub: Permitting duty free clearance of inputs by exporters from Bonded Warehouses interms of Customs Notification No. 16/2000-Cus dated 1.3.2000- regarding

Representations have been received in the Board that duty free clearance of embellishments etc. from Bonded warehouses in terms of Customs Notification No. 16/2000 is not being allowed to garment exporters who use these items in the export product.

2. The issue is examined in Board. In terms of entry Sri Nos. 94, 138 & 344 of-Customs Notification No. 16/2000, duty free import of various specified inputs required by specified category of exporters is allowed subject to certain conditions. There may be other entry Sr. Nos:ofs~Not1ficatlon where similar duty concession/exemption has been extended to other exporters.

3. It is clarified that so long as the exporter fulfills the requirement of Customs Notification No. 16/2000, duty free clearance of inputs should be permitted from Bonded Warehouses also. Bonded warehouses were created in terms of para 4.15 of Exim Policy to cater to the needs of small exporters duty free shops, etc. to enable them to procure Imported goods from such warehouses without actually importing it. A garment exporter or handicraft exporter can always procure his duty free requirement under Notification No. 16/2000 through such Bonded Warehouses provided he fulfills the conditions of the notification.

4. Suitable Public Notice for information of the trade and standing order for guidance bf the staff may be issued on the above lines.

5. The receipt of this circular may please be acknowledged.

(R.K. Talajia)
S.T.O. (D.B.K.)

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