Drawback Cus Cir No.68/2001 Dt. 26/11/2001
All Industry Rates of Drawback, 2001-2002-amendment - regarding.All Industry Rates of Drawback, 2001-2002, were notified vide notification
No.29/2001-Cus.(N.T.) dated 1.6.2001, and amended vide notifications
No.30/2001-Cus.(N.T.) dated 22.6.2001 and
50/2001-Cus(N.T.) dated 4.10.2001.
2. Some representations have, however, been received from various Export Promotion Councils pleading that the rates and caps are low. After examining these representations and fresh data submitted by the Councils, the Government have revised drawback rates and caps in respect of different categories of products appearing in Drawback Schedule, 2001-2002. The revised rates have been notified vide Notification
No.60/2001-Cus(N.T.), dated 26th November, 2001. These rates shall be effective from 26th Novemober, 2001.
3. Suitable public notice for information of the trade and standing orders for guidance of the staff may kindly be issued accordingly.
4. The receipt of this Circular may kindly be acknowledged.
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