Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy
Private Bonded Warehouse
Availability of space certificate from Public Bonded Warehouse not required

Circular No.1/1996-Cus.date 1/1/96

I am directed to refer to the instructions issued by the Board vide letter of even number dated 15th June, 1995 (Customs Circular No. 68/95) and to say that a doubt has arisen whether a "no objection" is required from Public Bonded Warehouse for availability of space there before granting licence for Private Bonded Warehouse (in the same area where the Public Bonded Warehouse exits) under section 58 of the Customs Act, 1962.

2. The Board has examined the matter further and it is hereby clarified that is no precondition of obtaining a 'no objection' from the Public Bonded Warehouse for considering the applications for licencing Private Bonded Warehouse. Therefore, the applications for private bonded warehouse licences may be decided on merits without considering the aspect of availability of space in the Public Bonded Warehouse. Please inform the field formations accordingly under your jurisdiction.

(R. Chopra)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

F. No. 473/61/94-LC

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