Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy
Machinery etc. for ammonia unit for captive consumption is entitled to exemption

Cus Circular No.18/1996 date 26/3/96

Subject: Applicability of Notfn. No. 66/94-Cus, dated l.3.l994 to imported for renovation/modernisation of Ammonia Plant.

I am directed to say that doubts have been expressed regarding applicability of Notification No. 66/94-Cus. dated 1.3.94 exempting equipments/apparatus etc. imported for renovation or modernisation for a "fertiliser plant" to goods imported for the"ammonia unit" of the said plant on, the ground that (i) "ammonia unit" exists separately in its own right and even the absence of such a unit, fertiliser plant can operate by procuringammonia from external sources; (ii) The technologies of manufacturing urea andammonia are altogether separate and distinct; and (iii) where intention is to exempt goods imported for these kind of units also, the term used in the notification (like 90/94/Cus. dt. 1.3.1994) is 'Project'.

2. The matter has been examined and it is clarified that the term "fertiliser plant" will not only include that unit where the finished end product, viz., fertiliser is produced, but all the other units also which are engaged in the production of intermediateproducts for captive consumption. Accordingly, it is hereby clarified that the ammonia unit producingammonia for captive consumption will fall under the scope of "fertiliser plant" and machinery/equipment required for the renovation or modernisation of this unit will also be entitled for the benefit of the exemption contained fat Notification No. 66/94-Cus.Pending cases of assessment may kindly be finalised on the basis of this clarification.

Senior Technical Officer

F.No. 528/22/96-CUS. (TU)

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