Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy

Circular No.27/1996-Cus.date 10/5/96

Subject:- Administrative control over the 100% Export Oriented Units (EOU) - Instructions regarding

I am directed to refer to the Ministry Circular No. 126/95 of even No, dated 12.12.95, on the above subject and to say that on re-examination of the said instructions it has been decided by the Board that sub-para (b) of para 2 of the said circular will be substituted as below :-

"(b) The administrative work of 100% EOU/EPZ/EHTP/STP etc. units; in the port cities where there is overlapping jurisdiction of Commissioners Customs and Commissioners of Central Excise, will be handled by the Commissioners of Central Excise."

(A.K. Raghunathan)
Senior Technical Officer (FTT)

F.No. 305/4/95-FTT

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