Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy
EPCG/DEEC Scheme Monitoring of Export obligation

Circular No.40/1996-Cus.date 19/7/96

Sub: Monitoring of export obligation under Duty Exemption Scheme and E.P.C.G Scheme -

Attention is invited to Ministry's Circular No.24/96-Customs dated the 19th April,1996 modifying the instructions issued vide Circular No.131/95 dated 20.12.95 for monitoring of export obligation under Duty Exemption Scheme and E.P.C.G. Scheme.

2. In terms of Circular No.24/96-Customs, the exporter is required to produce to Customs Part II of theDEEC Book alongwith DEEC/Export Promotion copies of the relevant Shipping Bill, and also a certificate of discharge of export obligation from the Licencing authorities. Exporters had expressed difficulties in complying with the requirement of production of DEEC Part II and copies of Shipping Bills as these were being remained by the Licencing authorities while issuing certificate of discharge of export obligation. The mater was taken up with Directorate General Foreign Trade, who have now issued instructions vide Circular No-7/96 dated the 3rd July, 1996 directing all Licencing authorities to release DEEC part II in original, as well as original DEEC/Export Promotion copies of Shipping Bills, to the exporters alongwith the certificate of discharge of export obligation for being produced before Customs authorities.

3. The receipt of this Circular may please be acknowledged.

Under Secretary (Drawback)


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