Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy
"Cabie" scope defined

Circular No.52/1996-Cus.date 24/10/96

Subject: Scope of the term 'Cable'in S.No.33 to Notification No.91/89-Cus-Regarding.

I am directed to refer your letter No.S/26-Misc.-323/96-VB dated l7 June, 1996 on the subject mentioned above and to say that S.No. 33 of notification 91/89-Cus. dated 01.03.1989 (presently Sr. No.22, List 9 to Notfn. No.36/96-Cus dated 23.7.1996) would cover polarisation holding fibres, plastic fibres and large core fibres and also cables made from these fibres. Pending cases of assessment may kindly be finalised accordingly.

Senior Technical Officer

F. No. 528/78/96-Cus.(TU)

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