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Section 20 Amendment - DGFT Notifications

Cus Circular No.55/1996 date 5/11/96

Sub: Amendment of section 20 by Finance Act, 1995 consequences thereof from import Trade Control Angle - regarding,

I am directed to refer to your letter F.No. S/3-70/95-DP CCS/26-56/95-1 A(G) dated 12-9-96 on the subject mentioned above and to enclose herewith a copy of Circular No. 21/11/92/LS dated 30-9-1996 alongwith a copy of Notification dated 26-9-1996 issued by the Ministry of Commerce, Directorate General of Foreign Trade, New Delhi for your information and necessary action.

(Vijay Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

F.No. 435/3/96-Cus-IV
Notification dt. 26th September '96

S.O. (E): In Exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 read with Section 4 of the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992, the Central Government hereby makes the following amendment in the Foreign Trade (Exemption from Application of Rules in certain cases) order, 1993, published vide Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Commerce No. S.O. 1056(E) dated 31stDecember,1993,namely:-

In the said Order, in item (K) of sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3, for the words, numbers and letters, "Notification No. 80 dated 29th August, 1970" the following shall be substituted, namely:-

"Notification No. 80 dated 29th August, 1970, or Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) Notification No 97/95 Customs dated 26 May, 1995, or Notification No.158/95-Customs dated the l4th November, 1995".

(Shyamal Ghosh)
Director General of Foreign Trade & Ex-Officio
Additional Secretary to the Government of India

File No. 21/11/92-LS

Circular No. 21/11/92/LS/ Dt.30 Sept.,96

Sub: Foreign Trade (Exemption from Application of Rules in certain Cases) Order, 1993.

The Central Govt. have amended the Foreign Trade (Exemption from Application of Rules in certain Cases) Order, 1993, to include Customs Notification No.97/95 Customs dated the 26th May, 1995 and Notification No. 158/95-Customs dated the 14th November, 1995 also for the purpose of Exemption .Application of Foreign Trade (Regulation) Rules, 1993. Copy of the Notification dated 26.9.96 together with its Hindi version is enclosed for information.

Dy. Director General of Foreign Trade


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