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Standing Committee on Industry Problems Constituted

Circular No.60/1996-Cus date 6/12/96

Sub : Constitution of Standing Committee to review the problems and representations of Trade & industry

During the 35th Meeting of Customs & Central Excise Advisory Council held on November 4,1995, it was proposed to constitute a Standing Committee to review on a continuous basis the problems and representations of trade and industry. The Board has accepted the suggestion. Accordingly a standing committee is set up to examine, and review the problems and difficulties of the trade and industry on a regular basis.

2. The Committee will work as a preparatory committee and render assistance to the Customs and Central Excise Advisory Council which is constituted with the Finance Minister as Chairman and Minister of State (Revenue) as Vice-Chairman. The Committee will meet once in every three months, or more frequently as may be required. Its recommendations will be placed before the Board for consideration and acceptance. Its main purpose would be to create a forum for more detailed deliberation and in-depth study of certain problems and procedures which cannot be decided in the lager meetings of CII, FICCI or Open Houses, but at the same time would need the assistance and insight of the representatives of the Trade and Industry.

3. The Committee will consist of the following members.

a. D. G. Inspection-Chairman
b. Joint Secretary Customs, CBEC-Member
c. Dy. Secretary CX-9-Member
d. Two representatives by rotation from trade and industry associations like FIEO, Cll, ASSOCHAM, FICCI, AIMO, FASSI, FFFAI, National Alliance for young Enterpreneurs etc.

The nominees from two associations will be taken on the Committee for a year at a time on rotation basis.

4. The Committee should deliberate mainly on the following issues.

a. Procedures involved in sanctioning of refunds.
b. Clearance and movement of goods;
c. Anomalies in working between different Custom Houses and Central Excise Commissionerates;
d. Admissibility of Modvat;
e. Warehousing and bonding procedures;
f. The other issues related to the above.

The Committee may not however take up the issues relating to classification, valuation and the issues relating to application of rate of duty. In addition any issue which is already under adjudication or in appeal or in a Court of Law may not be taken up by the Committee.

5. The meeting of the Committee shall be held in the office of the DGI under thechairmanship of DGI atleast once in a quarter. The deliberations of the Committee and its recommendations may be sent to the respective Section of the Central Board of Excise & Customs for consideration by the Board. The recommendations and action thereon would be placed before the meeting of the Council.

6. DGI may nominate a Deputy Director of DICCE to function as Secretary to the Committee to co-ordinate the work.

7. FICCI and FIEO would be requested to send their nominees for the Committee for the year 1997.

(Vijay Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India


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