Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy
Circular No.89/1998-Customs date 3/12/1998

Subject: Simplified Procedure for clearance and examination of export and import cargo at Air Cargo Complexes - Reg.

In order to examine the procedures involved in clearance of export and import cargo at the Air Cargo Complexes, the 16th Meeting of Export Promotion Board was held at International Cargo Terminal, IGI Airport, New Delhi on 23rd October, 1998. It waspresided over by the Cabinet Secretary. The Export Promotion Board visited the cargo handling area with a view to see the various process / operations involved in clearance of export and import cargo.

2. Pursuant to the decisions in Export Promotion Board the Board has ordered the following:

(a) All airlines may be directed to submit their Import General Manifest immediately on arrival of the flight and in any case within 12 hours of the arrival of the flight, even though the section 30 of Customs Act provides for submission within 24 hours. Suitable standing order be issued by Commissioners.

(b) On arrival of export cargo, the computer or the A.C. shall select the package number which would be retained for examination. These packages from the consignment may be kept at the examination area and rest of the packages would be examined and later on transfer to Bonded area.

(c) Henceforth export cargo will be received in the Delhi Cargo Terminal upto 9.00 PM and delivery of import cargo will also be allowed upto 8 P.M.

(d) In terms of instructions contained in circular No.33/96-Cus, dated 17th June, 1996, export consignments of perishable goods like fruits, vegetables and flowers would not be subjected to routine customs examination at Airports and Air Cargo Complexes.

(e) The Customs Department would make available an officer for supervision of segregation of import cargo which mainly arrive in the night and has to wait for 12 to 36 hours for the segregation work to be taken up.

3. The instructions may kindly be brought to the notice of all officers by way of issuing suitable standing orders. The difficulty if any in implementation of this circular may kindly be bought to the notice of the Board.



(Please see Cus Cir No.49/2001 dt.18/09/2001 for Simplified procedure for clearance and examination of export & import cargo - extension of working hours)

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