CUS CIR NO. 10/2023 DATE 11/04/2023
Online filing of AEO-LO applications: Launch of Version 3.0 of webapplication for filing, real-time monitoring, and digital certification- reg.
The AEO application processing for AEO-T2 and T3 on the web-based portal
4. Once the relevant annexures are uploaded by the applicant, the applicant will be able to monitor the processing of their application at each stage in real time on their dashboard. In addition, in case of any deficiency in the application, the same can be responded through online upload of required additional documents by the applicant on the web application itself.
5. A step-wise guide for filing of AEO-LO application by the applicant is available on the CBIC website under the "Indian AEO Programme" section at the following URL https //www in/htdocs-cbec/home links/india-aeo-prqm. The guide is also available at under the "Download" section which can be used as a ready reckoner for help with V 3.0 of the web application and its functionalities. The step-wise guide for Customs officials shall be circulated over mail separately for internal circulation only.
6. To ensure smooth roll-out, it has been decided that till 30.04.2023, the AEO-LO applicants would be allowed to physically file AEO application without registering on the AEO portal as a transitional measure. However, from 01.05.2023, it will be mandatory for AEO-LO applicants to register on the portal for AEO certification. The AEO-LO application filed at the office of the jurisdictional Principal Chief Commissioner/ Chief Commissioner before 11.04.2023 are not required to be filed online and may continue to be processed manually, except where migration on web-application is requested by the existing AEOLO applicants, while ensuring that the AEO certification process is not delayed.
7. The Circular 33/2016-Customs dated 22-07-2016, as amended, stands suitably modified to this extent.
8. Wide publicity may be given to this Circular by issuance of Trade/Public Notice by the concerned field formations.
9. Difficulties, if any, in the implementation of this Circular may be brought to the notice of this office.
10. Hindi version will follow.
F.No.- DIC/POL/DIR/1/2020-POL-O/o Pr.COM MR-DIC-DELHI Part(1)
(Salik Parvaiz)
Additional Commissioner·
Directorate of International Customs
Presented by