CUS CIR NO. 53/2016 DATE 18/11/2016
Clearance of import of metal scrap-Procedure-regarding
Kind attention is invited to Circular No. 48/2016-Customs dated 26.10.2016 on the above cited subject.
2. In the said Circular revised guidelines for clearance of un-shredded compressed or loose metallic scrap have been prescribed. In Para 3(i), however, while prescribing the documentary requirement in respect of the clearance of the shredded metallic scrap (both ferrous and non-ferrous), it has been inadvertently mentioned that the import shall be permitted 'without any pre-shipment certificate'.
3. Policy conditions for import of shredded metallic scrap are prescribed in Para 2.54 (b) of HBP (2015-2020) which clearly mention that the importer shall furnish to the Customs, a pre-shipment inspection certificate from the designated inspection & Certification agencies.
4. In view of the above policy conditions, it is clarified that the import of shredded metallic scrap shall continue to be cleared inter-alia upon furnishing of pre-shipment inspection certificate. Para 3(i) of the Circular No. 48/2016-Customs shall stand modified to that extent.
4. The above guidelines may be brought to the notice of the Trade immediately through appropriate Public Notice/Trade Notice.
F. No. 450/148/2009-Cus.IV
Yours faithfully
(Zubair Riaz)
Director (Customs)
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