P. N. NO. :68/2000 Appraising (General)
Imp. Supp. No. :11/2000
Exp. Supp. No. :11/2000
PUBLIC NOTICE NO. : 68/2000 Date: 16.06.2000
Subject: Procedure for claim of refund in respect of EDI/BS/E-
Attention of the Trade including importers CHAs is drawn to the following procedure
for processing of refund claims in respect of duty paid EDI Bills of Entry.
After the refund is sanctioned, on merits, by the concerned Group, the Group will
mention this fact of refund having been so sanctioned against that particular B/E on
the EDI system, in the "Departmental Comments" Column available in the EDI
System. After endorsing this fact on the note-sheet side of the case file also, the
case file may be forwarded to the Cash Section.
Cash Section will maintain a separate register for refunds sanctioned/granted
against EDI Bills of Entry. TR-6 Challan No. of the EDI B/E and the record of refund
of duty (including amount of refund, EDI B/E No. the concerned Appraising Group
and its related case file number) will be maintained by the Cash Department in the
same register. The Cash section will also stamp the two copies of the TR-6 challan
which are in possession of the importer, to the affect that the refund against the
same has been approved and N.P.C. given.
After the N.P.C. by the cash section and audit of the refund claim by the internal
Audit Department, the Refund Order can be made by the concerned Group, but not
paid to the importer. Thereafter, the group should approach the EDI section for
giving mock Out-of-Charge of the EDI B/E so that the said B/E can move into the
‘History’ on the EDI System. The EDI section will make an endorsement to this
affect in the Group’s case file and return the same to the Appraising Group. The
Refund Order should be issued by the concerned Appraising Group thereafter only.
Issued from F. No. S/26-290/99A(G)
Presented by eximkey.com