Public Notice No. 125/23.11.2001 Import Department
Supply to Import No. 68/68
Supplement to Daily List of Import Dated 16.11.2001
Public Notice No.125/2001 date 24.11.2001
Sub: Cancellation of P/E. I.G.M. No. 10247 of M.V. Global Power V-1140 filed by
M/s. Sai Shipping Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Prior Entry I.G.M. No. 10247 of M. V. Global Power Voy-1140 was filed on 09.11.2001 and the same was provisionally accepted vide proviso (a) to Section 30(1) of the Customs Act, 1962. Even after 14 days the said ship M.V. Global Power has not arrived.
In the circumstances, I have no option but to treat the sai I.G.M. filed provisionally only as cancelled.
In the circumstances, all the Importers and their Customs House Agents and other concerned are hereby informed that the Bills of Entry noted against this provisionally I.G.M. in view of this cancellation become void. They are requested to return these Bills of Entry to the Import Deptt Bill of Entry.
As and when the vessel enters the territorial water and the I.G.M. is filed again by the Steamer Agent, the Importers and their Custom House Agents may file fresh Bills of Entry against the manifest which will be filled by the Steamer Agent again.
Issued from F.NO. S/5-773/2001 Imp.
Copy to:
1. All concerned.
2. The Docks Manager, Mb.P.T. Mumbai.
3. A.C./Docks,
4. A.C./Computer
5. Notice Board.
Presented by