Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy
PARA 3.2

Financial assistance shall be available under the scheme to the export promotion councils, industry and trade associations and other eligible entities, as may be notified from time to time, on the basis of the competitive merits of proposals received in this regard for the following purposes which inter-alia includes:-
    i) Marketing studies on country product focus approach basis.

    ii) Setting up of common showrooms under one roof and warehousing facility in the identified centres on the basis of marketing studies in important cities abroad.

    iii) Participation in sales promotion campaigns through international departmental stores.

    iv) Publicity campaign for launching identified products in selected markets.

    v) Participation in international trade fairs, seminars, buyers sellers meet.

    vi) Promotion of select brands.

    vii) Transport subsidies for select agriculture products.

    viii) Registration charges for product registration abroad for pharmaceuticals, bio-technology and agro chemicals and testing charges for engineering products.

    ix) Inland freight subsidies for units located in North East, Sikkim and Jammu & Kashmir.

    x) Setting up of "business centre" in Indian missions abroad for visiting Indian exporters/businessmen.

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