Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy


Risk Management System

(a) A Risk Management System shall be in operation whereby every month Computer system in DGFT Headquarters, on random basis and on the basis of guidelines issued by the DGFT from time to time, will select 10% of applications for each RA where scrips and Status Holder Certificates have already been issued, under each scheme. RA in turn may call for original documents in all such selected cases for further examination in detail. In case any discrepancy and/ or over claim is found on such examination, the applicant shall be under obligation to rectify such discrepancy and/or refund over claim in cash with interest at the rate prescribed under section 28 A A of the Customs Act 1962, from the date of issue of scrip in the relevant Head of Account of Customs within one month. The original holder of scrip, however, may refund such over claim by surrendering the same scrip whether partially utilized or fully unutilized, without interest.

(b) Regional Authority may ask for original proof of landing certificate (wherever required under the policy), annexures attached to ANFs or any other document, which has been uploaded digitally or any other export related documents related to the application such as Export Invoices at any time within three years from the date of issue of scrip. Failure to submit such documents in original would make applicant liable to refund the reward granted along with interest at the rate prescribed under section 28 A A of the Customs Act 1962, from the date of issuance of scrip. If an applicant is found to have misdeclared the Item description under any ITC HS Code, appropriate action under FT(D&R) Act, would be taken. It would be the responsibility of applicant to maintain such documents, certificate etc. for a period of at least three years from the date of issuance of scrips or the completion of scrutiny under RMS initiated by the RA whichever is later.

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