Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy


Common conditions for deemed export benefits

(i) Supplies shall be made directly to entities listed in the Para 7.02. Third party supply shall not be eligible for benefits/exemption.

(ii) In all cases, supplies shall be made directly to the designated Projects / Agencies/ Units/ Advance Authorisation/ EPCG Authorisation holder. Sub-contractors may, however, make supplies to main contractor instead of supplying directly to designated Projects/ Agencies. Payments in such cases shall be made to sub-contractor by main-contractor and not by project Authority.

(iii) Supply of domestically manufactured goods by an Indian Subcontractor to any Indian or foreign main contractor, directly at the designated project’s/ Agency’s site, shall also be eligible for deemed export benefit provided name of sub-contractor is indicated either originally or subsequently (but before the date of supply of such goods) in the main contract. In such cases payment shall be made directly to sub-contractor by the Project Authority.

(iv) Steel manufacturers supplying steel against Advance Authorization under Para 7.02 (a), through their Service Centers/ Distributors/ Dealers/ Stock yards, shall also be eligible to claim duty drawback provided such supplies are made in accordance with Ministry of Steel O.M. No. S-21016/3/2020-TRADE-TAX-Part (1) dated 27.5.2020 read with O.M. dated 24.6.2020, as amended from time to time. However, the invoice against such supplies would be raised by the manufacturer on the Advance Authorization holder. Delivery of such supplies can be made through their Service Centers/ Distributors/ Dealers/ Stock yards, who in turn will raise the tax invoice on the steel manufacturer bearing a cross reference for such supplies.

(Above sub-para (iv) has been added vide NOTIFICATION NO. 35/2020, DT. 01/10/2020)


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