Duty Credit Scrip benefits are granted with an aim to compensate high transport costs, and to offset other disadvantages.
Exporters, of products notified in Appendix 37A of HBPv1, shall be entitled for Duty Credit Scrip equivalent to 5% of FOB value of exports (in free foreign exchange) for exports made from 27.8.2009 onwards, unless a specific date of export / period is specified by public notice / notification.
However, for exports made w.e.f 27.8.2009, some Flowers, Fruits, Vegetables and other products, as listed in Table 2 of Appendix 37A shall be entitled to an additional duty credit scrip equivalent to 2% of FOB value of exports; over and above the 5% or 3% VKGUY reduced rate entitlement available as per Para 3.13.3 below.