Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy


DTA Sale of Finished Products / Rejects / Waste / Scrap / Remnants and Byproducts

Entire production of EOU / EHTP / STP / BTP units shall be exported subject to following:

(a) Units, other than gems and jewellery units, may sell goods upto 50% of FOB value of exports, subject to fulfilment of positive NFE, on payment of concessional duties. Within entitlement of DTA sale, unit may sell in DTA, its products similar to goods which are exported or expected to be exported from units. However, units which are manufacturing and exporting more than one product can sell any of these products into DTA, upto 90% of FOB value of export of the specific products, subject to the condition that total DTA sale does not exceed the overall entitlement of 50% of FOB value of exports for the unit, as stipulated above. No DTA sale at concessional duty shall be permissible in respect of motor cars, alcoholic liquors, books, tea (except instant tea), pepper & pepper products, marble and such other items as may be notified from time to time. Such DTA sale shall also not be permissible to units engaged in activities of packaging / labeling / segregation / refrigeration / compacting / micronisation /pulverization / granulation / conversion of monohydrate form of chemical to anhydrous form or vice-versa. Sales made to a unit in SEZ shall also be taken into account for purpose of arriving at FOB value of export by EOU provided payment for such sales are made from Foreign Exchange Account of SEZ unit. Sale to DTA would also be subject to mandatory requirement of registration of pharmaceutical products (including bulk drugs). An amount equal to Anti Dumping duty under section 9A of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 leviable at the time of import, shall be payable on the goods used for the purpose of manufacture or processing of the goods cleared into DTA from the unit.

(b) For services, including software units, sale in DTA in any mode, including on line data communication, shall also be permissible up to 50% of FOB value of exports and /or 50% of foreign exchange earned, where payment of such services is received in foreign exchange.

(c) Gems and jewellery units may sell upto 10% of FOB value of exports of the preceding year in DTA, subject to fulfillment of positive NFE. In respect of sale of plain jewellery, recipient shall pay concessional rate of duty as applicable to sale from nominated agencies. In respect of studded jewellery, duty shall be payable as applicable.

(d) Unless specifically prohibited in LoP, rejects within an overall limit of 50% may be sold in DTA on payment of duties as applicable to sale under sub-para 6.8(a) on prior intimation to Customs authorities. Such sales shall be counted against DTA sale entitlement. Sale of rejects upto 5% of FOB value of exports shall not be subject to achievement of NFE.

(e) Scrap / waste / remnants arising out of production process or in connection therewith may be sold in DTA, as per SION notified under Duty Exemption Scheme, on payment of concessional duties as applicable, within overall ceiling of 50% of FOB value of exports. Such sales of scrap / waste / remnants shall not be subject to achievement of positive NFE. In respect of items not covered by norms, DC may fix ad-hoc norms for a period of six months and within this period, norms should be fixed by Norms Committee. Ad-hoc norms will continue till such time norms are fixed by Norms Committee. Sale of waste / scrap / remnants by units not entitled to DTA sale, or sales beyond DTA sale entitlement, shall be on payment of full duties. Scrap / waste / remnants may also be exported.

(f) There shall be no duties / taxes on scrap / waste / remnants, in case same are destroyed with permission of Customs authorities.

(g) By-products included in LoP may also be sold in DTA subject to achievement of positive NFE, on payment of applicable duties, within the overall entitlement of subpara 6.8(a). Sale of by-products by units not entitled to DTA sales, or beyond entitlements of sub-para 6.8 (a), shall also be permissible on payment of full duties.

(h) EOU / EHTP / STP / BTP units may sell finished products, except pepper and pepper products and marble, which are freely importable under FTP in DTA, under intimation to DC, against payment of full duties, provided they have achieved positive NFE. An amount equal to Anti Dumping duty under section 9A of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 leviable at the time of import, shall be payable on the goods used for the purpose of manufacture or processing of the goods cleared into DTA from the unit.

(i) In case of units manufacturing electronics hardware and software, NFE and DTA sale entitlement shall be reckoned separately for hardware and software.

(j) In case of DTA sale of goods manufactured by EOU / EHTP / STP / BTP, where basic duty and CVD is nil, such goods may be considered as non-excisable for payment of duty.

(k) In case of new EOUs, advance DTA sale will be allowed not exceeding 50% of its estimated exports for first year, except pharmaceutical units where this will be based on its estimated exports for first two years.

(l) Units in Textile and Granite sectors shall have an option to sell goods into DTA in terms of sub- paras 6.8 (a), (d), (e), (g) and (k) above, on payment of an amount equal to aggregate of duties of excise leviable under section 3 of the Central Excise Act, 1944 or under any other law for the time being in force, on like goods produced or manufactured in India other than in an EOU, subject to the condition that they have not used duty paid imported inputs in excess of 3% of the FOB value of exports of the preceding year and they have achieved positive NFE. Once this option is exercised, the unit will not be allowed to import any duty free inputs for any purpose.

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