Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy

Acronym Explanation
ACC Assistant Commissioner of Customs
ACU Asian Clearing Union
AEZ Agri Export Zone
ANF Aayaat Niryaat Form
ARO Advance Release Order
ASIDE Assistance to States for Infrastructure Development of Exports
BG Bank Guarantee
BIFR Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction
BOA Board of Approval
BOT Board of Trade
BRC Bank Realisation Certificate
BTP Biotechnology Park
CBEC Central Board of Excise and Customs
CCP Customs Clearance Permit
CEA Central Excise Authority
CEC Chartered Engineer Certificate
CIF Cost, Insurance & Freight
CIS Commonwealth of Independent States
CoD Cash on Delivery
CoO Certificate of Origin
CVD Countervailing Duty
DA Document against Acceptance
DoBT Department of Bio Technology
DC Development Commissioner
DEPB Duty Entitlement Passbook Scheme
DFIA Duty Free Import Authorisation
DFRC Duty Free Replenishment Certificate
DGCI&S Director General, Commercial Intelligence & Statistics.
DGFT Director General of Foreign Trade
DIPP Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion
DoC Department of Commerce
DoE Department of Electronics
DoIT Department of Information Technology
DoR Department of Revenue
DoT Department of Tourism
DTA Domestic Tariff Area
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
EEFC Exchange Earners’ Foreign Currency
EFC Exim Facilitation Committee
EFT Electronic Fund Transfer
EH Export House
EHTP Electronic Hardware Technology Park
EIC Export Inspection Council
EO Export Obligation
EOP Export Obligation Period
EOU Export Oriented Unit
EPC Export Promotion Council
EPCG Export Promotion Capital Goods
EPO Engineering Process Outsourcing
FDI Foreign Direct Investment
FIEO Federation of Indian Export Organisation
FIRC Foreign Exchange Inward Remittance Certificate
FMS Focus Market Scheme
FOB Free On Board
FPS Focus Product Scheme
FT (D&R) Act Foreign Trade ( Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (22 of 1992)
FTDO Foreign Trade Development Officer
FTP Foreign Trade Policy
GATS General Agreement on Trade in Services
GRC Grievance Redressal Committee
HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Process
HBP v1 Handbook of Procedures (Vol.1)
HBP v2 Handbook of Procedures (Vol.2)
ICD Inland Container Depot
ICM Indian Commercial Mission
IEC Importer Exporter Code
ISO International Standards Organisation
ITC (HS) Indian Trade Classification (Harmonised System) Classification for Export & Import Items, 2004-2009
ITPO India Trade Promotion Organisation
LoC Line of Credit
LoI Letter of Intent
LoP Letter of Permit
LUT Legal Undertaking
MAI Market Access Initiative
MDA Market Development Assistance
MEA Ministry of External Affairs
MoD Ministry of Defence
MoF Ministry of Finance
NC Norms Committee
NFE Net Foreign Exchange
NOC No Objection Certificate
PRC Policy Relaxation Committee
PTH Premier Trading House
PSU Public Sector Undertaking
R&D Research and Development
RA Regional Authority
RBI Reserve Bank of India
REP Replenishment
RCMC Registration-cum-Membership Certificate
RSCQC Regional Sub-Committee on Quality Complaints
S/B Shipping Bill
SEH Star Export House
SEI CMM Software Engineers Institute’s Capability Maturity Model
SEZ Special Economic Zone
SFIS Served from India Scheme
SIA Secretariat for Industrial Assistance
SION Standard Input Output Norms
SSI Small Scale Industry
STE State Trading Enterprise
STH Star Trading House
STP Software Technology Park
TEE Towns of Export Excellence
TH Trading House
TRA Telegraphic Release Advice
TRQ Tariff Rate Quota
VA Value Addition
VKGUY Vishesh Krishi and Gram Udyog Yojana
WHOGMP World Health Organisation Good Manufacturing Practices

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