General Notes
1. All goods other than those specified in
Table A and
Table B below are freely exportable. This is, however subject to any other law for the time being in force.
2. Exports subject to control have been listed in Tables A and B. Table A lists goods with generic descriptions. They fall in more than one Chapter of the ITC (HS) classification. Table B lists goods falling in specific chapters of ITC (HS) classification.
3. Each table has four columns, namely Code, Item description, Policy and Nature of restriction.
The column contents are as below:
Column (1)-Code: In Table A the first two digits are “00” as the items in the table are generic in nature and fall in more than one chapter. In Table B the first two digits of the code are broadly indicative of the Chapter number in the ITC (HS) classification and follow the ITC(HS) at four digit level. The specific commodity is thereafter described in Column 2.
Column (2)-Item description:
Column (3)-Policy: The exportability of specific item description is listed in this column. There are four policy categories namely, prohibited, restricted, State Trading Enterprises and free with conditions. In some cases restricted entries also show conditionalities, in all cases of restrictions licences are required to be taken.
Column (4)-Nature of restriction: The specific restriction in each case is enumerated in this column. In certain cases, exports are allowed on fulfillment of certain conditions , production of documents as mentioned in Appendix 1 to Schedule 2.
4. The export policy of a specific item will be determined solely by its description and nature of restriction in the table in other words, the code number is not indicative of the exportability of an item.
5. (a) The prohibited items are not permitted to be exported.
(b) The restricted items can be permitted for export under licence . The procedures / conditionalities wherever specified for restricted items under Column 4 may be required to be complied with, in addition to the requirement of licence in all cases of restricted items.
(c) Export through STE(s ) is permitted without an Export Licence through designated STEs only as mentioned in Column 4 and subject to conditions in para 2.11 of EXIM Policy 2002-2007.
(d) The freely exportable items can be exported without an Export Licence / permission from DGFT . However, export of such items may be subject to procedures /conditions wherever specified in Column 4.
6. Export to Iraq and Libya is subject to conditions as specified in Para 2.2 of the Handbook of Procedures 2002-2007 ( Vol. I) besides any other conditions if mentioned in ITC(HS) Classification.
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