Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy
DGFT Hand Book of Procedures (Pdf)'>Foreign Trade Procedure (wef 05/06/2012) (Pdf) 2.49 A.5

2.49 A.5

Application for Grant of Export Authorisation/ Certificate / Permission

Procedure/ Guidelines for filing/ Evaluation of Applications for Entering into an Arrangement or Understanding for Site Visits, On-site Verification and Access to Records / Documentation An application for entering into an arrangement or understanding involving site visit, on-site verification or access to records/documentation by a foreign government or a foreign third party either acting directly or through an Indian party as mentioned in Appendix 3 of Schedule 2 of ITC (HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items shall be made in ANF 2EE to DGFT (Hqrs.), New Delhi along with documents prescribed therein. These applications shall be considered by an Inter-Ministerial Working Group (IMWG) in DGFT based on following guidelines/general criteria:

I. Following factors, among others, will be taken into account in the evaluation of applications for entering into an arrangement or understanding for site visits, on-site verification and access to records/ documentation:

(a) Purpose for which arrangement / understanding is proposed under which site visit or on-site verification or access to records/documentation is to be undertaken.

(b) Credentials and details of the parties involved.

(c) Credentials of end-user, credibility of declarations of end-use of the items or technology, the integrity of chain of transmission of the item from the supplier to the end-user, and on the potential of the item or technology, including the timing of its export, to contribute to end-uses that are not in conformity with India’s national security or foreign policy goals and objectives, the objectives of global nonproliferation, or its obligations under treaties to which it is a State party.

(d) The assessed risk that the arrangement / understanding could lead to dual-use items and technology falling into the hands of terrorists, terrorist groups and non-State actors.

(e) In case site visit, on-site verification or access to records/documentation is to be carried out by a foreign government or its representative(s), the following shall be taken into consideration :-

i. Export control measures instituted by the foreign government;

ii. Capabilities and objectives of programs of the foreign government relating to weapons and their delivery.

(f) Applicability of relevant bilateral and multilateral agreements to which India is a party.

(g) Assessment of any threat that such site visit, on-site verification or access to records/ documentation may pose to India’s national security, and relations with any other country.

(h) Assessment of possible links of the foreign parties with terrorist organizations and non-state actors within their own country or in any other country.

II. Permission for arrangement or understanding involving site visit, on-site verification or access to records / documentation will be subject to the following conditions:

(a) Site visit, on-site verification or access to records /documentation will be confined to the purpose, sites and activity for which permission given/which have been mentioned in the authorization.

(b) Site visit, on-site verification or access to records/documentation will be allowed only to individuals mentioned in the authorization.

(c) Site visit, on-site verification or access to records/documentation shall be concluded during the period mentioned in the authorization.

(d) Exporter/Importer will keep a record of site visit, on site verification or access to records/documentation alongwith detail of individuals who visited the premises during this visit and produce the same as and when required to do so by the Government of India.

(e) No exchange of goods, services and technologies and any documentation including drawings, specification sheets etc. will take place during the visit.

(f) Exporter/importer may be required to give any additional assurance that the Government of India may require.

(g) Any other condition that may be stipulated in the permission.

III. Provisions of Weapons of Mass Destruction Act, 2005 shall also apply to an arrangement or understanding that involves site visit, on-site verification or access to records/ documentation.

IV. Any violation of any condition of the license shall invite civil/ criminal prosecution as per law.

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