Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please see paragraph 8.10 of Policy and paragraph 8.24 of this Handbook. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. REP / Diamond Imprest Licencee may approach bulk licencee alongwith their licence (in duplicate) and consent letter. In case the material sought to be purchased is against a Diamond Imprest Licence, the licencee shall execute the requisite Bank Guarantee and / or legal undertaking for fulfilling the export obligation with the licensing authority before approaching the bulk licencee. 2. For debiting the licence serviced, the bulk licencee shall: (i) Keep a photocopy of the valid licence (both customs and exchange control copy ) to be serviced; (ii) Ensure that in respect of Diamond Imprest Licence, the necessary BG / LUT has been executed with the licensing authority; (iii) Ensure that the purchaser has given the consent letter for purchase of rough diamonds specifically requesting for debiting import licences. The signature on the consent letter shall be authenticated by the bankers of the purchaser); (iv) Ensure that both copies of the licence are endorsed as under:- "Licence of M/s. ___________________ (name of the firm / company) utilised for Rs.________ (Rs.in words ________________________) for purchase of rough diamonds from ___________ (name of the Bulk Licencee vide Invoice No. _________ dated _______ Balance value of licence after debit is Rs. ____________ (Rs. in words____________________________). Authorised Signatory __________________" (v) Ensure that, in case a new sheet is pasted on the licence for debiting the licence, the following remarks are made on the back of the original licence (both copies) :- "The value to which the licence is debited on ______________ is mentioned in the sheet No. ____________ attached. Authorised Signatory __________________" (vi) In case of debits made in the second or subsequent attached sheets, similar cross reference should be made in the preceding attached sheet. 3. The Bulk licence shall maintain special register which shall be updated and shall have the following information :- (1) Bulk Licence No. and Date. (2) Value of goods imported. (3) Name of the foreign suppliers. (4) Unit price at which items are imported. (5) Bill of Entry No. and date. (6) Name and address of the purchaser. (7) Invoice No. and date. (8) CIF value of licence before debit. (9) Value of debit on licence (10) CIF value of licence after debit. (11) Invoice No. and date. (12) Amount of invoice. (13) Purchaser"s signature. (14) Remarks, if any. (15) File No. 4. (a) Before servicing of rough diamonds, the bulk licencee shall submit in the following proforma, the details of the licences to be serviced, in triplicate, along with the original licences carrying his endorsement to the regional licensing authority concerned from whom the bulk licence in question has been obtained for verification and \authentication. The details to be furnished are as under : PROFORMA M/s. (Name and Address of the Bulk Licencee) __________ IEC No. ________________________________ Bulk Licencee No. & Date _______________ Sl.No. Name and Address of the applicant Invoice No.& date Licence No.& Date, Office file No from which (1) (2) (3) (4) Balance value of Licence before debit Value utilised Balance Value of licence after debit Remarks (5) (6) (7) (8) (Signature of Authorised Person) Details in the above statement have been compared with the original licences and found to be correct and the licences have been accordingly counter-signed. (Signature of Asstt. DGFT / Foreign Trade Development Officer (b) The licensing authority, after verifying the validity of the licence and other details shall countersign the proforma and the original REP / Diamond Imprest. Thereafter, two copies of the proforma and the original licences shall be returned to the bulk licencee. After the receipt of the licences duly countersigned from the licensing authority concerned, the bulk licencee shall keep a photocopy of the same and shall deliver the rough diamonds to the REP / Diamond Imprest Licence holder. After receipt of the licence, a photo copy of the same shall be kept by the bulk licence holder. 5. EOU / EPZ units may also procure rough diamonds from bulk licencee. Such units have to file application (in triplicate) to the Development Commissioner concerned alongwith the proforma invoice from bulk licencee. Two copies of such application alongwith permission to supply rough diamonds shall be given by the Development Commissioner to the bulk licencee. The bulk licencee shall approach the licensing authority alongwith two copies of such application cleared by the Development Commissioner to make necessary endorsement on the application. The licensing authority, after making the endorsement, shall return one copy of the application to the Development Commissioner. Based upon such endorsement, the rough diamonds will be allowed entry by the Development Commissioner in the EOU / EPZ units.
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