Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy
                                    APPENDIX - 2A


  Note:  1.   Please see paragraph 4.9 of the Policy and Paragraph 4.7 of this

         2.   Please  read the general instructions given at Appendix 1 before
              filling this application.

         3.   In  addition to this application form (in duplicate)  please also submit 
              Appendix-1 A (in duplicate) alongwith this application.

                             ( FOR OFFICE USE ONLY )

    File Number:................Date: ....... IEC  No. allotted: .......

  1. Application for (please tick)
                                ___                                     __
     (A) Allotment of   IEC No.|___|  (B) Modification in particulars  :__: 
                                          of existing IEC No.holder       

  2. Name  and address of the applicant           ....................................

  3. Address of all the                           ....................................
     Branches / Divisions/ 
     Units/ factories located 
     in India and abroad.

  4. In case the application is for 1 (B) give :

     a) Existing IEC No. .............................................................

     b) Nature of modification required and details thereof...........................



      (In  case  the application is 1(B) information in S.No.2 and  3  above
      will be as per pre.modified status)

  5. Particulars of Fees Paid:

     (i) Bank Receipt /Demand Draft No................................

     (ii)   Amount(in Rs.)          (In figures)......................

                                    (In words)........................

     (iii)  Name of Bank & Branch of   ...................................

6.	Permanent Account Number (PAN)  ..................................
        of Income Tax

        Issuing Authority	         .................................


    1.  I/We  hereby  declare that the particulars and the  statements
        made  in this application are true and correct to the best  of
        my /our knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed or
        held therefrom.

    2.  I/We  full  understand that any information furnished  in  the
        application  if  proved incorrect or false will  render  me/us
        liable  for  any penal action or other consequences as may  be
        prescribed in law or otherwise warranted.

    3.  I/We undertake to abide by the provisions of the Foreign Trade
        (Development  and Regulation) Act, 1992, the Rules and  Orders
        framed  thereunder,  the  Export  and Import  Policy  and  the
        Handbook of Procedures.

    4.  I/We  hereby declare that this application is made by me/us in
        the  name  of  Registered  / Head office  and  I/we  have  not
        obtained   or  applied  for   Importer.Exporter  Code   Number
        previously  in  this  name from any office of  the  DGFT  (Not
        applicable for existing IEC NO.holder)

    5.  I  hereby certify that I am authorised to verify and sign this
        declaration as per Paragraph 3.8 of the Policy.  

    6.	I/we hereby certify that none of the Director/ Partner/ Proprietor/ Karta  
        of the firm or company is a Director/ Partner/ Proprietor/ Karta of the 
	firm/Company which  has come to the adverse notice of DGFT.

                             Signature of the Applicant:.............
    |                 |
    |  Photo duly     |                       Name: .................
    |  attested       |                Designation: .................
    |  by bank        |           Official Address: .................
    |_________________|                             .................
                                          Tele.No.: .................
                               Residential Address: .................
Date :                          E. Mail address     ……………………………………………

                           (SPACE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY )

1.	The applicant has given the required documents and the application is in order.   
        We may issue  IEC 

Number to the applicant firm.

(FTDO)  						              (Dealing  Hand)

                                        O R

The application is deficient and we may call for the following documents.


(FTDO)                					(Dealing  Hand)


   1.	If there is any non. resident interest in the firm and non resident investment is to be
	made with repatriation benefits, full particulars thereof with photo copy of RBI  
	approval  must be  submitted. investment without  repatriation  benefits, a simple 
	declaration indicating  whether it is held with the general/specific permission of RBI 
	on the letter head of the firm should be furnished. In case of specific approval,a copy 
	may also be furnished. Indian Companies issuing shares to foreign nationals/NRIs under 
	automatic route,100% scheme or 24/40% schemes are not required to obtain prior approval 
	of RBI.

   2.  The applicant firm/company should also submit a simple declaration  as
       under :.

       The ..........  (proprietor/ partners/ directors as the case may be) of
       the  firm/  company is/ are not associated as proprietors/ partners  or
       directors in any other firm/company which is in the caution list of RBI.

Note:  Where  the  applicant  declares  that they are  associated  with  firms/
       companies  caution  listed by RBI they will be allotted IE Code No.   but
       with  an additional condition that they can export only with RBI"s prior
       approval and they should approach RBI for the purpose.

        Documents   to  be  enclosed   with  the   application   form:

1.	Bank Receipt (in duplicate)/Demand Draft evidencing payment of application fee in terms 
	of Appendix.34.

2.	Certificate  from  the  Banker of the applicant firm (as per Annexure-1 to this form)

3.	Two Copies of Pass Port size photographs of the applicant duly attested by the banker of
	the applicant.

4.	A copy of Permanent Account Number issued by Income Tax Authorities, duly attested by 
        the applicant.

                                   ANNEXURE.1 TO APPENDIX.2A

                                      BANK"S CERTIFICATE
                ( To be issued on the  official letter head of the Bank)


          Ref No. ...........................






          (Name and address of the licensing authority)

           Sir/ Madam,

          We  certify  that  M/s......................................
                                  (Name  and Address  of the applicant)

          are  maintaining  a   Savings Bank Account / Current  Account

          No. ............... with us since ............................       


                                                (Signature of the Banker)

                                                 Name ......................

                                                 Designation ...............

    Date    ...................
    Place   ...................

                                                                    |     (OFFICE   |
                                                                    |     STAMP)    |

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