Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy
Note: 1. Please see Para 9.2 of this Handbook. 2. Please read the general instructions given at Appendix 1 before filling this application and also some important guidelines given at the end of this application. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDICATE WHETHER FOR -------------------------------- ____ ____ AUTOMATIC APPROVAL |____| BOARD OF APPROVAL |____| The Application should be submitted to the Development Commissioner of the concened Export Processing Zone (for setting up units in EPZ / SEZ or Export Oriented Units) in 10 copies alongwith a crossed Demand Draft of Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees 2,500/- in case of items falling under Schedule I & II of the new Industrial Policy) drawn in favour of the Pay & Accounts Officer, Department of Industrial Development, Ministry of Industry, payable at the State Bank of India, Nirman Bhavan Branch, New Delhi. (Amended by Exim.Public Notice No.10(RE-00)/1997-2002 Dt.22-5-2000. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Official Use Only __________________________ Application No.: ___________________________ Date : ___________________________ Date _______ Month ______ Year ______ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details of Bank Draft Amount Rs. ____________________ Draft No. ____________________ draft date ____________________ Drawn on ____________________ (Name of the Bank) Payable at __________________ I NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE PROMOTER / INDUSTRIAL UNDERTAKING IN FULL (Block Letters) Name of the Undertaking / Applicant ____________________ Full Address ____________________ (Regd. office in case of limited ____________________ companies & Head Office for ____________________ others ____________________ Pin Code ___________________________ Tel.No. ___________________________ Fax No. ___________________________ E-Mail No. ___________________________ II NATURE OF THE APPLICANT FIRM: (please tick (\/) the appropriate box) 1. Government Undertaking 2. Public Limited Company 3. Private Limited company 4. Proprietor ship 5. Partnership 6. Others (please specify) III INDICATE WHETHER THIS PROPOSAL IS FOR (Please tick (\/) the appropriate box). 1. Establishment of a New Undertaking 2. Effecting Substantial Expansion 3. Manufacture of New product 4. Conversion of (i) existing DTA unit into EOU / EPZ. (ii) existing STP / EHTP to EOU / EPZ (in case of conversion, please attach fact sheet as per Annexure) IV (1) Location of the proposed undertaking Full address __________________________ Pin code ____________________________ IV. (2) ONLY FOR PROJECTS UNDER EOU SCHEME Please indicate if the proposed location is in a Centrally Notified Backward Area (Please tick (\/) the appropriate box). No. _________ Yes ___________ If yes, indicate category (a) Indicate whether it is within 25 kms from the periphery of the standard urban area limit of a city having population above one million according to 1991 census. Yes ______ No. ___________ (b) Is it located in an Industrial Area / Estate designated / set up prior to issuance of Notification No.477 (E) dated 25th July 1991. Yes ______ No. ___________ (c) If not, does it come under the category of non-polluting industries as notified by the Govt. Yes ______ No. ___________ V. ITEM(S) OF MANUFACTURE : (Including By-Products / Co-products) (If necessary, additional sheets may be attached) Item(s) Description Capacity (Unit = ) Item Code (ITC HS Code No.) _______ ____________ __________________ __________________ _______ ____________ ___________________ ___________________ _______ ____________ ___________________ ___________________ VI PRODUCTION (In case of more than one item, supplementary sheets may be used.) Quantity (Unit ______) Value (in rupees) 1st Year ____________________ _______________ 2nd Year _____________________ ________________ 3rd Year _____________________ _________________ 4th Year _____________________ _________________ 5th Year ______________________ _________________ VII FOB VALUE OF EXPORTS (1$ = Rs.)
Ruppes (Lakhs)
US $ (Thousand)
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
5th Year
VIII. INVESTMENT: (Rs.IN LAKHS) (a) Land __________________________ (b) Building __________________________ (c) Plant and Machinery __________________________ (i) Indigenous __________________________ __________________________ (US$ Thousand) (ii) Import CIF value __________________________ (iii) Total (1) + (ii) __________________________ IX. WHETHER FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY AGREEMENT IS ENVISAGED (Please tick (\/) the appropriate box) YES._________ NO._________ (I) Name and Address Of foreign collaborator _____________________ (ii) Terms of collaboration (Rupees Lakhs) (Gross of Taxes) a) Lumpsum payment __________________ b) Design & Drawing fee __________________ c) payment to foreign technician __________________ d) Royalty (on exports) __________________% e) Royalty (on DTA sales if envisaged) __________________ f) Duration of agreement __________________ (No. of years) X EQUITY INCLUDING FOREIGN INVESTMENT (i) $ Thousand) (Rs. Lakhs) (a) Authorised __________________ __________________ (b) Subscribed __________________ __________________ (c) Paid-up Capital __________________ __________________ Note: If it is an existing company, Please give the break up of the existing and proposed capital structure (ii) Pattern of share holding in the Paid-up Capital (Amount in Rupees) (Rs. Lakhs) (US $ Thousand) (a) Foreign holding _______________ _______________ (b) Non Resident Indian Company / Individual holding (i) Repatriable _______________ _______________ (ii) Non-repatriable _______________ _______________ (c) Resident holding _______________ _______________ (d) Total[a+b(i+ii)+c] Equity _______________ _______________ (e) (iii) External Commercial Borrowings _______________ _______________ Foreign Exchange Balance sheet $                                                     
  1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Total5 Yrs  
XI. Fob value of exports in first five years        
XII. Foreign Exchange outgo on        
(I) Import of machinery        
(ii) Import of raw materials and components        
(iii) Import of spares and consumables        
(iv) Repatriation of dividends and profits to foreign collaborators        
(v) Royalty        
(vi) Lump sum know-how fee        
(vii) Design and drawing fee        
(viiii) Payment of foreign technicians        
(ix) Payment on training of Indian technicians abroad        
(x) Commission on Export etc.        
(xi) Foreign Travel        
(xii) Amount of interest to be paid on external commercial borrowing/deferred payment credit(specify details)        
(xiii) Any other payments(specify details)        
 Total (i)to(xiii)        
 Net Foreign Exchange earnings in five years        



 	Generation of Rejects / Sub-standard	 ____________ 	____________________  
    	goods of the Finished         	_________ 	___________________ 
                             		percentage of 5 Yrs production  

 Goods (in case rejects are more    Quantity (Unit =  ) 
  than 5% estimated percentage with    ________________ ________________ 
   justification may be given   	 ________________ ________________ 
                                Value (Rs. Lacs)  


 a)  Whether any of the required components are  ________ ________ 
 proposed to be sub-contracted to small          ________ ________ 
        cale and ancillary units.                 Yes              No  

 b)  Name of the component     ________ ________ 
        ________ ________ 

 c)  Percentage of this component in relation   ________ ________ 
 to the total expected value of production     ________ ________ 

                                                 (All figures in number) 

 Existing                                           Proposed 
     ------------                                          --------------  

 a)  Supervisory         ________ 	________ 
                         ________ 	________ 

 b)  Non-Supervisory     ________  	________ 



    Average NFEP on FOB Value of Exports in     ________ 
  5 Years in terms of Paragraph 9.29 of the Policy.           ________  


       a)  Whether marketing tie-up / Buy-back           ______  ______  
        envisaged / finalised? (Attach documents, 	 ______  ______ 
  if any)                                     		 Yes     No  

                  				G. C. A.                R. P. A.  

 b)  Destination of exports (in Percentage)   	______  			______  
              					 ______  			______  


       i) Any special feature of the   		:................................. 
  project proposal which you want   		................................. 
  to highlight                    		................................. 
             (Please attach the Project    	................................. 
  Report, for new units)  

 ii)(a) Whether the applicant has been  :................................ 
  issued any industrial licence or   	................................. 
  LOI / LOP under EOU SEZ / EPZ   	................................. 
  scheme if so, please give full   	................................. 
  particulars especially reference   	................................. 
  number, date of issue, items of  
  manufacture and progress of  
  implementation of each project. 

  (b)  Whether the applicant has   	:................................. 
  submitted any other application   	................................. 
  for LOI / LOP which is pending   	................................. 
  with the Board of Approvals. If   	................................. 
  so, please give particulars like   	................................. 
  reference number, name under  
  which application  made, items  
  of manufacture, etc. 

 iii)  Whether the applicant or any of  :................................. 
  the partners / Directors who are   	................................. 
  also partners / Directors of   	................................. 
  another company or its associate   	................................. 
  concerns have been debarred from   	................................. 
  getting any Licence / Letter of  
  Intent / Letter of Permission  
  under the  Export and Import  
  (Control) Act. 1947 / Foreign  
  Trade (Development and Regulation)  
  Act, 1992 or otherwise penalised. 

 Place :                       Signature of the Applicant __________________ 

 Date  :                      Name in Block Letters      ____________________ 

                                 Designation           ____________________ 

 Official Seal / Stamp ___________________ 
  			 Full Official Address :................................. 

                     Full Residential Address  :................................. 


 I / We  hereby  declare  that the above statements are true and correct  
 to the best of my / our knowledge  and  belief. I / We will  abide  by any  
 other condition which may be stipulated by the concerned Development  
 Commissioner of Secretariat  of Industrial  Approvals (Deptt.  of Industrial  
 Policy and Promotion).  I / We fully understand that any Permission Letter  
 granted  to me / us  on  the basis of the statement furnished is liable to  
 cancellation or any other action that may be  taken  having regard  to  the  
 circumstances of the case if it is found that any of the statements or facts  
 therein are  incorrect  or false. 

  		Signature of the Applicant :................................. 

                      Name in Block Letters  :.................................  

                             Designation  :.................................  

                      Official Address  :................................. 

     		 Official Seal / Stamp  :................................. 

                   Residential Address  :................................. 

 Place : 
 Date  : 

 1. Additional  Information  may  be furnished by  existing  domestic units  
 seeking conversion into the EOU Scheme as per annexure. 

 2. Normally raw material tie-ups are not insisted upon but this may be  
 necessary  in  cases,  such   as  granite  products   where availability  
 of  raw  materials is contingent  upon  Government leases etc. 

 3. Normally lumps sum amount upto US$ 2 Million and 8% royalty (net of Taxes)  
 over a period of five years from the commencement  of production is allowed  
 as per the current policy on account of foreign technology agreement as per  
 the norms of Department of Industrial  Policy  and Promotion.  In addition  
 selling  agency commission is permitted as per RBI norms. 

 4. In  cases  involving high outgo of foreign exchange for  capital goods and  
 raw  materials, the Government prefers raising  of  funds through external  
 commercial borrowings. 

 5. If the unit is proposed to be set up in leased preimises, it should have  
 lease document valid for a period of not less than 5 years. 

 (FTZ has been replaced with SEZ  and Free trade zone has been replace with Special  
 Economic Zone at all places in this form vide Exim.Public Notice No.10(RE-00)/1997-  
 2002, Dt. 22-5-2000.) 

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