Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE SEE CHAPTER 7 AND 8 OF THE POLICY AND CHAPTER 7 AND 8 OF THE PROCEDURE AND PARA 11.9 AND 11.10 OF THIS HANDBOOK. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM NO. 1 To __________________________________ (Name and address of Licensing Authority) We ________________________ (Name and address of the Exporters) hereby declare that we have forwarded a documentary export Bill to ____________________ (Name and address of the bank i.e., Branch and City) for collection / negotiation / purchase as per particulars given hereunder.
Invoice Export promotion copy of shipping Bill duly authenti-cated by the Customs Description of goods as given in the customs authenticated Shipping Bill Bill of ladings / PP Receipt Airways Bill Destination of Goods

Country name
Bill amount CIF/C&F/ FOB(In foreign exchange)
NO. Date NO. Date NO. Date
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Freight amount as per Bill of lading/ freight memo Insurance insurance amount as per insurance Company"s Bill/Recept Commission / Discount Paid/ payable Whether the export is in freely convertible currency or in Indian Rupees. FOB Value /FOB actually realised in free Foreign Exchange/ Rupees Date of realisation of export proceeds GRI/pp from No. No. date & category of applicable licence
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
We  further declare that the aforesaid particulars are correct.  (copies of invoices relevant
to these exports  and Customs attested E.P.  Copy of relevant Shipping Bill is attached for
verification by the bank). 

		        Signature of the    : .....................

		        Name in block       : .....................

		       Designation 	    : .....................
        	       Full official address 

Seal / stamp 	       Full Residential     :  ....................


Authorised Foreign Exchange Dealer 
Code No. allotted to the Bank by  RBI ______________________________ 
                                  Ref.No. __________________________ 
                                  Date _____________________________ 
                                  Place ____________________________ 

1.   This is to certify that we have verified the relevant Export 
   Invoices,  Customs  attested E.P.  Copy of the Shipping Bill  and 
   other   relevant  documents   of   M/s. _________________________ 
   _____________________________________.   We further certify  that 
   the particulars  given in Co.1 to 16 have been verified and found 
   to be correct.  We have also verified the F.O.B.  value mentioned 
   in Col.  13 above with reference to following documents :- 

             (i)  Bill of Lading / PP receipt / Airways Bill 
             (ii) Insurance policy / Cover / Insurance Receipt. 

   2.   We  have  also verified that the date of the connected  mate 
   receipt   as  indicated  in  the   relevant  Shipping   Bill   is 
   ____________________________ (date to be given). 

   3.   We   have  also  verified  that   the  date  of  Export   is 

       (Applicable only in respect of Exports by air.) 

   4.   This  is to certify that we have certified the amount of the 
   Commission  paid / payable, as declared above, by the exporter i.e. 

   (in figures and words) with G.R.  Forms and found to be correct. 

                              (Signature of the Bankers) 

                             Full address of the Bankers 
                             Branch and City _______________________ 
                             Official Stamp. 

1. Bank can issue a   consolidated   certificate (consignment-wise) for more than one 
2. F.O.B actually  realised and date of realisation  of export proceeds are to be given in 
 all cases, except exports made  under the DEPB scheme. This shall also be required under 
DEPB scheme where exports are made on consignment basis. 

3. This shall be required wherever specifically prescribed in the Policy /  procedure.  

4.The exchangew rate is to be calculated with reference to paragraph 7.38 of the handbook 


4. In case of exports under DEPB scheme, the FOB value in free foreign exchange shall be 
converted into Indian rupees as per the authorised dealers" T/T buying / on-demand buying
 rate, as the case may be, prevalent on the date of negotiation / purchase of document. 
FOB value actually realised and date of realisation of export proceeds may not be given 
in cases where shipment has been against irrevocable Letter of Credit. However, in such 
cases bank shall make an endorsement to this effect in column 14/15 of Appendix 25. 
(Note 4 has been amended vide Public Notice No. 30(RE-98) / 1997-2002 dt. 21-8-98) 

[4. In case of exports under DEPB scheme, the FOB value in free foreign exchange shall
 be converted into Indian rupees as per the authorised dealers" T/T buying / on-demand 
buying rate, as the case may be, prevalent on the date of negotiation / purchase of document.] 

(PUBLIC NOTICE No. 9(RE-98)/1997-2002 DATED 30-4-98) 

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