7.21 (i) In respect of an Advance Licence, the licensing authority concerned (as
per their financial powers) may consider a request for enhancement /
reduction in the CIF value of the licence, provided the value addition
after such enhancement does not fall below the stipulated minimum value
addition and provided there is no change in the input- output norms and
the Policy under which the licence was issued.
(ii) The licensing authority concerned (as per their financial powers)
may also consider the request for enhancement / reduction in CIF value,
quantity of inputs, FOB value of export obligation and quantity of
exports of an advance licence provided there is no change in the input
output norms and value addition after such enhancement does not fall
below the stipulated minimum value addition.
The request for prorata enhancement in value and quantity may be made
either before or after exports. The prorata enhancement shall be limited
to 100% of the value and quantity of the export obligation. In such
cases where there is a change in the SION prior to the export of the
said product, the prorata enhancement shall be given after calculating
the entitlement on the revised SION.
(iii) Deleted