8.25 The Bulk Licensee shall furnish to the licensing authority, the proof of supplying rough diamonds to the REP/Diamond Imprest licensee and to the EOU/EPZ units within the prescribed period. The Bulk licensee shall submit the details of such supplies alongwith the original proforma signed by the licensing authority. The licensing authority shall compare such original with the proforma retained by it and thereafter redeem the case provided the Bulk licensee has supplied the rough diamonds upto the value of rough diamonds imported under the Bulk Licence. If the Bulk licensee fails to supply rough diamonds within the prescribed period, he shall surrender REP Licences of S.No. 2.1 to 2.6 of Appendix-30A for a value twice the value of such rough diamonds imported under the Bulk licence. Such licences shall have a minimum validity of three months on the date of surrender. Private/Public Bonded Warehouses shall follow the procedure as prescribed above for supplying rough diamonds to the REP/Gem/Diamond Imprest Licences and shall submit the details of such supplies to the Customs Authorities.