The licence holder (whether registered with Central Excise Authority or not) shall produce to the concerned licensing authority a certificate from the jurisdictional Central Excise authority confirming installation of capital goods at the factory of the licence holder or his supporting manufacture(s)/vendor(s) within six months from the date of completion of imports. However, service providers, can give a certificate either from the jurisdictional Excise authority or from an independent chartered engineer confirming installation of immovable capital goods at the premises of the service provider.
(Last sentence of above para has been added vide
PN. NO. 53(RE-03), DT. 27/02/2004)
(Para 5.3.2 has been amended vide
PN. No. 42/2003, DT. 28/01/2004)
[OLD -
Each RLA shall maintain a separate register sector-wise/industry-wise showing the CGs allowed against each export product/service on the basis of nexus already communicated by HQ in a case and on the basis of nexus cases regularized by the RLA themselves from time to time which should be referred to while examining the nexus cases and to regularize them.
(Para 5.3.2 has been amended vide
PN. No. 26/2003, DT. 30/09/2003)
[OLD -
Hqrs. EPCG Committee shall finalise the nexus
within two months from the date of issuance of licence failing which the nexus as applied for shall be treated as final. However, where the application for fixation of nexus is rejected on account of non furnishing of documents/ information, the licence holder shall be liable to pay Customs duty together with 15% interest on such goods.
(Please refer
Cir. No. 20/2003, DT. 14/11/2003 for Certification of nexus under EPCG Scheme)
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