Import Licensing Notes
(1) Policy relating to import of wheat by Roller Flour Mills:
Public Notice No. 31 (PN)/97-02 dated 12th August 1997.
In supersession of Public Notice No. 11(PN)/97-02 dated the 28th May, l997 and in accordance with the nature of restriction No. (ii) indicated against S. No. 7 in Part III, Paragraph 15.3 , Canalised Items of the Negative List of Imports as contained in Export & Import Policy, l997-2002 according to which wheat is permitted to be imported in accordance with a Public Notice issued in this behalf. In pursuance to the above, the State Trading Corporation of India Limited (STC) and the Projects Equipments Corporation (P.E.C.) are permitted to import wheat on behalf of Roller Flour Mills subject to the following conditions:-
(i) The import should be for meeting the Roller Flour Mills" own requirements for milling purposes and sale of the resultant flour in the domestic market.
(ii) The import contract should be registered by the importing agency with Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA).
(iii) The imported wheat must be sold to the individual Roller Flour Mills on actual user condition.
(2) Import permitted for sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed Development, 1988 and in accordance with import permit granted under Plants, Fruits and Seeds (Regulation of import into India) Order, 1989.
(3) Import of GM rice is restricted. Import of rice in India is permitted only if the exporter is able to furnish a certificate from the competent Government Authorities from country of export that the exported rice is GM free.
(Above Note No. (3) has been added vide
NTF. NO. 13/2007, DT. 10/07/2007)