Import Licensing notes:
(1) Import of ‘Prescribed substances’ as notified by Department of Atomic Energy shall be subject to the provisions of Atomic Energy Act, 1962 and rules made there under.
(Above note no. (1) has been amended vide
NTF NO. 90/2007, DT. 28/03/2008)
(1) Import of ‘Prescribed substances’ as mentioned above in subheading notes shall be subject to the provisions of Atomic Energy Act, 1962 and rules made there under;
(2) Import of the following kinds of zinc ash/skimmings is permitted without a licence to units registered with Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India, on actual user basis upto the annual quantity limits indicated in the registration certificate:
(i) Zinc ash in dispersible form containing zinc greater than 65% and lead and cadmium equal to or less than 1.25% and 0.1% respectively;
(ii) Zinc skimmings containing zinc 65% and above, lead and cadmium less than 1.25% and 0.1% respectively;
(iii) Spent cleaned metal catalyst containing zinc.
(3) Import of the following types of ashes and residue containing mainly copper is permitted without a licence to units registered with Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India:
(i) Brass dross containing lead equal to or less than 1.25%;
(ii) Copper oxide mill scale;
(iii) Copper reverts, cake and residue containing lead and cadmium equal to or less than 1.25% and 0.1% respectively;
(iv) Copper dross containing copper greater than 65% and lead and cadmium equal to or less than 1.25% and 0.1% respectively;
(v) Spent cleaned metal catalyst containing copper.