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DGFT Notification, Circulars... Public Notices Public Notices w.e.f 01/04/2000 PN No. 59/(RE-00)/1997-2002 Dated 01-03-2001
PUBLIC NOTICE NO.59 (RE-2000)/1997-2002, Dt. 01/03/2001.

Standard Input Output Norms

Attention is invited to Paragraph 4.11 of the Export and Import Policy 1997-2002, as amended and Paragraphs 7.8 and 7.10 of the Handbook of Procedures, Vol.1, 1997-2002, as amended and also to the Handbook of Procedures, Vol.2, 1997-2002, as amended from time to time.

  1. In exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraph 4.11 of the Export and Import Policy 1997-2002, as amended, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes the following amendments/modifications and additions in the Handbook of Procedures, Vol.2, 1997-2002, as amended.

  2. In the statement of Standard Input Output Norms as contained in the Handbook of Procedures, Vol.2, 1997-2002, as amended, amendments/ corrections at appropriate places as mentioned in Annexure "A” to this Public Notice shall be made.

  3. In the statement of Standard Input Output Norms, following additions shall be made at appropriate places as mentioned below:-


After the existing entry at Sl.No.A-2537, the new entries from Sl.No.A-2538 to A-2553 shall be added as per Annexure ”B” to this Public Notice.


After the existing entry at Sl.No.C-1592, the new entries from Sl.No.C-1593 to A-1600 shall be added as per Annexure ”C” to this Public Notice.


After the existing entry at Sl.No.K-127, the new entry at Sl.No.K-128 shall be added as per Annexure ”D” to this Public Notice.

This issues in public interest.

Annexure “A” to the
Public Notice No.59
Dated: 01/03/2001


Sl. No. Page No. Reference Amendments/Corrections
1 2 3 4
1. 43 Chemicals & Allied Products
The description of export item shall be corrected to read as under:-
“Ferrous Fumarate BP”
2. 45 Chemicals & Allied Products
The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-
“Hexahydrothymol/Menthol BP/USP”.
3. 113 Chemicals & Allied Products
The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sl.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
A830 Reactive Black BL/GR 1 kg 1. Aniline Oil 0.262 kg
2. Naphthalene Crude 0.144 kg
2. H Acid 0.125 kg
3. J Acid 0.187 kg
4. Cyanuric Chloride 0.144 kg
4. 117-118 Chemicals & Allied Products
The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sl.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
A866 Reactive Orange HER (Reactive Orange 84) (Assay 80%) 1 kg 1. Beta Naphthol 0.170 kg
1. Tobias Acid 0.170 kg
2. J Acid 0.140 kg
3. Cyanuric Chloride 0.190 kg
5. 213 Chemicals & Allied Products
The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-
“LCV/ Light Truck Steel Radial Tyre (Tubeless), Reinforced with Nylon Tyre Cord Warp Sheets or Rayon Tyre Cord Warp Sheets”.
6. 238 Chemicals & Allied Products
The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sl.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
A1778 Compatible Black Tonner for Photo Copiers (other than Zerox 1025) 100 kg 1. Styrene Acrylic copolymer Other than ABS/SAN Resin 60.27 kgs
2. Linear Unsaturated Polyester Resin 4.7 kgs
3. PP Waxes/ Poly-ethylene Waxes 9.28 kgs
4. Aerosils 0.90 kg
5. Magnetites/ Iron Oxide 31.94 kgs
6. Carbon Black 3.16 kgs
7. Additives (Aluminium Oxide/ Titanium Di- Oxide/ Magnesium Sterate/ Bontrons/ Cerium Oxide/ Ceridust) 2.10 kgs
8. Empty Cartridges and Bottles (for Packing) Net content +1%
1.  In case the firm is not importing item 2 i.e. Linear Unsaturated Polyester Resin @4.70 kg and applied for the inclusion of this quantity in the item 1-Styrene Acrylic Co-polymer other than ABS/SAN Resin, the same may be allowed.
7. 240 Chemicals & Allied Products
After the import item at. Sl. No. 4 the following additional item (with quantity) shall be added:-
“5. Chlorine      -      2.09 kg/kg”.
8. 244 Chemicals & Allied Products
After import item at Sl. No. 4 the following additional item (with quantity) shall be added:-
“5. Chlorine      -      2.04 kg/kg”.
9. 252-253 Chemicals & Allied Products
After the import item at. Sl. No. 3 the following additional item (with quantity) shall be added:-
“4. Chlorine      -      2.09 kg/kg”.
10. 265 Chemicals & Allied Products
  1. The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

    “Potassium Penicillin G First Crystal/ Penicillin Potassium V First Crystal/ BP/ USP/ISP”

  2. In the description of import item at Sl. No. 5 (without any change in quantity) shall be amended to read as under:-

    “5. Potassium Phenyl Acetate/ Phenyl Acetic Acid/ Phenoxy Acetic Acid”.
11. 272 Chemicals & Allied Products
The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-
    “Choline Chloride 75% Aquous (Animal Feed Supplement)”.
12. 278 Chemicals & Allied Products
After the import item at. Sl. No. 1 the following additional item (with quantity) shall be added:-

“2. Chlorine      -      0.928 kg/kg”.
13. 280 Chemicals & Allied Products
After the import item at. Sl. No. 1 the following additional item (with quantity) shall be added:-

“2. Chlorine      -      1.32 kg/kg”.
14. 297 Chemicals & Allied Products
  1. The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

    “Choline Di-chloride (Dichloroelthyl) Trimethyl Ammonium Chloride (Chlormequat Chloride)”

  2. After the import item at. Sl. No. 1 the following additional item (with quantity) shall be added:-
“2. Trimethyl Amine - 0.393 kg
2. (i) Methanol - 0.673 kg
2. (ii) Ammonia Anhydrous - 0.119 kg”.
15. 299 Chemicals & Allied Products
The description of import items at Sl. Nos. 4 & 5 (with quantity) shall be amended to read as under:-
“4. Cyanuric Chloride - 0.083 kg
5. Mono Ethanol Amine - 0.036 kg”.
16. 21 Chemicals & Allied Products
Sl.No.A2418 (As amended vide Public Notice No. 9 dated: 1.5.2000)
The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-
“Irgaphor Green 1736 (1,4-Tetrakis- (2,4-Dimethylpentyl-3-Oxo)-1,4-Tribromo-1, 4-(Formyl) Phthalocynate Palladium(II)”.
17. 8 Chemicals & Allied Products
Sl.No.A2448 (As amended vide Public Notice No. 25 Dated: 01/08/2000)
The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sl.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
A2448 Metamitron Technical (98% Min.) 1 kg 1. Benzaldehyde 1.330 kg
2. Sodium Cyanide 0.685 kg
3. Hyrazine Hydrate (80%) 1.109 kg
4. Dimethyl Acetamide 0.230 kg
5. Methanol 0.872 kg
6. Toluene 0.768 kg
18. 11 Chemicals & Allied Products
Sl.No.A2473 (As amended vide Public Notice No. 36 Dated: 03.10.2000)
  1. The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-
    “Potassium Di Hydrogen Phosphate/Mono Potassium Phosphate”.

  2. The description of import item at Sl. No. 2 (without any change in quantity) shall be corrected to read as under:-
    2. “Potassium Hydroxide”
19. 462 Engineering Product
1. After the import item at Sl. No. 1 the following import items (with quantity) shall be added:-
“2. (a) PVC Compound for unarmoured
(b) PVC Compound for armoured
(c) i) PVC Resin - 60% of weight of PVC Compound allowed in Engg. table 5.
ii)Plastisizer - 30% of weight of PVC compound allowed in Engg. Table 5.
iii) Filler (Calcium Carbonate/Allumina/ Talc/Kaoline) - 10% of weight of PVC compound allowed in Engg. table 5.
2. At the end, revised Note of this norm shall be amended to read as under:-
“The quantity of item Nos. 1 and 2 (a) or 2 (b) will be as per the Engineering Table 5 given at the end of this product group”.
20. 468 Engineering Product
1. After the import item at Sl. No. 1 the following import items (with quantity) shall be added:-

“2. (a) PVC Compound for unarmoured
(b) PVC Compound for armoured
(c) i) PVC Resin - 60% of weight of PVC Compound allowed in Engg. table 6.
ii)Plastisizer - 30% of weight of PVC compound allowed in Engg. Table 6.
iii) Filler (Calcium Carbonate/Allumina/Talc/Kaoline) - 10% of weight of PVC compound allowed in Engg. table 6.
21. 479 Engineering Product
The description of import item at Sl. No. 1 (without any change in quantity) shall be amended to read as under:-
“Stainless Steel Strips/Coils of 316 Grade”.
22. 570-571 Engineering Product
  1. The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

    “Black Pipe/Precision Steel Tubes”.

  2. After import item at Sl. No. 2 (with quantity) shall be deleted.
23. 573 Engineering Product
The description of import item at Sl. No. 1 (without any change in quantity) shall be amended to read as under:-
“Stainless Steel Strips/Coils of AISI 304 Grade”.
24. 578 Engineering Product
Below the import item at Sl. No. 1 the following import item (with quantity) shall be added:-
Seamless Steel Tubes - 1.02 kg/kg content in export product”.
25. 601 Engineering Product
1. In the description of import item at Sl. No. 1 the following alternative item (with quantity) shall be added:-
Brass/ Aluminium Ingot - 1.05 kg/kg”
2. At the end of this entry the following note shall be added:-
- “The composition of Copper & Zinc in Brass should conform in the export and import items”.
26. 601 Engineering Product
In the description of import item at Sl. No. 1 the following alternative item (with quantity) shall be added:-
Gunmetal Ingot - 1.05 kg/kg”
27. 605 Engineering Product
The quantity of import item at Sl. No. 1 shall be amended to read as under:-
“1.02 MT”
28. 643 Engineering Products
The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sl.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
C985 Automotive Radiator Made of copper, and Brass with/without tank 1 kg (without Tank) 1. Copper Foils 0.22 kg
2. Brass Foils Tubes 0.22 kg
3. Brass Sheets 0.31 kg
4. a) Tin Ingot 0.07 kg
4. b) Lead Ingot 0.03 kg
5. Terne Plate CRCA Sheet/Coil Strips 0.10 kg
6. Nylon 66 1.024 kg/kg content in Tank
6. Tank of relevant Size & specification Net to net
1. Item No. 6 shall be allowed only when the product is exported with tank.
29. 701 Engineering Product
At the end of this entry the following note shall be added:-
Note:- “For the export of assembled cones upto and including 300 gms, the items at Sl. Nos. 1,3,4 & 5 only shall be allowed”.
30. 701 Engineering Product
At the end of this entry the following note shall be added:-
- “For the export of assembled cones above 300 gms and upto & including 600 gms, the items at Sl. Nos. 1,3,4 & 5 only shall be allowed”.
31. 701 Engineering Product
At the end of this entry the following note shall be added:-
- “For the export of assembled cones above 600 gms and upto & including 900 gms the items at Sl. Nos. 1,3,4 & 5 only shall be allowed”.
32. 702 Engineering Product
At the end of this entry the following note shall be added:-
- “For the export of assembled cones above 900 gms and upto & including 1200 gms the items at Sl. Nos. 1,3,4 & 5 only shall be allowed”.
33. 702 Engineering Product
At the end of this entry the following note shall be added:-
- “For the export of assembled cones above 1200 gms and upto & including 1500 gms the items at Sl. Nos. 1,3,4 & 5 only shall be allowed”.
34. 702 Engineering Product
At the end of this entry the following note shall be added:-
- “For the export of assembled cones above 1500 gms and upto & including 1800 gms, the items at Sl. Nos. 1,3,4 & 5 only shall be allowed”.
35. 703 Engineering Product
At the end of this entry the following note shall be added:-
- “For the export of assembled cones above 1800 gms, the items at Sl. Nos. 1,3,4 & 5 only shall be allowed”.
36. 749 Engineering Product
The norm covered by this entry shall be deleted.
37. 19 Plastics Products
Sl.No.H-416 (Introduced vide Public Notice No. 32 Dated: 01/09/2000)
1. The description of import item at Sl. No. 1 (without any change in quantity) shall be amended to read as under:-
“1. Relevant Polymer viz. Polystyrene (GPPS/HIPS)/Acrylic/ ABS powder granules”.
2. The description of import items at Sl. No. 2 & 3 (with quantity) shall be amended to read as under:-
“2. CRCA Blades - Net +10% wastage
3. Screws - Net +8% wastage”.
38. 3 Textile Products
Sl.No.J-124 (Introduced vide Public Notice No.4 Dated: 31/03/2000)
The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sl.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
J-124 100% Natural Silk fabrics/ made ups/Sarees (other than those covered by Sl. No. J-123 above)/garments containing one or more than one specified constituent raw silk/silk yarn. 1 kg 1. Mulberry Raw Silk of any grade (other than Dupion Yarn) 1.35 kg/kg content in the export product
2. Dupion Silk Yarn (gummed and untwisted) 1.35 kg/kg content in the export product
2. Dupion Silk Yarn (degummed and twisted) 1.05 kg/kg content in the export product
3. Noil Silk Yarn 1.05 kg/kg content in the export product
4. Spun Silk Yarn 1.05 kg/kg content in the export product
5. Reeled Tussar Silk Yarn/Tussar Silk Yarn 1.15 kg/kg content in the export product
-1. In case of export of garments, item Nos. 3&4 will be allowed @ 1.07 kg/kg content in export product and item No. 5 will be allowed @ 1.17 kg/kg content in the export product.

-2. In case of export of garments, if the garments are fitted with the Beads, Sequins, Chattons etc., then the Beads, Sequins, Chattons etc. will be allowed on “Net plus 1% wastage basis”.

-3. In case of export of garments, if the lining material is to be/has been used in the silk garments, the same may be allowed on “Net plus 5% wastage basis”.
39. 4 Textile Products
Sl.No.J-125 (Introduced vide Public Notice No.4 Dated: 31/03/2000)
The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sl.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
J-125 100% Natural Silk Garments made of relevant Silk Fabric of relevant GSM with +/- 10% variation 1 kg 1. 100% Natural relevant Silk Fabric of relevant GSM with +/- 10% variation 1.01 kg/kg content in export product
-1. If the garments are fitted with the Beads, Sequins, Chattons, etc., then the Beads, Sequins, Chattons etc. will be allowed on “Net plus 1% wastage basis”.
-2. If the lining material is to be/has been used in the Silk Garments, the same may be allowed on “Net plus 5% wastage basis”.

40. 5 Textile Products
Sl.No.J-129 (Introduced vide Public Notice No.4 Dated: 31/03/2000)
The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sl.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
J-129 100% Natural Silk mixed fabrics/ made ups/Sarees/ garments containing one or more than one specified constituent Silk Yarn and any other Textile Yarn kg 1. Mulberry Raw Silk of any grade (other than Dupion Yarn) 1.35 kg/kg content in the export product
2. Dupion Silk Yarn (gummed and untwisted) 1.35 kg/kg content in the export product
2. Dupion Silk Yarn (degummed and twisted) 1.05 kg/kg content in the export product
3. Noil Silk Yarn 1.05 kg/kg content in the export product
4. Spun Silk Yarn 1.05 kg/kg content in the export product
5. Reeled Tussar Silk Yarn/Tussar Silk Yarn 1.15 kg/kg content in the export product
6. Any other Textile Yarn 1.05 kg/kg content in the export product
-1. In case of export of garments, item Nos. 3,4&6 will be allowed @ 1.07 kg/kg content in export product and item No. 5 will be allowed @ 1.17 kg/kg content in the export product.
-2. In case of export of garments, if the garments are fitted with the Beads, Sequins, Chattons etc., then the Beads, Sequins, Chattons etc. will be allowed on “Net plus 1% wastage basis”.
-3. In case of export of garments, if the lining material is to be/has been used in the silk garments, the same may be allowed on “Net plus 5% wastage basis”.
41. 13 Textile Products
Sl.No.J-315 (As amended vide Public Notice No. 25 Dated: 01/08/2000)
The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sl.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
J-315 i) Dyed man-made fabric 1 sq.mtr. 1. Relevant man made grey fabric 1.01 sq.mtr. per sq.mtr. content in the export product
ii) Dyed and printed man-made fabric/printed man made fabric 1 sq.mtr. 2. Relevant man made dyed fabric 1.01 sq.mtr. per sq.mtr. content in the export product
2. Relevant man made grey fabric 1.02 sq.mtr. per sq.mtr. content in the export product

Annexure “B” to the
Public Notice No.59
Dated: 01/03/2001


Sl.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
A2538 Diceto Stearyl Phthalate 1 kg 1. Stearyl Alcohol 0.917 kg
2. Phthalic Anhydride 0.252 kg
A2539 Pure Glyceyl Mono Stearate with max Glycerine 0.5% 1 kg 1. Impure glyceyl mono stearate with free Glycerine 5% 1.05 kg
A2540 Salicylamide 1 kg 1. Phenol 1.003 kg/kg
A2541 4 Chloro 2 Nitro Aniline (Para Chloro Ortho Nitro Aniline) 1 kg 1. 2,5 Dichloro Nitro Benzene 1.15 kgs
A2542 Galaxy MW 253 Lauryl alcohol 3 mole ethoxylate 1 kg 1. Lauryl Alcohol 0.596 kg
A2543 Galaxy MW 257 Lauryl alcohol 7 mole ethoxylate 1 kg 1. Lauryl Alcohol 0.392 kg
A2544 Chlorpropham Tech. 98% Minimum 1 kg 1. Metachloro Phenyl Iso-Cyanate 0.841 kg
2. Iso Propyl Alcohol 0.800 kg
A2545 Pigment Yellow 74 1 kg 1. 4-Nitro Ortho Anisidide (Fast red B Base) 0.445 kg
2. Sodium Nitrite 0.182 kg
3. Aceto Acet Ortho Anisidide 0.553 kg
4. Acetic Acid 0.412 kg
A2546 Pigment Red 53:1 (C.I. No. 15585 1:1) 1 kg 1. C. Acid (2 Amino 5-Chloro Toluene Sulfonic Acid)
2-Amino 4 Methyl
5-Chloro Benzene
Sulfonic Acid
0.505 kg
2. Beta Naphthol 0.325 kg
3. Sodium Nitrite 0.162 kg
4. Sulfamic Acid 0.005 kg
5. Caustic Soda 0.424 kg
6. Rosin 0.146 kg
7. Barium Chloride 0.170 kg
A2547 Abrasive stone for granite/marble containing minimum 57% silicon carbide 1 kg 1. Silicone carbide 0.57 kg
A2548 2-Nitro 4 Amino Diphenylamine-4 Sulfonic Acid 1 kg 1. Paraphenylene Diamine 0.470 kg
A2549 Ammonium Persulphate 1 kg 1. Ammonium Sulphate 0.638 kg
A2550 Potassium Persulphate 1 kg 1. Potassium Sulphate 0.710 kg
A2551 4 Chloro 2 Nitro Aniline (Para Chloro Orthonitro Aniline) 1 kg 1. 2,5 Dichloro Nitro Benzene 1.15 kg
A2552 Toluene Di Iso Cyanate 1 kg 1. Meta Toluene Di Amine 0.855 kg

Annexure C to the
Public Notice No.59
Dated: 01/03/2001


Sl.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty Allowed
C1593 Vaccum Drum Cane Mud Filters 1 No. 1. SS 304 Plate/Coil (Thickness from 5 mm to 16 mm) 1.20 MT/MT content in the export product
2. Relevant Variable Speed Motor 1 No. (net to net)
3. Relevant fixed Gear Motor 1 No. (net to net)
4. Relevant ERW Pipes 0.10 MT
5. SS 304 Electrodes 20 kg per MT of Steel weight in export product
C1594 Automobile Locks other than Ignition locks 1 No. 1.Zinc Ingots 1.10 kg/kg content in export product
2.Brass Sheet 1.15 kg/kg content in export product
3.CRCA Sheets/Coils 1.20 kg/kg content in export product
4.Stainless Steel Sheet/ Coil 304 Grade 1.20 kg/kg content in export product
5.Spring Steel Sheet 1.20 kg/kg content in export product
6.Polyacetal 1.05 kg/kg content in export product
C1595 Folding Machine for Sheetmetal (manual) 1 No. (1254 kgs 2020x 2mm) 1.Non Alloy Steel Plates/ Flats 845 kg
2.Non Alloy Steel Square/ rectangle ERW Tube 93 kg
3. Non Alloy Steel Angles 107 kg
4. Non Alloy Steel Bright Bar 2.74 kg
C1596 Rolled Aluminium Colour Coated Plates, Sheets, Strips including Corrugated Aluminium Sheets/ Strips 1 MT 1.Aluminium Ingots commercial grade 1.05 MT/MT content in the export product
2. Relevant Paints 1% of FOB value
C1597 High Speed Steel Wires 1 kg 1.High Speed Steel Bar/Wire Rods/Rods of relevant grade 1.03 kg
C1598 Machined Components made of brass not elsewhere specified 1 kg 1. Brass Scrap 1.075 kg
C1599 Industrial Valve fitted with Actuator 1 No. 1.Relevant Actuator 1 No.
2.Relevant Valve 1 No.
Note:- Import of components shall be permitted on net to net basis with accountability clause and the type, technical specifications (including part No., if any), etc., of the components sought for import should conform to those utilised in the manufacturer of the resultant product, which should be reflected in the export documents (shipping bills) also.

C1600 Sanitary fittings made of Nickle Bronze 1 kg 1.Nickle Bronze Ingot 1.05 kg
Note:- Composition of imported input should conform with that of the export product.

Annexure D to the
Public Notice No.59
Dated: 01/03/2001


Sl.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty Allowed
K-128 Human Hair/ Human Hair Products 1 kg 1. HDPE/ PP Granules 1.05 kg/kg of the weight of relevant packing material i.e. relevant HDPE / PP granules
2. Card Board as packing material Net +5% wastage

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