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DGFT Notification, Circulars... Public Notices Public Notices w.e.f 01/04/2003 PUBLIC NOTICE NO. 20(RE-03), DT. 01/08/2003
PUBLIC NOTICE NO. 20(RE-03), DT. 01/08/2003

Standard Input Output Norms

Attention is invited to Paragraph 2.4 of the Export and Import Policy 2002-2007, as amended and Paragraphs 4.9 and 4.10 of the Handbook of Procedures, Vol.1, 2002-2007, as amended and also to the Handbook of Procedures, Vol.2, 2002-2007, as amended from time to time.

2. In exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraph 2.4 of the Export and Import Policy 2002-2007, as amended, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes the following amendments/deletions/corrections and additions in the Handbook of Procedures, Vol.2, 2002-2007, as amended.

3. In the statement of Standard Input Output Norms as contained in the Handbook of Procedures, Vol.2, 2002-2007, as amended, amendments/ corrections/ deletion at appropriate places as mentioned in Annexure "A” to this Public Notice shall be made. 

4. In the statement of Standard Input Output Norms, following additions shall be made at appropriate places as mentioned below:-


After the existing entry at Sl.No.A-3211, new entries at Sl. No. A-3212 to A-3230 shall be added as per Annexure ”B” to this Public Notice. 


After the existing entry at Sl.No.C-1900, new entries at Sl.No.C-1901 to C-1906 shall be added as per Annexure ”C” to this Public Notice. 

5. This issues in public interest.



(F. No. 01/87/44/00001/AM-03/DES-VIII)

Annexure “A” to
the Public Notice No. 20
Dated: 01/08/2003


Sl. No.Page No.ReferenceAmendments/Corrections
1. 11 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A28 The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sl. No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
A28 4,4-Oxybis (benzene Solfonyl Hydrazide) 1 kg 1. Hydrazine Hydrate 80% 0.540 kg
2. Diphenyl Oxide 0.650 kg
3. Dicumyl Peroxide 0.060 kg
2. 138-139 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1002 The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sl.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
A1002 Vinyl Sulphone Ester (Acetanilide based) 1 kg 1.(a) Aniline Oil 0.600 kg
(b) Acetic Acid (Glacial) / Acetic Anhydride 0.480 kg
(c) Chlorosulphonic Acid 3.142 kg

0.958 kg

1(a) Acetanilide
0.800 kg
(b) Chlorosulphonic Acid 3.142 kg

0.958 kg

1. N-Acetyl Sulphanilyl Chloride
1.000 kg
2. Sodium Bi-Sulphite 0.491 kg

0.156 kg
3. Caustic Soda Flakes / Lye 1.000 kg
4. Ethylene Oxide 0.290 kg
5. Soda Ash 0.205 kg
3. 161 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1275 The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sl.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
A1275 High base Calcium Phenate Chemical Additive for Lubricating Oil containing Calcium Dodecyl Phenate 36.5% Min. & Polybutene Succinic Anhydride 4.5% Min. 1 kg 1. Dodecyl Phenol 0.335 kg
2. C20-C24 Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulfonic Acid (Sulfonic Acid) 0.024 kg
3. Polybutene 0.042 kg
4. Maleic Anhydride 0.005 kg
5. Hydrated Lime 0.176 kg
6. Isodecanol 0.010 kg
7. 150 Solvent Neutral 0.350 kg
8. Diatomaceous Earth (Filter Aid) 0.022 kg
4. 163 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1305 After import item at Sl. No. 1, the following additional import item (with quantity) shall be added:-
“2. LSHS/Furnace Oil 0.250 MT/MT 
3. Naphtha 0.039 MT/MT”
Note: CIF Value of input items 2 & 3 together is restricted to 6.6% of FOB value. 
5. 165 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1331 After import item at Sl. No. 3, the following additional import item (with quantity) shall be added:-
“4. LSHS/Furnace Oil 0.206 MT/MT 
5. Naphtha 0.043 MT/MT
Note: CIF Value of input items 4 & 5 together is restricted to 5.2% of FOB value. 
6. 168 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1371 After import item at Sl. No. 1, the following additional import item (with quantity) shall be added:-
“2. LSHS/Furnace Oil 0.192 MT/MT 
3. Naphtha 0.06 MT/MT”
Note: CIF Value of input items 2 & 3 together is restricted to 5.7% of FOB value. 
7. 173 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1435 After import item at Sl. No. 3, the following additional import item (with quantity) shall be added:-
“4. LSHS/Furnace Oil 0.217 MT/MT 
5. Naphtha 0.040 MT/MT”
Note: CIF Value of input items 4 & 5 together is restricted to 6.2% of FOB.
8. 244 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1902 The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

“Profenofos Technical (Minimum 87%)


{O-(4-Bromo-2-Chlorophenyl)-O-Ethyl-S-Propyl Phosphorothioate} (Minimum 87%)”
9. 254 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1985 The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sl.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
A1985 Vinyl Pridine Latex with 40% Solid content 1 kg 1. 2-Vinyl Pyridine Monomer 0.059 kg
2. 1,3-Butadiene 0.277 kg
3. Styrene Monomer 0.063 kg
4. Tertiary Dodecyl Mercaption 0.0026 kg
5. Emulsifiers e.g. Dresinate 214, Bandis T 80 KP, Bandis G 80 K Residesk D 100 Exp Pottasium Soap of Dis-proportionated 0.026 kg
6. Sodium Salt of condensed Naphthalene Sulphonic Acid e.g. OROTAN SN/TAMOL SN 0.00228 kg
7. Unsaturated Fatty Acids having C14-18 and C 16-18 0.0038 kg
8. 1,4, - Benzene Diol 0.000397 kg
10. 258 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A2026 1. The alternative import item at SL. No. 1, the following alternative import item (with quantity) shall be added:-   

Cane Sugar
1.1 kg”
2. After the import item at SL. No. 4, the following additional import item (with quantity) shall be added:-
“5. Furnace Oil 1.2 Ltrs.”
11. 5 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A2529  (Notified vide Public Notice No. 10 Dated: 30/05/2003) The description of import item at Sl. No. 2 & 4, the following import items (without any change in quantities) shall be amended to read as under:-

“2. Alkyd Resin namely Soya Long Oil length Alkyd Resin of 70% Oil length having Solid content 100%)”

“4. Petroleum Hydro Carbon Solvent (Distillation Range of 240-330 degree centigrade)”

12. 326 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A2537 The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

“Naphthol AS-ITR”
13. 337 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A2653 Quantity of import items at Sl. No. 4 & 5, shall be amended to read as under:-   

“4. 1.54 kg/kg

5. 1.837 kg/kg” 
14. 16 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A3069 (Amended vide Public Notice No. 46 Dated: 06/11/2002) The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

“Ferric Chloride 40% Concentration” 
15. 21 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A3093 (Notified Vide Public Notice No.46 Dated:06.11.2002) The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sl.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
A3093 Phenocyanol 1 kg 1. Meta Phenoxy Benzaldehyde 0.871 kg
2. Sodium Cyanide 0.318 kg
3. Iso Propyl Ether 0.136 kg
16. 22 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A3098 (Amended vide Public Notice No.46 Dated: 06/11/2002) After import item at Sl. No. 3, the following additional import item (with quantity) shal be added:-
“4. Methylene Dichloride 1.10 kg” 
17. 482 Engineering Product Sl.No.C27 The following Foot Note below this entry shall be added:-

“Note : 1. If the export product is Coated, in addition relevant Coating material may be allowed to the extent of 2% of the FOB value.” 
18. 515 Engineering Product Sl.No.C206 The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sl.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
C206 Enamelled Copper Wire 1 kg 1. Copper Rod / Copper Wire Rod (EC Grade) 1.01 kg/kg content in respect of he product having Diameter Upto 0.2 mm or 1.02 kg/kg Content in respect of the product having diameter above 0.2 mm
2. Insulating enamel/ Varnishes Upto 5% of FOB value of exports
19. 6-7 Engineering Product Sl.No.C517 (Notified vide Public Notice No.6 Dated:08/05/2003) The description of Foot Note. Nos 2, 3, & 4 shall be substituted by the following:-

“Note:2.In case of export of continuous cast billets/blooms/slabs, items at Sl.No.3(b) and 4(b)(i) shall not be allowed. Similarly against export of rolled bloom, billets, slabs through ingot route, refractory items 3(J) shall not be allowed. However, in case of export of rolled billets/ blooms/slabs produced out of continuous cast bloom/billets/slabs, both items mentioned at Sl.No.3(b) and 4(b) (i) shall be allowed. Further, against export of billets/blooms/slabs, quantities of all other inputs shall be reduced by 5%.

Note:3. In case of export of Ingots, import of items at Sl.No. 3(b), (c), (d), (J) & 4(b) shall not be permitted. Further quantity of other inputs shall be reduced by 10%.

Note:4. Quantity of Silico-Manganese shall not exceed 60% of total permitted quantity of 15 Kg” 
20. 558 Engineering Product Sl.No.C375 The Foot Note at Sl. No. 2 shall be substituted by the following:-

“Note: 2. If the export product is painted / coated, in addition relevant paint/ coating material may be allowed to the extent of 4% of the FOB value” 
21. 559 Engineering Product Sl.No.C381 The norm covered by this entry shall be deleted.
22. 605 Engineering Product Sl.No.C513 The description of import item at SL. No. 1, (without any change in quantity) shall be amended to read as under:-


Non-alloy Steel Re-Rollable Scrap as per IS : 2549-1994” 
23. 659 Engineering Product Sl.No.C837 The description of import item for export items (a) & (b) (without any change in quantity) shall be amended to read as under:-

“For export item (a)
Stainless Steel Wide Coils/ Strips of relevant grade”

“For export item (b)
Stainless Steel Wide Coils/ Strips of relevant grade” 
24. 829 Engineering Product Sl.No.C1579 The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

“Iron-Nickel Alloy(s) Wire/Strip of different composition”. 
25. 829 Engineering Product Sl.No.C1580 The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

“Nickel Chromium Alloy(s) Wire/Strip of different composition”. 
26. 829 Engineering Product Sl.No.C1581 The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

“Nickel- Copper Alloy(s) Wire/Strip of different composition”. 
27. 43 Engineering Product Sl.No.C1878 (amended vide Public Notice No. 03 Dated:31/03/2003) The description of import item at Sl. No. 1, (without any change in quantity) shall be corrected to read as under:-

“HR Sheet / wide Coil of relevant grade of Steel”. 
28. 46 Engineering Product Sl.No.C1884 (amended vide Public Notice No. 03 Dated:31/03/2003) The description of export item shall be corrected to read as under:-

“Seamless Steel Casing Tubes”. 
29. 28 Food Product Sl.No.E110 (Amended vide Public Notice No.54 Dated:03/01/2003) The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sl.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
E110 Wheat Flour/ Atta/ Suji/ Maida 50 kg 1. Relevant LDPE Bags (Inners) 1.01 kg/kg weight of the relevant Bag
2. Relevant HDPE Bags (Outer) 1.01 kg/kg weight of the relevant Bag
30. 1038 Plastics Product Sl.No. H-429 The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sl.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
H-429 Textile / Polyester (Yarn Braided Thermoplastic Hose 1 kg 1. Relevant Tyride / Polyester Elastomer (Hytrel OR Arnitel) / Polyamide/ Polyurethane Resin 1.05 kg/kg content in export product
2. Relevant Polyester Yarn 1.05 kg/kg content in export product
31. 1038 Plastics Product Sl.No. H-430 The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sl.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
H-430 Wire Braided Thermoplastic Hose/ Jack Gose/ Sewer Jetting Hose 1 kg 1. Relevant Tyride / Polyester Elastomer (Hytrel OR Arnitel) / Polyamide/ Polyurethane Resin 1.05 kg/kg content in export product
2. Relevant High Tensile Brass coated Steel Wire 1.05 kg/kg content in export product
32. 1132 Miscellaneous Products Sl.No.K-74 The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sl.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
K-74 Sanitary Ware 1000 kgs 1. Zirconium Silicate/ Opacifier 43 kgs
2. Ceramic Colours 10 kgs

White Prepared Pigments
10 kgs
3. Formers namely Bentonite, Alumina Limestone & Silica 25 kgs
4. Organic Binder relating to ceramic industry (Vinyl resin, HEC, Thermoplastic Resin) 9 kgs
Note : Item 2 i.e. Ceramic Colours shall be allowed only in case where Coloured (Non-white) Sanitary ware is to be exported and import of white prepared pigment shall be allowed in the case of export of Sanitary ware (White).
33. 22 Miscellaneous Products Sl.No.K-159 (Notified Vide Public Notice No. 15 Dated:07/07/2003) The SION entry at Sl. No. K-159 published by typographical mistake in FOOD Products Group but correct group shall be Miscellaneous Group.

Annexure “B” to
the Public Notice No. 20
Dated: 01/08/2003


Sl.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
A3212 2,6 Dipicolinic Acid 1 kg 1. 2,6 Lutidine 1.20 kg
2. Potassium Permanganate 8.00 kg
A3213 Alpha Picolinic Acid 1 kg 1. Alpha Picoline 1.50 kg
2. Potassium permanganate 5.80 kg
A3214 5,5-Dimethyl Hydantoin 1 kg 1. Ammonium Bicarbonate 0.830 kg
2. Acetone 0.609 kg
3. Sodium Cyanide 0.515 kg
A3215 1,3-Dichloro-5, 5-Dimethyl Hydantoin 1 kg 1. 5,5 Dimethyl Hydantoin 0.733 kg
A3216 Flush Magenta / Rubine for Printing Ink (containing Pigment 37% and Solid resin 25%) 1 kg 1. Pigment Magenta / Rubine namely Pigment Red 57:1 (C.I. No. 15850:1)/ Pigment Red 53:1 (C.I. No. 15850:1) 0.389 kg
2. Printing Ink Vehicle Plain (Solid content 64-68%) 0.393 kg
3. Alkyd Resin namely Soya Long Oil Alkyd Resin of 70% Oil length having solid content 100% 0.1 kg
4. Petroleum Distilate (Distillation range 240-330 degree C) 0.122 kg
5. Olyl Alcohol 0.012 kg
6. Antioxident 0.01 kg
7. Texanol Iso Butyrate 0.023 kg
A3217 Processed High alumina Body (containing 14 to 16% moisture) with binders for manufacture of ceramic products by Extrusion Process 1000 kgs 1. Calcined Alumina Powder 861 kg with 5% wastage on net content basis
2. Luvitec K-90 (Binder) 15.75 kg with 12% wastage on net content basis
3. Zusoplast PS1 (Plasticiser) 10.05 kg with 12% wastage on net content basis
4. Noval K23 2.625 kg with 12% wastage on net content basis
A3218 Hard Board (Wood Chip Board) 1 MT 1. Relevant Wood Log 2.0  MT
2. Linseed Oil 0.70 kg
3. Montan Wax 0.10 kg
4. Phenol 1.30 kg
5. Formaldehyde 1.68 kg
6. Furnace Oil 185 Liters
7. Paraffin Wax 2.33 kg
A3219 Pour Point Depressant / Flow Improver (containing 40% Total Solid / NVM in Xylene) (Behnyl Ester of Terpolymer in Xylene with 40% NVM) 1 kg 1. Behenyl Alcohol 0.332 kg
2. Xylene 0.651 kg
3. Styrene 0.059 kg
A3220 Polyolefin Amide Alkeneamine A Dispersant Additive for Lubricanting Oil containing Base Oil 40% and Polybutene Succinic Anhydride Ethylene Amine condensed component-60% 1 kg 1. Polybutene 0.520 kg
2. Maleic Anhydride 0.0569 kg
3. Ethylene Amine 0.0310 kg
4. 150 Solvent Neutral (Mineral Oil) 0.400 kg
5. Diatomaccous Earth (Filter Add) 0.0007 kg
A3221 An Ashless Oxidation inhibitor type of chemical Additive for Lubricating Oil containing 57% of Dodecyl Phenol Sulphide and 43% Mineral Oil 1 kg 1. Dodecyle Phenol 0.514 kg
2. Mineral Oil 0.425 kg
A3222 Fast Orange Salt RD (Azoic Diazo Component 49) (C.I. No. 37050) (Base as 4 Chloro 3 Amino Benzo Trifluloride content = 20%) 1 kg 1. 4-Chloro 3 Amino Benzo Trifluoride 0.249 kg
A3223 Tris (2,4 Ditert-butyl-Phenyl) Phosphite 1 kg 1. 2,4 Di-tertiary-Butyl Phenol 1.1958 kg
2. Phosphorous Tri Chloride 0.266 kg
3. Dibutyl Amine 0.037 kg
4. Iso propyl Alcohol 0.268 kg
A3224 Pigment Alkali Blue Flush (Pigment content 40%+/-2%, Solid Resin content minimum 40%) 1 kg 1. Aniline 1.084 kg
2. Mono Chloro Benzene 0.140 kg
3. Caustic Soda Flakes (Lye/ Flakes on 100% basis) 0.772 kg
4. Soyabean Oil 0.077 kg
5. Iso Phthalic Acid 0.013 kg
6. Pentaerythritol 0.036 kg
7. Petroleum Distillate (Distillation range 240-330 degree cen.) 0.241 kg
8. Rosin 0.215 kg
9. Fumaric Acid 0.005 kg
10. Dodecyl Phenol 0.010 kg
11. Paraformaldehyde 0.015 kg
12. Para Octyl Phenol 0.011 kg
13. Maliec Anhydride 0.001 kg
14. Para Tertiary Butylated Phenol 0.006 kg
15. Vista Oil 0.003 kg
16. Dimer Fatty Acid 0.002 kg
17. Aluminium Chelate 0.006 kg
A3225 Pigment Violet 19 (C.I. No. 73900) 1 kg 1. Dimethyl Succinylo Succinate 0.830 kg
2. Dimethyl Formamide 2.740 kg
3. Aniline 0.778 kg
4. Polyphosphoric Acid 5.900 kg
A3226 Poly isocyanate (Phenol Blocked Polyisocyanate Isocyanate content : 12.1 + 0.3% Colour & Appearance : Yellow Melting Point : 80 Degree-95 Degree C1 kg 1. Trimethylol Propane (TMP) 0.133 kg
2. Phenol 0.354 kg
3. Toluene di-Isocyanate (TDI) 0.515 kg
A3227 Normal Paraffin 1 MT 1. Kerosene 1.0 MT
2. Hydrogen 0.0544 MT
3. Normal Pentane 0.7 kg
4. Iso Octane 0.1 kg
5. ADS 34 0.2614 kg
6. Hydrobon Catalyst 0.047 kg
7. Heat Transfer Oil 4.5 kg
8. Fuel Oil 0.471 kg
9. Fullers Earth 0.01 kg
10. Stripped Additives (Surfactant with anti-Corrosive Formulation (e.g. DA2305/SR 1200/SR 1253/N5186/EC 1008A) 0.084 kg
A3228 Multi-layer Plastic Laminated Tubes with / without caps (5 layer printed) 1 kg 1. Relevant Plastic Laminated Film (core of Aluminium Foil covered on both sides with plastic film) 1.12 kg/kg content in the export product
2. U.V. Ink 0.5% of weight of multilayer film in the export
3. U.V. Varnish 0.3 of weight of Multilayer film in the export product
A3229 Acrylic Co-Polymer Beads 1 kg 1. Methyl Methacrylate Monomer 1.106 kg
2. Divinyl Benzene 0.07 kg
3. Poly Vinyl Alcohol 0.02 kg
A3230 Processed Bentonite Polyben Grade (Containing A-100 Polymer (Polyacrylate) = 1.5%) 1 kg 1. A-100 Polymer (Polyacrylate) 0.0153 kg
2. Soda Ash 0.040 kg
3. Sodium Tri-poly Phosphate 0.0075 kg

Annexure “C” to the
Public Notice No. 20
Dated: 01/08/2003


Sl.No.Export ItemQty.Import ItemQty. Allowed
C1901 High Grade, annealed Sponge Iron Powder 1 kg 1. Raw (Un-annealed) Sponge Iron Powder 1.01 kg
C1902 Finished / Semi-Finished Ring Joint Gaskets made from Non-Alloy Steel Plates 1 No. 1. Non Alloy Steel Plates 2.80 kg/kg content in export product
C1903 Hot rolled Non-Alloy Steel Plate/ Sheet/ Strip/ Wide Coil 1 MT I- Major Inputs Comprising of :

a. Non-Alloy Steel Melting Scrap
175 kg
b. Low Ash (Ash: 12% max.) Non-Coking Coal/ Low Ash (Ash: 15% max.) Metallurgical Coke 1100 kg
II-Additive comprising of :

a. Low Silica (Silica:1% Max.) Limestone
195 kg
b. Bulk Ferro Alloys (Ferro-Silicon / Ferro Manganese/ Silico-Manganese  6 kg
c. Other Ferro Alloys (Ferro Titanium / Ferro Molybdenum/ Ferro Niobium / Ferro Vanadium / Ferro Nickel/ Ferro Chrome/ Charge Chrome/ Ferro Boron/ Ferro Phosphorous) (provided the alloying element(s) is/are actually present in the Steel) 3 kg
d. Aluminium Bars/ Wires/ Shots/ Cubes and /or Powder in Cored Wire 2.25 kg
e. Calcium Silicide Lumps and/or Powder in Cored Wire 1 kg
f. Calcined Petroleum Coke 0.4 kg
g. Calcium Carbide based Desulphurisation Compound 2.6 kg
III–Miscellaneous Inputs comprising of :

a. Shaped Refractories (fired/ un-fired bricks/ Shapes)
5 kg
b. Monolithic Refractories (including Castables/ Ramming Mass/ Gunning Mixes 4 kg
c. Special Refractories (continuous Casting Refractory namely, Ladle Shroud, M. B. Stopper, S.E. Nozzles/ Slide Gate Refractory / HMD Lances/ LF Lances/ Argon Purging Refractories / Tundish Striker Pads / Ceramic Stones/ Tundish Turbo Stop 1 kg
d. CI/Steel Rolls for Hot Strip Mill 1 kg
e. Celox Inserts / Oxygen Measuring Probes 0.1 No.
f. Shear Blades / Saw Blades 0.01 kg
g. Ceramic Coated Oxygen Lancing Pipe 0.02 No.
h. Continuous Casting Powder 0.6 kg
i. Temperature Tips 0.1 Nos.
j. Graphite Electrodes for Ladle Furnace 0.1 kg
k. Copper Lined Mould for Casting 0.02 kg
l. Sampler Tips 0.15 Nos.
m. Rolls for Slab Caster 0.5 kg
Note : 1. The above norm is applicable only if the export product (s) is/are manufactured through Corex furnace-LD converter route.

Note : 2. The norms shall also be applicable for export of continuously cast steel slabs. However import item allowed at Sl. No. III(d) shall not be allowed against export of such Slabs; and the quantity of all other import items allowed shall be reduced by 3%.

Note : 3. Maximum quantity of Low Ash Metallurgical Coke allowed against Sl. No. I(b) shall be limited to 20% of the total quantity of 1100 kg.
C1904 Graphite Heat Exchanger (Cubical Block, Shell & Tube & Circular Block Type) 1 No. 1. Graphite Block 1.57 kg/kg content in the export product
2. Graphite Tube 1.37 kg/kg content in the export product
3. Non Alloy Steel Sheet 1.22 kg/kg content in the export product
4. Bellows 2 Nos.
5. Bellow Seal Assembly 1 No.
6. Gasket 57 Mtrs.
7. Flame Arrestor 2 Nos.
8. PRP Blower 2 Nos.
9. Quartz Glass 1 No.
10. O Ring 9 Nos.
11. Spring 5 Nos.
C1905 Stainless Steel Braided Teflon Hose Assembly for automotive application 1 No. 1. S.S. Braided Teflon Hose of relevant dia & grade 1.02 Mtr./ Mtr. Content in export product
2. Seamless Steel Tubes of relevant dia & grade 1.02 Mtr. / Mtr. Content in export product
3. Hardware Net to net
C1906 Zinc Plated Liquid Tight Steel Fitting with Ferrule & Locknut (Connector)-Size ½” to 4” 1 No. 1. Alloy / Non Alloy Hexagonal Steel bar (For Body & Nut) (a) 4 kg/kg content for sizes upto 2”

(b) 5 kg/kg content for size above 2”
2. Ferrules (made of (CRCA Sheet) Net to net 
3. Polypropylene (For Seal) 1.05 kg/kg content
4. LDPE Granules (For ‘O’ Ring) 1.05 kg/kg content
5. Nylon-6 (For Insuliner) 1.05 kg/kg content
6. H.R. Non Alloy Steel Coil / Sheet (For Locknut) 3.43 kg/kg content
7. Zinc 0.7% of the Steel weight to be galvanized

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