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PUBLIC NOTICE NO.57/2018, DT. 06/12/2018

Errata to PN No.50/2015-2020, DT. 26/11/2018 notifying procedure for allocation of quota for import of (i) Calcined Pet Coke for use as Calcined Pet coke (CPC) in Aluminium Industry and (ii) Raw Pet Coke for CPC manufacturing industry.


In Line 2 of the subject of the Public Notice No. 50/2015-2020 dated 26th November, 2018 is rectified to be read as under:

……Raw Pet Coke (1.4 Million MT) for CPC manufacturing industry - regd.

2. Line 1 of Para 2 (i) is rectified to be read as under:

Imports will be subject to guidelines laid down by Ministry of Environment,

3. Line 8 of Para 2 (ii) is rectified to be read as under:

………..Coke for CPC manufacturing industry is 0.7 Million MT.

4. Line 4 Para 2 (v) is rectified to be read as under:

………….valid till 31.3.2019 only for the purpose of imports.

5. Effect of this Public Notice: Errata to Public Notice No. 50/2015-2020 dated 26th November, 2018 issued.

(Alok V. Chaturvedi)

Director General of Foreign Trade and
Ex-officio Additional Secretary to the Government of India
Email: dgft@nic.in

[F. No: 01/93/180/03/AM-10/PC-2(A) Part-1]

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