Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy
DGFT Notification, Circulars... Public Notices Public Notices w.e.f 01/04/1998 PN No. 26/(RE-98)/1997-2002 Dated 05-08-1998
PN No. 26/(RE-98)/1997-2002 Dated 05-08-1998

ITC (HS) Classification - Export of Exotic Birds - Restricted list of Export

Attention is invited to the entry appearing at S.No. 2 of Chapter 16, Negative List of exports, Part I, Paragraph 16.1- prohibited items of the Export & Import Policy 1997-2002, as amended. Attention is also invited to the entry at Sl. No. 32 of paragraph 16.2 - Restricted items (Exports permitted under Licence)of the Export & Import Policy 1997-2002. 2. In exercise of the powers conferred under paragraph 4.11 of the Export & Import Policy 1997-2002, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby specifies the conditions and procedure to be followed in respect of the export of species of exotic birds as mentioned in Annexure I to this Public Notice.

3. All such exports shall be permitted only against an Export Licence to be issued by the Director General of foreign Trade.

4. Applications for grant of Export Licence may be made in the form given in Appendix 18A of the Hand Book of Procedure 1997-2002, Vol.I within 30 days from the date of issue of this Public Notice to the Director General of Foreign Trade, New Delhi. It shall be accompanied by a copy of valid Exports Order/Irrevocable letter of credit from the foreign buyer, a copy of the valid RCMC, a copy of the I.E.Code Number and a Certificate from the Chief Wild Life warden of the concerned state from where Exotic birds has been procured to the effect that the birds to be exported are from captive Bred Stock.

5. The Export Licensing Committee at the Headquarters may consider such applications on merits for issue of export licences which shall be subject to any condition as may be prescribed from time to time including the conditions of Quantitative Ceilings, pre-shipment inspection and CITES Certificates, wherever applicable.

6. The export licence shall be issued by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade only when the firm produces the Certificate in Original from the Chief/Wild Life Warden of the concerned state, from where the Exotic birds have been procured, to the effect that the birds to be exported are from Captive Bred Stock, to the Directorate General of Foreign Trade for endorsement and CITES Certificate wherever applicable.

7. Export of Species of Exotic birds as specified in Annexure-I to this Public Notice against licences issued during the licensing year 1998-99 shall be completed by 31st March, 1999.

8. This issues in the public interest.


(Issued from F. No. 01/91/162/273/99-PC.III )


Species of Exotic birds permitted for export under licence subject to such conditions as specified in the above Public Notice.

      1. Albino Budgerigars
      2. Bengali Finches
      3. Budgerigars
      4. Java Sparrow
      5. White Finches
      6. Zebra Finches

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