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DGFT Notification, Circulars... Public Notices Public Notices w.e.f 01/04/1998 PN No. 52/(RE-98)/1997-2002 Dated 05-11-1998
Public Notice No. 52 (RE-98)/1997-2002 dt.5/11/1998

Attention is invited to Paragraph 7.8 of the Export and Import Policy 1997-2002, as amended and Paragraphs 7.8, 7.9 and 7.10 of the Handbook of Procedures, Vol.1, 1997-2002, as amended and also to the Handbook of Procedures, Vol.2, 1997-2002 as amended from time to time.
2. In exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraph 4.11 of the Export & Import Policy 1997-2002, as amended, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes the following amendments/modifications and additions in the Handbook of Proceduces, Vol.2 - 1997-2002, as amended.

3. In the statement of Standard Input-Output Norms as contained in the Handbook of Procedures, Vol.2, 1997-2002, as amended, amendments / corrections at appropriate places as mentioned in Annexure "A" to this Public Notice shall be made.

4. In the statement of Standard Input-Output Norms, following additions shall be made at appropriate places as mentioned below:-


After the existing entry at Sl.No.A-2141, the new entries from Sl.No.A-2142 to A-2160 shall be added as per Annexure "B" to this Public Notice.


After the existing entry at Sl.No.C-1377, the new entries from Sl.No.C-1378 to C-1385 shall be added as per Annexure "C" to this Public Notice.


After the existing entry at Sl.No.E-70, the new entry as Sl.No.E-71 shall be added as per Annexure "D" to this Public Notice.

After the existing entry at Sl.No.H-392, the new entries from Sl.No.H-393 to H-397 shall be added as per Annexure "E" to this Public Notice.


After the existing entry at Sl.No.J-300, the new entries from Sl.No.J-301 to J-303 shall be added as per Annexure "F" to this Public Notice.


After the existing entry at Sl.No.K-118, the new entries from Sl.No.K-119 to K-120 shall be added as per Annexure "G" to this Public Notice.

5. This issues in Public interest.


Issued from File No.01/83/44/19/AM99/DES-IV

Annexure "A" to the
Public Notice No. 52
Dated: 5.11.98

Sl. No.Page No.ReferenceAmendments/Corrections
1.9Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A27The description of the export product shall be corrected to read as under:-

"4,4 Diamino Diphenyl Sulphone (Phamaceutical Grade)/ DAPSONE BP".
2.17Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A67The description of import item No.10 shall be corrected to read as "Acetonitrile".
3.23Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A108After import item 12, following alternatative items with quantity shall be added:-

12. i)D(-)Para Hydroxy P.G. Base
0.877 Kg
ii)Ethyl/Methyl Aceto Acetate0.717 Kg
iii)Methanol2.393 Kg".
4.55Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A319The word "Crude" shall be deleted from the description of the export product.
5.165Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1280 The norms covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sl. No.Export ItemImport Item
A1280 Cocoamidopropyl Betaine (36+/-2% Solids) (Active matter 29% minimum)1 kg1. Coco Methyl Ester 0.190 kg
1. Coconut Fattty Acid0.187 kg
2. Dimethyl Amino Propyl Amine0.087 kg
3. Sodium Mono Chloro Acetate 0.093 kg
Sl. No.Page No.ReferenceAmendments/Corrections
6.173Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1379Norms covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
A1379Liquid Paraffin Light/Heavy1 Kg.1. Base Oil1.10 Kg
7.194Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1576The description of the export product shall be amended to read as under:-

"Postal/Non-postal Stationeries such as various types and size of Plain, Printed envelopes/Window/Airmail Envelopes/Canvas coated products".
8.202Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1634The following note shall be added below this entry:-

"Note: The above norm is also applicable for formulation product."
9.240 to 241Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1782 to A1787 In these entries, the item "BOPP Film" shall be allowed as an alternative to the item "Cellophane Film". The quantity shall remain unchanged.
10.258Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1907Norms covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
(1)(2)(3)(4) (5)
A1907Sodium Mono Chloro Acetate Acid1 kg1. Monochloro Acetic0.837 kg

1. i)Acetic Acid
0.555 kg
iiAcetic Anhydride0.053 kg
iii)Sulphur0.0025 kg
2. Soda Ash0.470 kg
11.269Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A2000The description of the export product shall be corrected to read as under:-

"3,3 Dichloro Benzidine Dihydro-chloride".
12.269Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A2002 This norm shall be valid upto31.12.1998.
13.272 & 273Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A2026The description of alternative import item 3 shall be corrected to read as "BF3 Gas".
14.281Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A2095The description of import item 1 shall be corrected to read as under:-
"2,6 Diethyl Aniline".
15.282Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A2111 (Introduced vide Public Notice No.37 dated 10.9.1998)The description of the export product shall be corrected to read as "1 Chloro Naphthalene".
16.282Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A2141 (Introduced vide Public Notice No.37 dated 10.9.1998)The following foot note may be added below this entry:-

"For the export of Naphthalene Sulphonate of Sodium Salt with a filler, the quantity of raw material shall be reduced on pro-rata basis depending on the Naphthalene Sulphonate condensate in the end product".
17.375Engineering Products Sl.No.C26The description of the export product shall be corrected to read as "Crochet Hook (Alluminium)".
18.502 to 504Engineering Products Sl.No.C512At the end of the description of the export item following items shall be included:-

"Skelp, Rails & Sleelper".
19. 522 & 523Engineering Products Sl.No.C564After import item 22, the following alternative items with quantity shall be added:-

Cold Heading/ Extruding/Forging Steel Rounds/Bars/ Coils and Rods of Dia 13mm to 19.6mm"
9178.33 kgs
20.545Engineering Products Sl.No.C727The following items shall be included with the existing export product:-

21.570Engineering Products Sl.No.C9021. The quantity of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

"1 MT Connectors with/without Screws/Bolts and Locknut".

2. After import item 2, following additional items with quantity shall be added:-
"3. Machine Screws
Net to Net as contained in export product."
22.609Engineering Products Sl.No.C10581. The description of the exort product shall be amended to read as under:-

"Lead Acid Storage Battery/ Lead Acid Battery Cells".

2. Below this entry, the following Note shall be added:-

"Note: In case of Lead Acid Storage Battery, the container shall be of relevant type & size. However, in case the export is of Lead Acid Battery Cells, the contai ners shall not be allowed"
23.615,618 & 627Engineering Products Sl.Nos.C1063, C1070 and C1085The quantity of import item 1(b) against these entries shall be corrected to read as "1.10 kg/kg content in the export product".
24.665 & 666Engineering Products Sl.No.C13211. The description of the export product shall be amended to read as under:-

"Instrument Cooling Fan Sleeve Bearing type or Ball Bearing type 110V AC/ 115V AC/ 220V AC/ 230V AC/ 24V AC".

2. The description of the import item 9(e) shall be amended to read as under:-

"Varnish or Electrical Insulating Enamel".

3. After import item 9, following additional item with quantity shall be added:-
"10. Impellor1 Pc.
11. Thermistor 1 Pc."
25.723Food Products Sl.No.E67 Norm covered by this entry shall be deleted.
26.796Plastic Products Sl.No.H35The following note shall be added below this entry:-

"Note: For the export of the above resultant product of above 3 inch and upto 8 inch size, import item at Sl.No.1 with 2% wastage may be allowed".
27. 837 Plastic Products Sl.No.H232The word "Sacks" shall be deleted from the description of the export product.
28.850Plastic Products Sl.No.H278Norms covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
(1)(2)(3)(4) (5)
H278 PVC Rigid Film/ Sheet (General purpose/Stationary Grade)1 kg1. PVC Resin0.916 kg
2. Plasticizer (Epoxidised Soya bean Oil)0.018 kg
3. Pigments 0.005 kg
4. PVC Stabilizer0.028 kg
5. PVC Processing Aid0.014 kg
6. ABS Resin (PVC impact modifier)0.073 kg
7. Lubricants0.009 kg
Note: An additional 5% quantity for all the above items may be allowed in case the above resultant products are Cut Size films/ sheets/ (viz. Size A4, A3 etc.).
29.852Plastic Products Sl.No.H289Norms covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
H289Rigid PVC Film/ Sheet/Foil(Vacuum forming grade)1 kg1. PVC Resin0.830 kg
2. Plasticizer(Epoxidised Soya bean Oil)0.055 kg
3. Pigments0.005 kg
4. PVC Stabilizer0.030 kg
5. PVC Processing Aid0.016 kg
6. ABS Resin (PVC impact modifier)0.102 kg
7. Lubricants0.012 kg
30.874Sports Goods Sl.No.I101. The following foot note shall be added below this entry:

"Note: In case, the export is of PVC Synthetic Inflatable Football and Soccerball of size 3or4 with Butyl Bladder with waste foam filled inside, relevant size of Butyl Bladder with waste foam filled inside may be allowed for import".

2. In the description of the export product, the size "4/5" shall be amended to read as "3/4/5".

3. In import item 1, the size "4/5" shall be amended to read as "3/4/5".
31.926 & 927Textile Products Sl.No.J240Norms covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
J240Mohair,Acrylic, Polyester Nylon and wool Dyed blended Knitwears1 kg1. Mohair Top1.30 Kg/Kg content in the export product

Mohair Scoured
1.35 Kg/Kg content in the export product.
2. Acrylic Fibre1.30 Kg/Kg content in the export product.
3. Polyester Filament Yarn1.10 Kg/Kg content in the export product.
4. Nylon Fibre1.115 Kg/Kg content in the export product.
5. Scoured Wool1.40 Kg/Kg content in the export product.

Wool Top
1.30 Kg/Kg content in the export product.
6. Perchloro Ethylene5% of weight of Mohair in the export product.
7. Acrylic Dyes of 100% strength (Cationic Dyes)2% of weight of Acrylic content in the export product.
8. Disperse Dyes of 100% strength2% of weight of Polyester content in the export product.
9. Acid Dyes of 100% strength2% of weight of Nylon content in the export product.
10. Acid Dyes of 100% strength1.5% of weight of Wool content in the export product.
32.929Textile Products Sl.No.J252Norms covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:
J252Riding Breeches of Woven/Knitted Fabric with Full Seat of Artificial Leather Cloth1 No.1. Relevant type of Fabric2.12 Sq.Mtr.
2. Artificial Leather cloth1.05 Kg/Kg content in the export product.
3. Hook FastnersNet to net. 1 set of 4 pcs.
4. Zips of relevant size and specification Net to net.
33.958Miscellaneous Products Sl.No.K112The description of the export item shall be amended as under:-

"Cigarette Packaging materials viz. Hinge Lid packets, Hinge Lid blanks, Cigarette box outers, display outers, Flap boxes,Squre end parcels, inner frames, Bundle/Gay Wrap, end lables, Soft cup lables (in reels and sheets) shells and slides, Oval plain pack, Coupen inserts, Packet straps and printed sleeves".

Annexure "B" to
Public Notice No. 52
Dated: 5.11.98

Sl. No.Export ItemImport Item
A21422-Methyl Benz-hydryl Chloride1 kg1. Ortho Toluic Acid1.60 kg
2. Thionyl Chloride1.53 kg
3. Sodium Borohydride0.36 kg
A2143 2-Phenoxymethane Sulphonanilide1 kg1. Orthoamino Diphenyl Ether0.98 kg
2. Methane Sulfonyl Chloride 0.78 kg
A2144 Pigment Red 49:2 Rosinated1 kg1. Beta Naphthol0.254 kg
2. Tobias Acid0.402 kg
3. Sodium Nitrite 0.122 kg
4. Resin0.333 kg
A2145Metoxuron Technical 97% Minimum1 kg1. 3,4 Dichloronitro Benzene1.202 kg
2. Methanol0.602 kg
3. Caustic Soda0.250 kg

1. 3-Chloro P-Anisi-dine
0.780 kg
2. Dimethyl Amine 40%0.542 kg
A2146C.I. Pigment Red 52:1 containing 23.8% of Gum Rosin1 kg1. C. Acid0.354 kg
2. Bon Acid0.318 kg
3. Sodium Nitrite0.137 kg
4. Caustic Soda0.32 kg
A2147Senna Extract Dried Powder1 kg1. Methanol6.33 kgs
A21484-Carboxyphenyl-hydrazine Hydro-chloride (4-Hydr-azine Benzoic Acid Hydro chloride 1 kg1. Para Amino Benzoic Acid 0.81 kg
A2149 Polyurethane (Spandex) Yarn1 MT 1. Polytetramethylene Ether Glycol776 kgs
2. Diphenylmethane 4-4 Di-isocyanate199 kgs
3. Propylene Diamine29 kgs
4. Hydroxy Amylphenyl Benzotriazol 10 kgs
5. Tetramethyl- methylene Diphenylene Disemicarbazide 3 kgs
6. Titanium Dioxide40 kgs
7. Polyethylene Glycol Monolaulate 4 kgs
8. Acetic Anhydride6 kgs
9. Ultramarine Blue0.13 kg
10. Reactant Solution of Laulic Acid Hydrazide23.6 kgs
11. Isoscyanuric Acid10.0 kgs
12. Polydiethyl Amthoethyl Methacrylate Solution23.5 kgs
13. Magnesium Stearate3.0 kgs
14. Finishing Oil76.0 kgs
A2150Dimethyl Amino Ethyl Chloride Hydrochloride Minimum Purity 99%1 kg1. Dimethyl Ethanol Amine 0.91 Kg
2. Thionyl Chloride0.96 Kg
3. Ethylene Di-Chloride1.25 Kg
A2151Mixed Cyano Pyridines1 Kg1. Mixed Picolones (Alpha, Beta, Gamma content 92%) 1.163 Kg.
A2152Figured Glass (2 mm to 8 mm thickness)1 kg1. Soda Ash (dense) 96%0.202 Kg
2. Sodium Sulphate 96%0.337 Kg
4. Colouring Agent: Potassium Dichromate /Cobalt/ Nickel/Rouge/ Selenium0.01 kg
A2153Dimetridazole Hcl.1 kg1. Glyoxal 40%2.05 kg
2. Isopropyl Alcohol1.25 kg
3. Formic Acid1.19 kg
A2154Y Acid1 Kg1. 2-Amino 1-Hydroxy Benzene1.340 kg
A2155Imidazole1 KG.1. Glyoxal 40%2.70 kg
2. Isopropyl Alcohol0.70 kg
Note: The above norms are valid upto 31.3.99.
A2156Transformer Oil1 kg1. Transformer Oil Base Stock(TOBS)1.03 kg
A2157Sodium Salt of Phenol Sulphonic Acid Formaldehyde condensate containing:- i)Sodium Salt of Phenol Sulphonic Acid formaldehyde condensate (80%); and ii)Sodium Salt of Dicarboxylic Acid (14%)1 Kg1. Phenol0.379 kg
2. Formaldehyde (37%)0.327 kg
3. Caustic Soda Lye (50%)0.329 kg
4. Dicarboxylic Acid Mixture (C4-C6)0.126 kg
A2158Epopifam1 kg1. Para Hydroxy Phenyl Acetamide 0.79 kg
A2159Glass Fibre Reinforced (SMC) Polyester Boxes (Fibre Glass content content 31+/-1%)1 MT1. Fibre Glass330 Kgs
2. Low Profile Additive63 kgs
3. P.B. Quinone0.26 Kg
4. Catalyst(Ornganic Oeroxides)7.6 kgs
5. Magnese Oxide7.9 Kgs
6. Unsaturated Polyester Resin294 kgs
7. Filler 295 Kgs
8. Additive (By K w9075/W 9010)6.91 kgs
9. Coalthylene Powder11 Kgs
A2160 Dechlorination Catalyst (containing 50% of Zinc Oxide)1 kg1. Zinc Oxide0.525 kg

Annexure "C" to
Public Notice No. 52
Dated: 5.11.98

Sl. No. Export ItemImport Item
C1378Writing Boards made of coated Steel Sheet Surface1 No.1. Coated Steel Sheet Surface1.02 kg/kg content in the export product.
2. Galvanised Steel Sheet1.02 kg/kg content in the export product.
3. Aluminium Section1.02 kg/kg content in the export product.
4. ABS Moulding Powder1.05 kg/kg content in the export product.
C1379Brush Gear Assembly (for automobile starter motor)1 No.1. Carbon Brushes of relevant specification4 Nos.
C1380Clip Assembly1 No.1. Carbon Brushes of relevantl specification2 Nos.
C1381Gear Assembly1 kg1. Alloy Steel Bars/ Billets 1.70 kg/kg content in the export product.
2. Consumables:
a)Band Saw Blades
b)Die Block/Steel
c)No Carb Paste
d)Diamond Dresser for ID Grinding
e)Diamond Dresser Blade for angular wheel grinding machine
f)Grinding Wheel
g)Gun Drill
h)Involute Spline Broach
i)Welding Wire
j)Hob for 71 teeth gear
k)Gear Profile grinding wheel
l)Fassler Diamond dressing wheel
Uptp 4% of FOB value of export.
C1382Submersible/ Flexible Cables rating upto 1100 volts1 kg1. Copper Wire Rod/Bar1.02 kg/kg content in the export product.
2. PVC Compound1.05 kg/kg content in the export product.

2. a)PVC Resin
0.57 kg
b)Plasticiser(PVC)0.110 kg
c)Lubricant (Wax or Lead Stearate) 0.01 kg
Note: Quantity of item 2(a) to (c) are per kg of PVC Compound.
C1383Automobile Oil Filter1 No.1. CRCA-EDD Sheet (0.35mm to 4.5mm)1.45 Kg/Kg content in export.
2. Filter Paper Base, Impregnated, Satu-urated, Non-Woven 2 GSM 101-250 M21.05 Kg/kg content in export.
3. PVC Adhesive Compound/GlueNot exceeding 1% of FOB value of export.
4. Synthetic Rubber1.10 Kg/kg content in export.
C1384Bicycle Frames made of Aluminium1 Kg.1. Aluminium Extruded Tubes of relevant size in terms of I.D./O.D.1.02 Kg/kg content in export.
2. Filler Wire for Welding2% of net weight of export product.
C1385Plates for Lead Acid Storage Batteries for Automotive applications - CT +v or D -ve 1 No.1. Pure Lead1.02 kg/kg content in the export product.
2. Lead Alloy containing Antimony 2.5% to 2.8%1.02 kg/kg content in the export product.
3. Fibre (CA Flock)Net to net.
4. Vanislperse (Lignin)1.04 kg/kg content in the export product.

Annexure "D" to
Public Notice No. 52
Dated: 5.11.98

Sl. No.Export ItemImport Item
E71Processed Cheese1 kg1. Cheddar Cheese 0.8108 kg
2. Enzyme Modified Cheese0.0245 kg

Annexure "E" to
Public Notice No. 52
Dated: 5.11.98

Sl. No.Export ItemImport Item
H393Nylon 6-monofila- ment Yarn with 20% (by weight) Nylon 6-66 Copolymer (length 2.00 meter and dia 0.5 mm and above) for long lining (commercial fishing) 1 kg1. Nylon 6 - chips0.880 kg
2. Nylon 6 66 copolymer chips0.220 kg
3. Antioxidant0.002 kg
4. Surface Active Agent0.001 kg
5. Finish Oil0.001 kg
H394Nylon-6 Monofila-ment Yarn with 20% Nylon 6-66 Copolymer1 kg1. Nylon 6 - chips0.84 kg
2. Nylon 6-66 copolymer chips0.21 kg
3. Antioxidant0.002 kg
4. Surface Active Agent0.001 kg
5. Finish Oil0.001 kg
H395Thermoplastic Rubber Sole1 kg1. Relevant Thermoplastic granules (TPR Granules)1.035 Kg.
H396Phenol Formal-dehyde Resin1 kg1. Phenol0.843 kg
2. Paraformaldehyde Powder/Flakes 0.242 kg
H397Plastic Moulded Luggage Fiffings with or without Metallic components in various types and sizes1 kg1. Any of the following Polymer of in combination with other Polymers with or without Metallic components:
a)Poly Acetal
c)Nylon (Relevant Grade)
h)PVC Compound
k)PP Co-polymer
1.05 kg/kg content in the export product.
2. Metallic ComponentsNet + 1% wastage.

Annexure "F" to
Public Notice No. 52
Dated: 5.11.98

Sl. No.Export ItemImport Item
J301Ladies Sleevless Jackets (45%Azo Polyester & 55% Nylon) with/ without lining & Polyester wadding1 No.1. 2 Tone Taffeta Free Fabric containing 45% Polyester and 55% Nylon1.95 Sq.Mtr.
2. 190T100% Nylon Taffeta Poly/ Azo freez liningNet content + 5% wastage.
J302 Flax madeups1 kg1. Flax yarn1.05 Kg/Kg content in the export product.
J303Dyed Upholstry/Furnishing Fabrics made out of the Polyester Filament Yarn, Viscose Spun Yarn and Cotton Yarn1 kg1. Polyester Filament Yarn1.10 kg/kg content in export product
2. Viscose Spun Yarn1.10 kg/kg content in the export product.
3. Cotton Yarn1.10 kg/kg content in the export product.
4. Disperse Dyes of 100% Strength2% of weight of Polyester content in the export product.
5. Vat Dyes 1.5% of weight of Viscose content in the export product.
6. Reactive Dyes1.5% of weight of Cotten content in the export product.

Annexure "G" to
Public Notice No. 52
Dated: 5.11.98

Sl. No.Export ItemImport Item
K119Soft Stuffed Toys1 No.1. Circular Knitted Pile Fabric1.15 sq.mtr./sq.mtr. content in the export product.
2. Nylex Brushed Tricot1.15 sq.mtr./ sq.mtr. content in the export product.
3. Polyester Staple Fibre1.02 kg/kg. content in the export product.
4. Plastic Eyes in ABS plastic (Assorted sizes and colours)Net + 2% wastage.
5. Plastic Nose in ABS plastic (Assorted sizes and colours)Net + 2% wastage.
6. Ribbon of relevant width1.02 Mtr/Mtr content in the export product.
K120Adhesived Creped Paper Masking Tape1 Sq. Mtr.1. Adhesived creped Paper Masking Masking Rolls 1.05 Sq.Mtr.

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