TRADE NOTICE NO.01/2017, DT. 07/04/2017
Online issuance of RCMC
This Office has received a request from Chemical and Allied Export Promotion Council of India (CAPEXIL) for permission to issue online RCMCs along with the online format of RCMC (copy enclosed), slightly tweaked to adopt to the digital set up. The matter has been examined and it is observed that DGFT has not prescribed any specific mode i.e. manual or online, for issuance of RCMCs by the Export Promotion Councils (EPC). Accordingly, question of granting permission for issuance of online RCMCs does not arise.
2. In this regard, it is clarified that for introducing online applications, its processing and subsequent issuance of certificate, EPCs need not seek any permission from DGFT. As a matter of keeping pace with the Government's campaign for "Digital India", DGFT urges all EPCs to adopt the online mechanism for issuance of Certificates- to the extent that general format as prescribed in ANF - 2R of the Appendices and Aayat Niryat Forms of FTP (2015-20), is followed.
3. Accordingly, it has been desired that to be in sync with the current digital environment all EPCs may lay down a timeframe and a roadmap for changeover to online issuance of RCMCs and share the same with this Directorate.
This issues with the approval of competent authority.
(S.P. Roy)
Joint Director General of Foreign Trade
Telefax: 2306 2240
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