TRADE NOTICE NO.34/2020, DT. 12/11/2020
New Foreign Trade Policy - inviting suggestions regarding.
The Foreign Trade Policy (2015-2020), was extended for a year till 31 March 2021. In order to prepare a new five year Foreign Trade Policy, suggestions/inputs are invited from various stakeholders. To collate, analyze and for ease of processing the suggestions/inputs received, a Google Form has been created on the following link:
2. Stakeholders including Export Promotion Councils (EPCs), Trade/Industry Bodies/Associations, Commodity Boards, RAs and members of trade, industry are requested to send their suggestions/inputs only through above-mentioned Google Form, rather than email or paper based submissions within fifteen days from the date of issue of this Trade Notice.
(SBS Reddy)
Additional DGFT
(Issued from File No. 01/75/171/00001/AM21-FTP Cell)
Presented by