Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy
DGFT SION SION General notes (wef 01/04/2003) ENGINEERING TABLE NO. 11

Export Item - ERW Steel Pipes / Tubes (Galvanised)

Sr. No.Export Item Standard)Pipe thickness
  1 mm and below Above 1 mm to 2 mm Above 2 mm to 3 mm Above 3 mm to 4 mm Above 4 mm to 5 mm 5 mm and above
1. ASTM 0.14 kg 0.075 kg 0.055 kg 0.04 kg 0.035 kg 0.03 kg
2. Other than ASTM Standard 0.10 kg 0.055 kg 0.04 kg 0.03 kg 0.025 kg 0.02 kg

(Above Table No. 11 has been added vide PN No. 77/2003, Dt. 26/08/2004)

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