Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy

1. An Advance Licence for export of products at Sl. No; E54, E55 & E56 will be issued subject to the condition that the applicant (in case of manufacturer exporter) or applicant"s supporting manufacturer (in case the applicant is merchant exporter) shall produce a certificate from the Spices Board confirming his own manufacturing capacity.

2. The import of Cloves, Cinnamon, Cassia & Clove buds under Advance Licences shall be allowed for the export products as mentioned at Sl. Nos. E-54, E-55, E-56 & E-114 only. Advance Licences for import of Cloves, Cinnamon, Cassia & Clove buds shall be issued with prior import condition.

(Note No. 2. has been substituted vide PN. No. 50/2003, Dt. 16/02/2004)

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2. The import of Cloves, Cinnamon & Cassia under Advance Licences shall be allowed for the export products as mentioned at Sl. Nos. E-54, E-55 & E-56 only. Advance Licences for import of Cloves, Cinnamon & Cassia shall be issued with prior import condition.

(Note No.2. has been substituted vide PN No. 27(RE-03), Dt. 06/10/2003)

2. The import of Cloves, Cinnamon & Cassia under Advance Licences shall be allowed for the export products as mentioned at Sl. Nos. E-54, E-55 & E-56 only. Advance Licences for import of cloves shall be issued with prior import condition.

(Note No. 2. has been substituted vide PN No. 21(RE-03), Dt. 01/08/2003 )

2. The import of Cloves, Cinnamon and Cassia under Advance licences shall be allowed for the export products as mentioned at Sl. Nos. E-54, E-55 and E-56 only. However, the import of Cloves under Advance licence shall also be allowed for export of Oleoresin Clove.

(Note No. 2. has been amended vide PN No. 44(RE-02), Dt. 18/10/2002)

2. The import of Cloves, Cinnamon & Casia under Advance Licences shall be allowed for the export products as mentioned at S. Nos. E54, E55 & E56 only. ]

3. Applications for advance licences under para 4.7 and under para 4.4.2 of the Handbook of Procedures, Vol 1 (1st April, 2003-31st march, 2007) for import of cardamom shall be issued by the Regional Licensing Authorities only under “prior import condition of cardamom.

(Note No. 3. has been added vide PN No. 21(RE-03), Dt. 01/08/2003 )

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