Application for removal of excisable goods from a factory or a warehouse to another warehouse
(Also called A.R.E. 3 for Export Warehousing)I/We holder(s) of Central Excise Registration No......................................have undertaken to remove the under mentioned goods from the factory/warehouse at............................................. to the warehouse at ........................................... in Range............................. Division........................................... of the Mr./Messrs.................................................................................. holders of Central Excise Registration No. ..............................................................
Number and date of entry in wareh ouse register | Descri- ption of goods | No. and descri- ption of pack- ages | Gross weight of pack- ages | Marks and num- bers on pack- ages | Quan- tity of goods | Date of first ware- housing | Value | Duty | No. & date of invoice(s) for re- moval of goods | Manner of trans- port | Re- marks |
Rate | Amount |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
| | | | | | | Rs.P. | Rs.P. | Rs.P. | | | |
I/We hereby declare the above particulars to be true.
Place ....................
Date .....................
Signature of consignor(s) or his/their authorized agent.
Certificate of warehousing by the consignee
(on original and duplicate)I/We hereby certify that the consignment arrived at.........................................on..............................that the goods conform in all respects to the description given overleaf except for the following discrepancies, and that they have been warehoused under Entry No. ...........................of the register maintained in the warehouse.
Particulars of discrepanciesNo. and description of packages not received | Quantity short received | Duty payable on the shortage | Remarks |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| | | |
Place ....................
Date .....................
Signature of consignee(s) or his/their authorized agent.
(Above Annexure 25 has been vide
CIR. No.579/16/2001-CX, DT. 26/06/2001)
Application for removal of excisable goods from a factory or a warehouse to another warehouseI/We holder(s) of Central Excise Registration No...................................... have undertaken to remove the under mentioned goods from the factory/warehouse at ............................................. to the the warehouse Range.............................Division ........................................... of the Mr./Messrs .................................................................................. holders of Central Excise Registration No. ..............................................................
Number and date of entry in wareh ouse register | Descri- ption of goods | No. and descri- ption of pack- ages | Gross weight of pack- ages | Marks and num- bers on pack- ages | Quan- tity of goods | Date of first ware- housing | Value | Duty | No. & date of invoice(s) for re- moval of goods | Manner of trans- port | Re- marks |
Rate | Amount |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
| | | | | | | Rs.P. | Rs.P. | Rs.P. | | | |
I/We hereby declare the above particulars to be true.
Place ....................
Date .....................
Signature of consignor(s) or his/their authorized agent.
Certificate of warehousing by the consignee
(on original and duplicate)I/We hereby certify that the consignment arrived at......................................... on .................... ..........that the goods conform in all respects to the description given overleaf except for the following discrepancies, and that they have been warehoused under Entry No. ...........................of the register maintained in the warehouse.
Particulars of discrepanciesNo. and description of packages not received | Quantity short received | Duty payable on the shortage | Remarks |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| | | |
Place ....................
Date .....................
]Presented by