Production register-cum-account current to be maintained by
the manufacturer of embroidery working under special procedureName and Address of the Manufacturer __________________________________
First Shift Second Shift Third Shift | : : : | From From From | ____________ ____________ ____________ | | hours to hours to hours to | ____________ ____________ ____________ | hours hours hours
| | Month _______, 20_____ Registration No.________ Account Current No.____ |
Date | Shift | Descri- ption of variety of the embro- idery | Descri- ption of the base fabrics | Particulars of machines intended to be employed during the shift | Rate per metre length of the mach- ine per shift (Rs.) | Num- ber and date of the credit docu- ment under which the amount depo- sited in the Tre- asury | Am- ount Depo- sited (Rs.) | Total sum pay- able and debi- ted (Rs.) | Bal- ance(Rs.) | Quantity of the embro- idery manufa- ctured during the Shift (Square meters) | Re- marks | Sig- nature of the manu- facturer or his autho- rised agent |
| | | | Number | Serial Numbers allotted as per the appli- cation | Total metre length | | | | | | | | |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) | (11) | (12) | (13) | (14) | (15) |
(Above Annexure 32 has been vide
NTF. NO.33/2001-CE, DT. 28/06/2001)
Production register-cum-account current to be maintained by
the manufacturer of embroidery working under special procedureName and Address of the Manufacturer __________________________________
First Shift Second Shift Third Shift | : : : | From From From | ____________ ____________ ____________ | | hours to hours to hours to | ____________ ____________ ____________ | hours hours hours
| | Month _______, 20_____ Registration No.________ Account Current No.____ |
Date | Shift | Description of variety of the embroidery | Description of the base fabrics | Particulars of machines intended to be employed during the shift | Rate per metre length of the machine per shift (Rs.) | Number and date of the credit document under which the amount deposited in the Treasury | Amount Depo sited (Rs.) | Total sum payable and debited (Rs.) | Balance(Rs.) | Quantity of the embroidery manufactured during the Shift (Square meters) | Remarks | Signature of the manufacturer or his authorised agent |
| | | | Number | Serial Numbers allotted as per the application | Total metre length | | | | | | | | |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) | (11) | (12) | (13) | (14) | (15) |
]Presented by