REGISTRATION OF CONTRACTS1. Every Project Authority specified in the notification desirous of obtaining supplies under benefits of this notification shall apply in writing to the Director General, Directorate General of Inspection (Customs and Central Excise) [hereinafter referred to as DGICCE], 5 th Floor, Drum Shape Building, I.P. Estate, New Delhi for registration of the contract through Ministry of External Affairs as soon as the contract has been concluded with the suppliers;
2. The application shall be accompanied by the original deed of contract and list of items duly approved by the Ministry of External Affairs;
3. The Project Authority shall also furnish such other documents or other particulars as may be required by the DGICCE in connection with the project.
4. DGICCE, on being satisfied, shall register the contract by entering the particulars in a Register maintained separately for each project and shall assign a number in token of registration and communicate the same to the Project Authority and shall also return to the project authority all original documents which are no longer required. This number shall be indicated on all the invoices and other related documents.
5. A copy of the contract so registered along with the approved list of items shall be forwarded to the Commissioner of Central Excise having jurisdiction over the factory/warehouse to which the contract pertains for extending benefits under this notification and consequent benefits under the Central Excise CENVAT Credit Rules, 2001 to the supplier.
AMENDMENT OF CONTRACT1. If any contract referred to hereinabove is amended, whether before or after registration, the Project Authority shall make an application for registration of amendments to the said contract to the DGICCE.
2. The application shall be accompanied by the original deed of contract relating to the amendment and a list of items pertaining to amendment, if any, duly approved by the Ministry of External Affairs.
3. On being satisfied that the application is in order the DGICCE shall make note of the amendments in the relevant entries.
4. The DGICCE shall forward copy of the amended contract and the amended list of items, if any, to the concerned Commissioner of Central Excise.
FINALISATION OF CONTRACT1. Each Project Authority shall submit a statement of supplies received on quarterly basis along with relevant invoices and other documents to the DGICCE within one month from the last date of the quarter.
2. The Commissioner of Central Excise to whom a registered contract has been forwarded shall forward a statement, after all the items covered under the contract have been exported, to the DGICCE.
3. The DGICCE shall, on receipt of the statement, reconcile both and, if satisfied, finalise the contract and close the entry in the register.
(Above Annexure 36 has been vide
NTF. NO. 45/2001-CE(N.T.), DT. 26/06/2001)
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