Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy

Intimation of receipt of Duty Paid Goods into the Factory Premises


The Superientendent of Central Excise,
Divn._____________, Ahmedabad - II.


I/ We hereby declare that the under mentioned duty paid excisable goods have been received into our registered factory premises on (date) __________ at (address) ______________________________________ for purpose of _______________________

Name and address of the manufacturing factoryNo. and date of invoice under which duty has been paid
(if can be ascertain)
Description and variety of goodsNature of containers/ packages and identifying makes on goods and containers/ receivedName and address from whom goods receivedQuantity as shown in the invoiceQuantity receivedRemarsk

I/We hereby declare (1) that proper entry of the aforesaid goods has been made in our account books/registers, and (2) that the goods have been stored __________________ (specify the place of storage) vide E. No. _________ (of Annexure "58").

Signature of assessee
or his authorised agent

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